Tag Archives: avocado sandwich

Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Ta-Da!  Here we go………….It’s time to fill in the blanks and learn more about each other with Fill-Ins.    Our co-hosts, Ellen of 15andMeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs give us four sentences every week that have blanks for filling.   When we fill them in, we wind up SHARING info about ourselves and everyone gets to know us better.   Nothing wrong with that right?    More fun!!    Want to join us?   Hope so, and it’s EASY to do too.    IF you click on the badge above it will take you to 15andMeowing, you fill out the LINKY FORM and that’s all there is to it.

Here are today’s sentences – two from each co-host……………….I’m going to fill EVERYTHING in today by myself and my answers are in GREEN!


1. I deserve a gold star for not chasing squirrels while I was outside today.   (when I’m outside I’m on harness/leash and if I see a squirrel and want to go after it, sometimes I pull so hard the leash comes out of my Mom or Dad’s hand and off I go…….not today…..I have been GOOD)
2. Right now, I am loving the sun because we haven’t seen it in DAYS.
3. The best advice I’ve ever been given is to appreciate my humans and it was Angel Sammy who gave me that advice – he is VERY wise.
4. If I had to choose a new first name, it would be one of the nicknames my parents have for me:  Spanky, Boomer, Tedster, Twinkie (and I hate all of them!).
So there!   Done!    Easy huh?   Well, spend a few minutes hopping around at one of our hosts’ blog pages and use the posted links to visit everyone who’s filling in today – you might learn something NEW about someone you know.

Hugs, Teddy

The lion’s den!