Friday Fill-Ins


It’s Fill-In Time!!!!!

Time for the very fun Blog Hop co-hosted by Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and Ellen of 15andMeowing.    Each week each of our co-hosts provides two sentences with blanks for us to FILL-in.   Couldn’t be easier right?   And you know what?  Each week we learn more about each other just by “filling in”!    Want to join in?  Just click on the badge above and be transported to McGuffy’s Reader where you can do just that – simply fill in the linky tool and you’re IN!

Here are this week’s sentences…………………my Mom filled things in this week…………she used BLUE as her “color” !

1. I have never been able to knit or crochet – I just couldn’t sit STILL long enough to make anything!.

2. I wish I could still play piano – I took lessons for three or four years then we moved out of the country and I couldn’t take my piano with me and that was that.

3.  Sitting in front of a fire in the fireplace  is my ideal winter night.

4. Love  and marriage (go together like a horse and carriage!)
There you have it – four filled in sentences courtesy of my Mom.    Mom says #4 is from stealing words to an old song sung by Frank Sinatra……..she knows a lot of old songs.    I guess when you get older you know lots of stuff.   I hope I can be wise when I grow up!   I’m trying!
I guess that’s it for filling in this week……………….our thanks to Miss Annie and Miss Ellen for hosting this Hop for so long – it’s always fun.   You should join in if you don’t already!
See you tomorrow for Bakin’ in Baconia!

Love, Teddy


44 responses »

  1. we can second efurry fill in today, the mama is a non-knitter and non-crocheter and every try to become a knitter-critter failed… and she regrets that she drove the piano teacher crazy till she kicked her out, it is a wonderful thing to maneuver an instrument :O)))


  2. Number 3 is a delightful way to spend a winter night! I did learn to knit but all I could do was knit one continuous long kind of scarf thing. I could never make a thing but I found knitting to be very relaxing and an anxiety buster. If I could get someBODY to get me started on the knitting needles I could just knit away! I took piano lesson for about a month but the piano teacher lady told my Mom it might be better to find something else for me… LOL! I took her advice and started riding lessons! I enjoyed your Mom’s Fill-ins, Teddy! Good Morning!


    • Welcome back from your warm(er) break! Have missed you! Your knitting thing was like MY knitting thing – one long NOTHING that I called a scarf. I was very discouraged and crochet was even HARDER! I actually did pretty well with my piano experience but was a basket case at recitals. Now riding lessons – while I was initially a little nervous about that, it turned into one of the most FUN things I’ve ever done. Typical story for me though – we moved from Virginia where I had taken lessons to TAIWAN where there was no such thing as riding lessons. It just fell by the wayside. One of these days though – who knows – I am living in horse country after all here!!!

      Love and Hugs, Pam the Bean Boy


  3. Dear TeddyBB,
    If your mom still played the Piano and my mom still played the Accordion…they could form a band. Yep mom took accordion for 2 or 3 years.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Well I’m told once you’ve learned no matter how from that period of time to the present you can hop back in and feel you way back QUICKLY. Something tells me that works for some things but not playing the piano! LOL

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Teddy, you are a cutie and already quite wise. Thanks to your mom for her great answers. I am not patient enough to make something like an afghan, but a cat toy takes about 15 minutes to crochet 🙂 It is never too late to take some piano lessons, I bet it would all come back to you. Have a great weekend! XO


    • My sister-in-law has made a lot of afghans through the years and my sister is a quilter which takes a lot of patience – I will say when I was doing oil painting I was pretty patient but even then I was always anxious to finish a project just to move on to the next one. I have always been someone who is in a big fat hurry which sometimes gets me in a lot of trouble – I forget things that way!

      Hugs, Pam


    • I think Frankie told a few fibs in his time…..but with his “connections” nobody was gonna point that out to him without the consequences! Too bad the moon thing didn’t work out – it is important to breathe isn’t it Kismet!


