Sunday Selfies Hop


Here we are again on a HOPPING Sunday – doing our SELFIES and checking each other out.    If you’d like to join in the fun – just click the badge above and link up with us.

I am going back to my “FLASHBACK SELFIES” today – I like to take a peek at ME a year or two ago about this same date…… some cases I’ve changed a whole lot in other cases I look about the same.   Let’s see what I can find in my photo album for THIS week!!

Well lookie what I found in the files!    A selfie that Mom already pizapped – this one is from November 19, 2017 and YES I am peeking out of my left eye so it’s a “single laser shot” !    Mom couldn’t find the original photo so must have used IT to do this fancy photo but I really haven’t changed THAT much in a couple of years.    Well, maybe added a pound or two or three.

She did a puzzle for those of you who want a challenge.   This will make a very colorful puzzle for sure………………………..

Click this MINI-ME and you’ll get the challenging puzzle of the “not so mini-me” !!!



52 responses »

  1. Love the cat blankie and you look super cute and colorful! I will try the puzzle this afternoon. Thanks for sharing a puzzle of your ginger self! A chilly 52 here right now. I have my flannel shirt on over my jammie top… Brrrrrrrrrrrr. “We” will refuse to turn on the heat because it’s such a wuss kind of thing to do when you live in Floridadodeeeeeeee!


    • Hi Miss Pix! It’s in the 30s here and Dad is about to start a fire in the fireplace which we will keep going ALLLLLLLLLLLLL day. I foresee lots of snooziness (Mom too I’m sure!) as a result of the cozy fire. Maybe “YOU” will change your mind about turning on the heat – after all – I’d be wiling to bet your neighbors have theirs on!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • “We” don’t like to turn on the heat because it makes it all hot in here when the sun comes out as it usually does in Floridadoo but I don’t think we are going to see the sun today and the high for today is 67 so I don’t think it is going to warm up much in here. “He” has left to check out trees with the landscape committee and would never know if I turned on the heat to take the chill off… Hahaha! Our neighbors are all strong in the Florida ways! Your fire sounds so nice… enjoy! I am sure you can find an appropriate adult beverage to enjoy in front of the fire this afternoon!


  2. Teddy, this is fabulous. We love the vibrant colors, the one eye open and, of course, that adorable belly. Thanks for being our friend and faithful hopper. We love you. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I was already working on that belly early on after I moved in with Mom and Dad wasn’t I ……and keeping a watchful eye open which is something I learned at the shelter AND wherever I was before the shelter! Glad you like the flashback photo of yours truly!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Sorry to be so late, I am prepping for a craft fair and got all behind. I LOVE that sneako little eye it really made me laugh!

    Have a good week!


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