Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday


Gosh is it Friday already?  I guess so – I know it’s time for filling in sentences with our co-hosts 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs because I have four sentences each of them posted today and they are FULL of holes needing filled!    Now I need to figure out if Mom and should SHARE filling in the blanks OR if one of us should do all of them…….hmm………..I think I’ll let Mom do two and I’ll do two.    The ones she fills will be in RED and mine will be in BLUE !

1. Whenever I go outside, I always sniff the air first to see if any introoders are around.
2. Getting old is not as bad as I thought it would be when I was YOUNG!.
3. Good things come to those who BEG !!.
4. Lack of sleep makes me grumpy.

OK – DONE!    Two for Mom and two for ME.     Mom thinks I shouldn’t have answered #3 like I did but I have learned that if I do something extra CUTE, I get a treat.   I’m no dummy!!!
If you’d like to fill in these sentences in your OWN way, just click on 15andmeowing’s badge up at the top of the page and link up.   We’d love to read what YOU have to say too.
Yikes....that's a lot of raking needing to be done!


Happy Friday!!!  Hugs from me and Mom

55 responses »

  1. you said something super special..YES!!! it is true! as we were young we could not wait to get older to see a movie or to go to a piglet race friday night… and now as we are old as youknowwhat we wish to be young (or younger) … what’s wrong with us? hahahahahaha


  2. That picture of you and your mom there never EVER fails to make me smile. The look on your mom’s face says I love YOU Teddy!
    Katie Isabella


  3. Lack of sleep makes me grumpy too. Unfortunately the only time I sleep well is when we are on a cruise so I have to catch up then. Maybe we should go and live on a cruise ship!


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from both of you. Lack of sleep makes me grumpy too, but not as much as lack of caffeine. And Teddy, you are always cute so you must get treats all day long. Have a nice weekend! XO


    • Well come to think of it, suggesting DOES sound a lot better………I’ll suggest to Teddy that he use that word instead! 🙂 When and if I get an actual taker on the leaves I’ll make sure they swing by your place and pick up a double dose!!!!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Teddy I totally agree with #’s 2,3 and 4, just yesterday I told Dad of Madi, I thought the smell of the leaves on the ground reminded me to the smell of a tobacco barn at my Great Uncle’s farm.
    Hugs cecilia


        • I’m not sure why people don’t like them but in our case, my Mom and Dad prefer to see the LAWN instead of dead leaves. I like dead leaves because they crunch when you step on them….and they make a nice comfy bed that keeps me warm when I’m outside. I guess my Mom and Dad don’t often curl up for a nap outside like I do!!!!!

          Hugs, Teddy

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Fun answers you guys. I think I too will pass on the leaves. We have them and we don’t have a single tree in our yard. Our Neighbors share theirs. lol


  7. Teddy, you and your mom both filled in the fill-ins purrfectly! When this here human reached adulthood, it didn’t seem as scary as it did in those years of youth. Adulting can be difficult, but it also can be wonderful. Teddy, we bet the sight of adorable you begging gets you lots of goodies. We certainly wouldn’t be able to resist you! Purrs!


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