Friendly Fill-Ins Hop


Hi Hoppers!   Time to fill in the blanks.   Every Friday our co-hosts, 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs give us four sentences – two from each host – with blanks and we just fill them in.  Easy huh?   Fun too.   If you want to join us – click the badge above and join us!

Mom and I kind of switched off on the fill-ins today.    The ones I filled in are in GREEN and hers are in BLUE.

1. I tried tuna water once and I liked it.  (but I turned up my nose at the tuna!)
2. Am I the only one who HATES to sew(I can do hand-sewing but machines….FORGETABOUTIT)
3. Angel Sammy is my hero/heroine.
4. If I could eat only one food for the rest of my life, it would be hard to pick just ONE but it would be between lobster, cheeseburgers, and strawberry-flavor SOLERO brand popsicles.

There you have it – Mom and I have filled in…………by the way, I got to lick her popsicle last night and it’s good – it’s weird because it’s so cold but it sure tastes yummy.   Sammy used to love Mom’s pomegranate popsicles.    Say Mom – do you suppose that having a popsicle almost every night for dessert is the reason why you can’t lose weight????

Just sayin’ ……….

Love ya Mom!!!! 

89 responses »

  1. Ooooh…..Teddy! You’d better be careful about those comments about your Mom’s weight….. you do know how much she does for you, right????? We think your Mom is PURRfect!!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Teddy, My mom could never get the bobbin right for some reason. She used to have to ask her husband to do it. He got irritated after awhile and wouldn’t– as he insisted mom do it. Well, mom would have, but some connection was frazzled in the ol’ brain pan she guesses, and so she just quit. Before that she made a blouse with TWO left sides, cut from the pattern. (Poor woman!) OH and a skirt. She didn’t ruin that. No sides to it I guess. XXX


    • Oh your poor Mom with the blouse and the bobbin problem……I just plain HATED it because I guess I was always in a hurry to finish whatever I was sewing so it never got done properly. I had a HORRID home-ec teacher in school too and she certainly didn’t foster a love of sewing in me!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. I thought all kitties liked Tuna. I guess not. It’s all good.

    I can’t sew on a machine either. Okay I didn’t do the usual girl stuff growing up. I was out working on the farm.

    Have a fabulous Friday and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥


    • Sammy liked tuna – a lot. Teddy likes the water from the can but not the tuna. In fact he HATES wet cat food – only eats dry. I would have preferred working on a farm to being MADE to sew in home economics class in school. Honestly. 🙂

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I took sewing lessons as a child and the only thing I can do is sew on a button. Tuna water? Going to have to research that!


    • I’m good at buttons too…..and I can do cross-stitch and embroidery….I can even HEM, but making something? No thanks! My sister is amazing – she’s a quilter and can do anything on a sewing machine but when I see one I just SHUT DOWN. LOL I love tunafish sandwiches so when I get a can of tuna and have to drain the water out I put it in a little bowl and Teddy laps it up like it’s the best thing since sliced bread! Loves it. Give it a try (assuming you have a cat!).

      Hugs, Pam


  5. Love your fill-in’s cousin. My mom hates to sew with machines as well – by hand fine but never a machine. She would somehow break it for sure. Snorts and rolls with piggy laughter. Happy Friday ❤ XOXO – Bacon


    • My Mom wouldn’t break a machine unless you consider throwing it out a 12 story window “breaking” (which she hasn’t done but would enjoy doing)…….HAHAHA…….hand-sewing and stitching she enjoys but machines – YUCK.

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you both for these great fill-in answers. I think it is sweet that Angel Sammy is your hero. And yes, sewing machines are tough, all I can do is catnip mats because I don’t have to be perfect. I could never use the machine to thread a bobbin so I was thrilled to find prethreaded ones at the craft store.. I need to find those popsicles, they sound good. Have a nice weekend! XO


    • I had a horrible home-ec teacher in Jr. High and that set me off in the WRONG direction with sewing. She had no patience, didn’t believe in electricity (she was in her 90s!) so we had to learn how to sew on treadle machines, and for our first class project we had to make skirts and she insisted they be three inches above our ankles in length. LOL That’s when my sewing interest DIED. Hope you have a good weekend too! We will be having a rainy one at last.

      Love, Pam


  7. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Teddy and Mom Pam! Your answers are as fantastic as ever. You sound like Eddy, Teddy. She won’t eat tuna, but she might, on occasion, lick at some tuna water. As for sewing, I can neither do it by hand nor use a machine. My mom loves to sew, both by hand and with a machine, but she certainly did not pass that on to me. Teddy, your answer to #3 made me smile big time. Angel Sammy is a purrfect hero. You mentioned some delicious foods in #4, but I think I’d go right for the cheeseburgers. I absolutely love cheeseburgers. We’re wishing all of you a fantastic Friday!


