Teaser Tell All


Thanks to our new Security Guard and her team, the classroom has been “swept” and the outside of our school including grounds have been patrolled and we are SAFE AND SECURE and ready to ROCK the Tell All!

Wasn’t that a cool photo yesterday?    We want to thank our GUEST TEASER Miss Jackie for sending it to us…….everyone loved the horse sculpture…………we will tell you more about it later but we want to give Miss Jackie a thank you badge for sending the photo in!

My photo was used on the TEASER CONTEST on August 3, 2019!

Thank you Miss Jackie from TWO DEVON CATS!!!!!

Miss Jackie you sure do go to some very cool spots!   

Here’s the scoop on the badges we will be handing out today…………………first up – FIRST COMMENTER.    We had TWO yesterday – two early birds who caught their worms (hahaha).

Miss Janet from The Cat On My Head and Miss Jackie from Two Devon Cats!    


I was one of TWO First Commenters on the Teaser of August 3, 2019 – WOO HOO FOR US!

You each get to take home one of these beauties!

Here’s the photo from Miss Jackie that we used for Teaser yesterday………………………

We absolutely love love love this sculpture.   This looks to be a very fun place to visit too and Miss Jackie and her husband visited recently and took this photo among others.   Where it this?   It’s Acton Scott Victorian Farm in Shropshire, England……….and if you’d like to get some additional info on this place and see some gorgeous photos of the grounds and places you can stay and see just CLICK HERE.

WHO was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on this fabulous Teaser for this week?

Phenny and Neilson and their Mom! WOO HOOOOOO!



We were FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser of August 3, 2019!

Did you guess it too?   As of the writing of this post, nobody else had “got it” but just in case YOU did after we wrote this, here’s your badge:

I was RIGHT but not FIRST on the Teaser of August 3, 2019!

And if you guessed but were WRONG?  Well you get a badge too!

Whaaa! I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of August 3, 2019. Boo Hoo

I’m speechless – I thought I’d be right with my guess and I thought I was first in class…..but I don’t wear a watch so I didn’t know!

The Cheer Team wants to congratulate those who won (and tease those who lost) – you know how they are!

Here we are, cute and funny
So much more adorable than the Easter bunny!
We say RAH RAH for Jackie and Janet
The rest of you must have been on some other planet!
Then came our FIRST RIGHT GUESSERS from our Brittany Team
Phenny, Nellie and Mom made the rest of you scream!
Someone has to win and someone has to lose
I bet we know which one you’d choose!!!!!!
Clowie and Team kept us from harm…..
They’re not only CUTE but full of charm.
See you next week and you’d better do better
Or you’ll probably hear from the principal in a NASTY LETTER!

GOSH girls – you certainly whacked everyone over the head with your cheer today didn’t you!

There you have it – another Teaser class come and gone.   Next week we’ll have another GEM for you I’m sure.    In the meantime, if you need some solace (or lunch) then let’s go eat in the cafeteria!!!!!

Guess what!  It’s Mexican Day in the cafeteria…..we have other stuff too but we’re HOT for Mexican food today!

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Ole’!    Enjoy lunch and we will wait for you on the bus to take you home.   Until NEXT Tuesday when we drag you off to geography class again!

Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy too!

44 responses »

  1. Congrats to Da Phenny and Da Nellie for being the only right guessers! Congrats also to me and Miss Janet for being the early birds.
    I have just had breakfast ( I can’t eat early) but I will order the Mexican shrimp with lime for lunch please.


  2. Congratulations to all of the winners. That is a very interesting place, the horse is cool! A thank you to Clowie for making sure school was safe this morning! I have to do beans, rice and enchiladas if it is Mexican Day. I will take a Grouper sandwich for dinner… thank you!


  3. Oh boy, flan, and a badge as well. Great day for Kitties.Blue. Congrats to the other winners. Thanks for giving us a shout out, cheer team. Love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  4. Hi Pam! Sent you an email to say I can’t comment on Thursday’s post. I can see the post but get error 404 when I try to comment.


    • Hi Jackie! Got your note – just did a TEST with a comment and it registered alright. I couldn’t find any problem with the post or any reason why it shouldn’t take comments……try again? My “testing” one shows up!

      Hugs, Pam


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