  5. Great fill-ins. Mom could really relate. She can crochet very well, but she has never been able to get the hang of knitting. There are so many nicer things one can make by knitting too. She never had a piano when she was little herself, but Mom and Dad did get one for their own children. The two girls played but not the boy. Mom decided to take lessons when she was older, but it was hard as the teacher explained that the hands don’t have as much flexibility when one is older. AND Mom never seemed to be able to find enough time to practice:( We do still have a (very out of tune) piano.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Mom has one of those electric piano keyboards but hasn’t touched it in probably 20 years! Seems life takes us along so quickly that we don’t QUITE have all the time we WISH we had for some things……! It’s true about flexibility in the hands though – Mom says she probably could play “Chopsticks” without a problem but anything more complicated would be tough with arthritis!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Two things our mom used to love doing were knitting and playing the piano, but her hands don’t work well enough to do either anymore. We do still have a piano. She wishes we had a fireplace that was useable. Ours was built to burn coal. Dad has promised her a gas log insert for the last three years.Sending oodles of poodles…oops!…we mean love. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh a gas fireplace would be wonderful – it’s so cozy and I bet the kitty crew would LOVE THAT as much as the humans crew! My Mom probably ought to get her electronic keyboard out of the basement and mess around on it to limber up but will she? Probably not!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. I do love to knit and crochet, crocheting is easier for old hands, but I have learned that smaller projects are more likely to get finished. It once took me five years to finish and afghan that spent more time on the shelf than it did in my hands! 🙂

    I took piano lessons when I was young and haven’t been near a keyboard in many years, I don’t know if my brain and fingers would still remember, but I do know that playing was great relaxation therapy. Like you, I stopped playing when a piano was no longer available.

    It seems that most of us think that just snuggling up with the one we love is a nice way to spend a cold night. It really is all about the simple pleasures in life.

    Yes, I am old-fashioned and think love AND marriage go together. More emphasis needs to be placed on choosing the right partner for life and then learning how to make it work.

    That bacon brittle recipe above sounds delicious! Of course, anything with bacon is good to me! 🙂

    Josie Two Shoes ~ Friendly Fill-ins


    • My Mom says she MIGHT (!) try again with knitting or crocheting since so many people do that……embroidery used to be fun back in the 60s and 70s – she was the person in her crowd who “decorated” everyone’s jeans with embroidery – butterflies, flowers, stars, etc. She’s more clumsy now though and when hemming something she sticks herself with the needle more than she sticks it into the fabric! HAHA Playing piano was fun but nerve-racking when it came to recitals. Mom’s on board with snuggling (especially with me!) and fires in the fireplace are a favorite with her AND my Dad. I’m just happy to be in a happy home with steady meals. Tee hee

      Happy Sunday!
      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Your Mom’s fill ins are great. My Mom does like to knit and crochet and embroider. She did take piano lessons, there is a whole sorry about why and why she does not play and she agrees with Number 3!
    Hope you are having a marvelous day!


    • I think my Mom might have continued with some of the “start up hobbies” if she wasn’t so IMPATIENT! The only thing she really DID stick with was painting……but she doesn’t even do that anymore either (although she did for over 30 years!).

      Love and Happy Sunday!


  9. Wow, that sure was a fun week of fill ins here! Petcretary did not play the piano, but our unfurbro-the-elder took many years of lessons and went all the way to level 10. He learned some organ too…but…well, now he plays the computer! Really he does and for a living too:)
    ( He is a computer engineer…)…and our piano is idle and likely hopelessly out of tune.Our organ takes up a big space in the dining room…and is also gathering dust. Sheesh.
    Petcretary can crochet and over the years she has made many baby blankets. Shawls actually. They are all about 48″ square,and most are her own patterns…but well. like you she has not done anything in years with that hobby. (Though she did make the christening gown for the unfurbros…)
    She can knit too, but doesn’t like it that much. Our Oma was an avid knitter…even through to her later years.
    Our dear Great Aunt was a weaver, belonged to the Canadian Weaver’s Guild, even! Her loom needed a whole room.


    • Oh wow on the weaving…..we think that is amazing and fascinating to watch someone work on a loom. My Mom just isn’t “handy” with her hands other than typing on a keyboard! Her sister is a quilter of epic proportions so my Mom likes to say her sister has all the talent in that area in the family.

      Hugs, Teddy


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