    • Yay for Eddy and tuna water……my Mom doesn’t do much handwork any longer because of arthritis but she can sew on a button in no time. Back in the 60s and 70s she was known for her embroidery – everybody brought their jeans to her to sew designs on them. Butterflies, flowers, peace signs (!)……CHEESEBURGERS – add some bacon and well it’s close to heaven!

      Love, Teddy


  8. We call it tuna juice, but it is yummy. We haven’t had any in years, as Mom now buys tuna in those pouches. Pffft! Mom almost put lobster on her food list as well. She likes food too much to limit herself! Angel Sammy is the purrfect hero to have, Teddy. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Mom calls it tuna juice too but whatever you call it, it’s pretty danged good isn’t it?! My Mom is already excited about having lobster when she and Dad take their vacation in Maine in a few months. It’s all she talks about. Lobster and more lobster.

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Hidey Ho Teddy… I like tuna juice toooo but not the tuna because of the texture. I’m used to Pate
    FAncy Feast texture. Mom could probably eat chocolate everyday and Asiago Bagels (not at the same time) from Panera. Those bagels are O U T OF SIGHT
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Oh thanks for the hint about Asiago Bagels from Panera….Mom will try one of those – she got hooked on the chocolate croissants from Panera so the bagel would be a good change!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. My human used to sew things… but she was terrible at it! In high school, she’d get creative ideas for clothes, sew them, and them have to pin them to keep them from bulging in the wrong places! She doesn’t do it anymore – she’s too busy with other things she is better at.


    • My Mom says she recognized early on that she would NOT be one to make her own clothes! Life’s too short to keep banging your head on the wall trying to make a blouse. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Yeah I’m a weirdo that way……..I don’t like wet food AT ALL……Mom wishes I would because she says it would be better for me but we figure my first year before I was adopted by her and Dad all I ever ate was dry stuff. Mom keeps trying – all sorts of foodables – but I’m stickin’ to my guns….I’m a dry food guy!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Hey Teddy, you can have the tuna water and we will take the tuna. We love tuna. Well, we love all things fish!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Sammy liked tuna but he was a fan of wet cat foods of most types. I just don’t like wet food and we figure it’s because I never had it my first year – only dry stuff. I like it though and Mom feeds me Purina Weight Management stuff because I’m a “HEFTY GUY”……..tuna water though is yummy!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. Oh Teddy, don”t be too hard on your Mom – Popsicles are one of the lowest-calorie frozen treats you can have – no fat at all. And she can share with you (and Angel Sammy) because they are lactose-free.


  13. Sewing… Nope. Angel Sammy makes a very good hero/big brother for you to look up to. Pretty hard to narrow down #4 to one, for sure! So that cold didn’t burn the taste buds right off your tongue, Teddy? Now I am going to have to go through the Magic Gate and look for Solero pops!


    • Oh those Solero thingies are Mom’s little bit of heaven at night. She says the red raspberry ones are good too but she likes the little bits of strawberry in the strawberry ones BESTEST!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  14. I have always enjoyed sewing (and tuna, just not at the same time haha). I have had machines that made me want to forget about it, too. That was the only type of sewing machine I got in Home Ec class in middle school/high school. No matter which machine I went to, there was a problem. I think that *I* was always the problem. 🙂 We’re working on getting our sewing machines set up again. The girls want to get into costuming. I think it will be a fun adventure. I just hope I can remember actually how to sew anymore.

    Angel Sammy is a great hero, Teddy. 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend!


    • Mom says she remembers the old treadle machines they had to use in Home Ec were a REAL “pain” to use…..she feels like maybe that start to sewing simply put a sour note on THAT particular avenue of creativity for her. She changed to art and writing about then……which, as it turned out, was the right thing to do anyway! HAHAHA I bet costuming would be FUN!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Very cool! I am glad that your Mom found something that suits her, but sorry the treadle machines were a pain for her.

        The machines in my Home Ec class were just regular electric sewing machines that had it against me, I think. I would have loved to get to use a treadle sewing machine! I think they are awesome. My grand-aunt had one at her house, but every time I got anywhere near it, my mama reminded me that I was NOT supposed to touch it. That whirring sound it made called me, though. I couldn’t resist it. So, I got in trouble with Mama every time we went to visit my grand-aunt. It was worth it to me.

