Sunday Selfie


Selfie Time!!

Sundays wouldn’t be the same without the Selfie Blog Hop hosted by our buddies Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head.    EVERYBODY loves to show off a bit on Sundays and if you wanna give it a whirl, please do – just click on their badge and hook up with us!    Then you can visit everyone more easily and tell them how FAB they look.

Mom caught in a bit of an embarrassing shot yesterday.   I know – you’re saying you’ve seen me in worse positions like flat on my back with my “WHATEVER” showing – BUT this time I was innocently sleeping in a different position and before I knew it she’d captured it on film.   She seems to delight in capturing me in positions like that so I suppose I will just indulge her and allow it.  After all, she supplies me with FOOD and HUGS………..don’t want to ruin a good thing.

Here’s the “before she messed with it” photo……………..then the one she jazzed up with the “Sunshine” art effect on LUNAPIC then added the pale blue border on PIZAP.    Yes she does like to play around with photographs but what can I say?    Oh – and we did a jigsaw too just in case you REALLY want to drive yourselves nuts today.

Moooooom!   Really??

Click image for jigsaw fun!

Happy Sunday, Teddy



58 responses »

  1. As long as you are comfy that’s the most important thing. That is a lovely art effect for you, Teddy. I will be back later to do the puzzle.


  2. Even your butt is cute. You are a little early for tocktober though 🙂 I will do the puzzle later today. I hope it isn’t too tough, I am so challenged with puzzles. Have a great day! XO


    • Oh thanks for reminding me about Tocktober….this is the perfect shot for that! The puzzle is EASY – Mom put a frame around it and it helps a lot! Speaking of puzzles there’s a new one at Scouts too!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Hey Teddy! You look great in your selfie, but I think your mom’s artsy take is pretty good too. The Human said she’s gonna do the jigsaw! I thought when she retired two months ago I would be getting improved service, but honestly, that just has not happened. But she says she’ll try to do better and hope springs eternal, right?


    • Good luck Spitty – you know by now that humans have giant ideas which sometimes never get beyond the “germ” stage! I think your Human will settle into retirement soon – it’s all new right now – my Mom did the same thing when she retired – she was an ANIMAL – she did everything, went everywhere, never stopped for a minute and THEN – one day – she said “why am I going nuts like I did when I worked???”……..since then it’s been all laps, naps, and SPOILING THE KITTY. Trust me. STAY HOPEFUL!

      Hugs, Teddy


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