Teaser Tell All


Step Right Up!  Time to TELL!

We’re READY Professors!!

Yes you all look alert and anxious to hear the scoop about yesterday’s Teaser.   We’ll start by telling you WHO our FIRST COMMENTERS WERE – did I say “COMMENTERS”???  Yes I did – because we had THREE within the first 60 seconds after we went live yesterday…………………


Timmy, Clowie, and Csilla !

THREE FIRSTIES? Suzie will have a FIT!


This is for you three!

Timmy Tomcat, Clowie and Csilla ALL got a FIRST COMMENTER badge on the Teaser of Feb. 6, 2018 !

And now we will tell you WHO sent in the photos for the Teaser yesterday – NOBODY!!!!!     They were photos my Mom found and here they are one more time:

These are photos are of a place only about 90 minutes away from MY house – this is beautiful downtown OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA!!!    A very happening place.

My Mom SAID that’s where it was……can she get a RIGHT GUESSER badge?????

Everyone who guessed RIGHT gets a RIGHT GUESSER badge but only ONE person gets a FIRST RIGHT GUESSER badge and who is the lucky winner of that this week?

CAROL of Home Sweet Home Wyoming!


This is for you!

For Carol as the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of Feb. 6, 2018

A whole bunch of you were RIGHT GUESSERS – including little Bobby’s Mom – and all of you who guessed OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA, Virginia get one of these:

I wasn’t FIRST but I still guessed RIGHT on the Teaser of Feb. 6, 2018!

Were you WRONG?   Don’t feel bad………….you still get this:

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of Feb. 6, 2018 but I still got this GREENIE!


Now I’m sure everyone is anxious to hear the Cheer Team put our winners’ names in their cheer for today…………………GO CHEER TEAM GO!

Three FIRST COMMENTERS is what we had!
Totally cool – we’re oh so glad!
Csilla, Clowie and Timmy who was a “firstie” AGAIN!
Ya have to be QUICK around here to even get IN!
Then came the first to guess it RIGHT
Only one so there was no fight!
Who was that you might want to know?
It was CAROL in Wyoming who stole the show!
Congrats to the winners you’re all really swell
But you STILL can’t go home from class until you hear the BELL!!!!!

That’s right – nobody leaves until the Professors say so!!!    But you don’t want to leave ANYWAY because good old Miss Dingleberry comes through again with a snackable today…………..ICE CREAM SUNDAES that you can fix yourself!    That’s right – on the table at the back of the room you can have any kind of sundae you want………..what a deal huh???


We ALL do!!!!!!!!  

See you next week for another TEASER! 

Your Professors

54 responses »

    • Yes we sure had a crowd waiting for FIRST COMMENTER didn’t we? Suzie didn’t complain a bit when she had to add three names for FIRSTIES though! She must be mellowing out since the addition of Bobby as a cheerleader!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Summer just think if she’d guessed that you would have yourself a RIGHT GUESSER badge! Anyway, Alexandria is not that far from us and my Mom and Dad LOVE going there……it’s just a FUN place to visit.

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. WoW! I don’t think we did too good this week. We gotta get up in the middle of the night one of these weeks and see if we can try for that First! Concatulations to the BIG Winners! Wow! 4 winners and four cheerleaders…is that a coincidence?


  2. Congratulations, Early Risers. And, Carol WY, woo-hoo! It is always good to see you!
    Yeah, I know, I am late. The classroom is even locked. I slipped a doctor’s note under the door. I can’t move very quick; that’s why I am so late. I am stiff and sore from all of the snow removal. ❤


    • You OVERDID on that snow stuff Miss Annie! I’m just glad you can MOVE AT ALL after all that work. I hope the snow has let up? No worries about class – snow takes precedence for sure!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. We all definitely has happies. We may not have been first, but we did get the right answer. And Sundaes! Wow, who could ask for more? Thanks bunches. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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