        Now, I’m trying to figure out how to make a treadle-operated pottery wheel. There is such a thing as a treadle wheel, but none of the ones I’m finding have the same kind of treadle as the sewing machine had.

        Have a blessed weekend. 🙂


        • I’ve seen those treadle pottery wheels…surely there are plans online somewhere for them? My home ec teacher who didn’t believe in electricity just made things so difficult for all of us in every way all of us just started off “WRONG” with sewing. We had to make our first project – skirts – almost down to our ankles to be acceptable to her and we were all so embarrassed to wear them. We couldn’t really learn how to bake/cook since she wouldn’t allow electricity into the little kitchen area of home ec class either so we just had to “pretend” to make things. I realize we could have just ignored the difficulties and carried on but this was sort of a “formative” period in our lives as young girls in 7th grade and it was tough!

          Hugs, Pam

          Liked by 1 person

          • I wonder why your teacher had such an aversion to electricity? I would rather be able to live without it, but it is what it is. Maybe she’d had a bad experience with it causing a fire or something. It would be interesting to know her story.

            I can’t imagine pretend cooking in Home Ec class. If I didn’t want to use electricity in the classroom, I think I would at least teach the kids how to use a wood or other fuel stove. How weird!

            Aside from being embarrassing to wear, how did your skirt turn out? In one Home Ec class (middle school, I think), we made wrap-around skirts. I didn’t like that skirt at all. I felt too exposed. In high school Home Ec, I made a shirt that composed of just three pieces and buttons and, because of uncooperative machines, it took me the whole week to get it done. Another girl in class got a whole suit – jacket, shirt, pants – done in that same amount of time!

            It sounds like your Home Ec classes were way tougher than mine! I just had ornery machines, but at least we were allowed to use the electricity. I was able to burn all the hot cocoa I wanted to burn. 🙂

            Hugs, Suz


          • My Dad was stationed at the time at a military base in Selma, Alabama….I was only there for two years but the second year was when I started middle school at the school off-base. Apparently the lady who taught home ec was in her 90s and simply did not believe in electricity…she was somebody’s grandmother on the School Board so had some sort of special arrangement being allowed to continue teaching in spite of her age and perhaps her personality (!). She was always yelling at one of us about something. At one point several of us had to bring our Moms to school because our stories of this teacher seemed unbelievable to our parents but it was just so difficult to attend her class and we felt we weren’t really learning anything useful. Of course we WERE learning something useful – how to get along with difficult people for one thing! After all the complaints I believe she had a well-deserved retirement and a home ec teacher was hired who got things back on track. My skirt as I recall was “full-skirted” and a beautiful shade of light turquoise. We were all forced to wear our creations for a school fashion show. It was embarrassing when everyone laughed at us on stage. I actually still have dreams about this experience from time to time so I guess it made a HUGE impression on me if at the age of 70 I’m still thinking about this lady!

            Hugs, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

          • Oh wow, how upsetting that those folks laughed at you all for wearing your creations. I would have died. I completely understand that having a major impact on you. I have been laughed at in front of others at school, too.

            It sounds like this teacher was a bit of a character. When my grandma was in elementary school in the 1920s, the teachers were allowed to literally beat them. One of her teachers loved to pop her hands with a ruler, but I don’t remember what for. I don’t know that she ever got full-on beaten at school, though.

            I hope your teacher enjoyed her retirement. 🙂

            Hugs, Suz


          • I thought that about my first grade teacher on the first day that I met her! At the time, I thought she must be a hundred years old. In reality, she was probably a lot younger. She was a mean red-headed woman (at least, to this six-year old). We didn’t start off my schooling career on a very happy note. 🙂

            Have a blessed day!
            Hugs, Suz


          • Our impressions of people when we’re young are so different than after years of really learning how to read faces, attitudes, etc. I remember my First Grade Teacher’s name was Miss Lamb and she was sweet as could be.

            Hugs, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

          • What a sweet name for a sweet teacher. 🙂

            Mine was named Miss Cromer. All I read that day was that she hit me (once on the leg, and then a paddling on the behind) and was a big dummy, which I called her after she hit me the first time, which is what led to the paddling and a most memorable first day of school. 🙂

            I think it is great when children have kind teachers, especially in the beginning. It helps to instill a love of learning rather than a “What day do I graduate?” feeling in them. I continued to love learning (and still do), but I never really enjoyed school after that day. It was just something that I had to do and it got me away from home for a few hours a day.

