Friendly Fill-Ins


It’s Friday!  Can you believe it?   Amazing that time flies like it does……………and it’s time to do the fill-ins with our cohosts Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing!     You know I like to switch things up with Mom – sometimes I let HER fill in and other times I do it myself……….or we might split the duty!    This is a great way to get to know each other more don’t you think????

Here are the sentences they gave us with blanks for this week and know what?   I let Mom do THREE and I did ONE!    My ONE is BLUE and her THREE are GREEN!!!!!

1. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into turkey and stuffing on Thanksgiving.   (my favorite things!)
2. I will pass on NOTHING on Thanksgiving.
3. I wish DELECTIBLES SQUEEZE-UPS (tuna!) was served at holiday gatherings.   (Mom says they WILL be on MY Thanksgiving plate – not hers!)
4. I will always be thankful for the life I have – I’ve been very fortunate.

Okee Dokee Mom – I’m going to hold you to your promise about those squeeze-ups……….I know you and Dad won’t be here for Thanksgiving dinner but if you leave me my squeeze-ups I’ll be happy as can be (oh and bring me back some turkey too please!).

The Thankful Duo of Mom and Teddy……………

45 responses »

    • Glad you’re giggling…….it’s good for you! Yeah I turn into a human vacuum cleaner on Thanksgiving – I somehow manage to get a little of everything on one plate… least TWICE. HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Pam


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am sure your folks will make sure you get the squeeze ups instead of turkey and stuffing 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend. XO


  2. Teddy, we think it is pretty funny that you and we did the third fill-in; though, we asked for Temptations. Mom. Feels exactly the same about herself as Mom Pam does in #4. Good job. Love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Tyebe the squeeze-ups are REALLY delish and tell your Mom she can get them from Chewy or on Amazon – EVERYONE has them including (thank heavens) our grocery store! Talk about delicious? WOWZERS!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Squeeze-ups sound like just the thing, T. Yum! I will eat my normal kibbles with a little bit of chicken mixed in. Mom will eat up all the good stuff at a restaurant. Stuffing is her favorite. Someday, I plan to steal some. …I mean share some.

    Love and licks,


    • Mom has never shared the stuffing thing with me even though she brings some back from their Thanksgiving meal BUT maybe I’ll give it a lick this time around – you know – just a sample!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Hope your plate is filled with those squeeze ups! I myself do not care for Tuna, go figure. I like chicken and such like. Oh and liver.

    Hope your peeps have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Petcretary will be at her work…there might be some leftover special meal there um…nah, pass, MOL!

    (We are doing our gathering the day before.)


  5. Teddy, you and your mom always have such purrfect fill-ins! We can’t wait for that turkey either. Teddy, does your mom every share any nibbles of it with you? And can you believe, Teddy, that this here human has yet to let her kitties even try those famous squeeze-up treats? How rude of her! She needs to get them some of those for Christmas, at the very least. Purrs!


    • Know what? I don’t eat ANY people food – nothing. I will sniff it and act like I’m about to take a chomp but so far, I haven’t eaten a thing. Oh – I did lick a popsicle three times when Mom offered one back when I first came to live here though! Does that count? I do think that you should try those Squeeze-up treats out on your sweet kitty crew though….they make a GREAT stocking stuffer!

      Hugs, Teddy


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