            Now, I have a picture of a lamb wearing glasses, sitting at a desk in front of a blackboard. 🙂

            Have a blessed day!


          • I think you’re right about those “first days” being the ones we just might carry with us forever. I remember Miss Lamb clearly – she had blonde hair and wore very soft fuzzy sweaters. She was soft-spoken and we all had to be very quiet in class to hear her (she probably did that on purpose!). She didn’t wear glasses then but I bet she does now! LOL

            Hugs, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

          • It sounds like you have some sweet memories of Miss Lamb. I agree; she probably did do that on purpose. 🙂
            I remember one of my teachers, 3rd grade, Miss Beam, wore glasses. They were the pointy cat eye glasses. I had that style, too, though not as pointy as I remember hers being. 🙂

            Have a blessed day.
            Hugs, Suz


          • Oh yeah, they were super cool. When I last replaced my frames, I looked for some. They didn’t have the color I was looking for. Maybe next time. What color were yours? My first pair was baby blue. They had to extend the earpieces due to my then-very long eyelashes.😊


          • Mine were pale pink and as I remember, had little sparkles on the top of the frame…..I think I have a hideous photo of me somewhere wearing them. I’ll have to look for it. Lucky you with long eyelashes….mine were always sparse and shortish but NEVER as sparse and shortish as they are NOW! 😦

            Hugs, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ooh yours sound awesome. I love pink and I bet the sparkles were cool. 🙂 I have a couple of photos of me wearing mine somewhere around here.

            I wish I could have kept those long eyelashes. Mine are unbalanced at this point. The left eye has longer lashes than the right eye, but neither side bumps the lenses of my glasses anymore. They are too busy sticking together to worry about the lenses. haha

            Do you think the sparseness has to do with us getting older or is caused by something else?

            Have a blessed day.
            Hugs, Suz


          • Not sure about the sparseness but I think age has a lot to do with it – I also had chemo for a year and lost a lot of hair from everywhere so that could be partly to blame. Even when I try to put mascara on for a special occasion you can’t see my lashes! HAHAHAHA They’ve all but disappeared.

            Hugs, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

          • I am so sorry that you’ve had to endure chemo, but very glad you made it through. I’ve never had it, but have seen its effects on many people. It is such a hard thing to go through. {{{Hugs}}}
            Here’s to our eyelashes getting back into the game some day. 🙂
            Have a blessed weekend.
            Hugs, Suz


          • Thanks Suz………actually I was very lucky in that I didn’t lose all my hair like some do……getting rid of the cancer was worth the hair loss for sure! Eyelashes are nice but not necessary – I’m just glad to be here.

            Hugs, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

          • Oops! I forgot to address the treadle pottery wheel. I did some more searches, but still haven’t found any plans for the type of treadle that I want, the one like the sewing machines. However, I did find a very interesting article from a January 1949 issue of Popular Mechanics where I got made his own pottery wheel using an old Singer treadle table, so I know it can be done. This man also used a phonograph turntable for spinning his pottery as he glazed it. He used a sprayer to put the glaze in a little booth thing he made around the phonograph. And he somehow had a vacuum involved to suck up the spray particles. He was a pretty creative guy!


          • Oh I just knew someone had to have come up with a treadle type arrangement because it is just perfect. I’ve seen them being used before on TV – PBS – a single pedal connected by a rod to the turntable with foot-power. I had to think that someone came up with a clever way to use the sewing machines of old for that purpose. I hope you can get this kind of arrangement for your pottery projects. Would be VERY cool!

            Hugs, Pam

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  15. Omgosh how cute are you two xo. Sorry Teddy, tuna water sounds pawsitively brutal but I’m all on board with the popsicle thing and NO, they will not make you or mommy fat 😀 ❤ xo k


    • The popsicles are so DELISH Miss Boomdee – I can’t resist a few licks. Tuna water is yummy and at least Mom doesn’t have to throw it away when she makes tuna salad – I’m happy to DISPOSE of it for her!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Great fillins…but we have to disagree with the tuna and sewing….I LOVE tuna (and the water) and Mom LOVES to sew (even though her sewing machine is in Midway).


    • I’m not surprised your Mom likes to sew – she’s such an amazing artist I bet she can do ALLLLLL kinds of crafty stuff!! My Mom says that she will try tuna out on me again – you know how we like to change our minds about stuff to keep our humans on their toes right Marv?

      Hugs, Teddy


  17. It would be difficult to choose just one food. I am surprised bacon did not make the cut. Great answers. Have a blessed week.


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