Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday


‘Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through our house,

not a creature was stirring except ME doing my Friendly Fill-Ins!!!!

It’s Friday and time to fill in some sentences courtesy of our co-hosts, Miss Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and Miss Ellen of 15andMeowing!     Each of our co-hosts gives us TWO sentences each Friday and we just fill in the blanks however we want to……’s fun and we’d love it if you joined in – it’s great learning stuff about our friends and this is a totally cool way to do it.   If you want to join in OR just read other “fill-ins” just click on the graphic above and you’ll be transported to McGuffy’s Reader JUST LIKE THAT!

Here are our four sentences to fill in this week – and I let Mom do them again this week………’s my First Christmas you know so I’m still learning about this fabulously fun holiday – Mom’s had 70 of these Christmas things so she’s an old hand at it.  Tee Hee    Mom’s answers are in GREEN!

1. I can’t wait to see my husband  open my gift to him/her.    (It will be a TOTAL surprise…..I got him a reflectorscope – he has an ancient telescope and this thing is about 1000% better!)

2. I have had the same very basic Christmas Dinner that I make for 27 years (since I married David – it’s all his choices and all his favorites which I love too!)

3. I would not mind if Santa were to bring me a new brain – I think this one I have is FULL!!!
4. On Christmas Eve, I always go to bed as excited as I used to be when I was a little girl for Christmas morning to come – special breakfast then presents – yes I am a “forever child” !
OK Mom…………thanks for filling in.   Next year I will have some “Christmas experience” under my belt so I’ll be able to answer Christmas questions all by myself!    I’m pretty excited too only because I have really thought having a tree in my library with all those lights and presents under it is pretty cool.   Mom says it will be disappearing after the new year but I wonder if I could talk her into leaving it up.   I do like to nap under it……………..
See if I can get her to keep the tree there, maybe Santa Claws will keep visiting me and bringing me presents – what do you think?
We have been getting cards from lots of you and we really appreciate you thinking of us – we didn’t send as many “snail mail” cards out as usual this year – but as I’ve said before, we have these Christmas cards for you to copy if you would like to have a card from us and didn’t get one via your local SNAIL.    HAHAHA     We love all of you and appreciate you following our blog.   We do have a lot of fun here but wouldn’t be having ANY fun – if not for all of you!!!!!

Happy Friday!   Love, Teddy

47 responses »

  1. Those are great fill ins. #3 applies to me also. It is frustrating to not be able to remember things. Thank you for your Christmas card which arrived yesterday. If I have repeated and did remember to thank you yesterday, blame #3!


    • HAHAHA……I think there are a lot of us who need an auxillary brain…..we can’t help it if the space is taken up and we need more right Jackie? LOL MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND IVOR!

      Hugs, Pam (and Ted too)


  2. Love your answers, Miss Pam! Motor Mommy thinks it’s sweet that you’re still a little girl at Christmas!
    And Teddy, I love lying under our tree, too, but I don’t think my pawrents would consider leaving it up all year. Good luck to you with that idea, though. Prezzies all year would be SWEET!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae……I know we can’t have our tree all year but we CAN have the fun and the presents and yummy food all year! I know the tree will come down but I will keep the memory of my first Christmas!

      Meowy Christmas!
      Love, Teddy


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I think it is great to be a perpetual kid, I am one too which must be why we get along so well 🙂 I know our hubbies are going to love those telescopes.
    Teddy, I love both of these Christmas cards. XO


    • HA! I agree……….all that trouble to go through for a few days then all the trouble of taking it back down – I say leave it up! We could decorate it for Valentine’s and Easter and………..oh never mind! My Mom would never go for it.

      Love, Teddy


  4. Great Fil lins! I Love them all!
    This year we are having steaks and seafood. And New Years we are having Turkey. We thought we would switch it up for a change. We will, however still have Eggs Benedict for Breakfast.
    Love Barb


  5. Teddy, you look sublime under your pretty tree. Maybe you can convince Mom and Dad to leave it up for you:)

    Mom says she could use a new brain too, and maybe a new body to go along with it:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • My Mom said if they had a special on brains – “buy one get a body for free” she’d DEFINITELY be up for that too!!!!! I love our tree – we all love to have a tree in our house right????

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Our mom loves Mom Pam’s fill-ins. She too could use a new brain. We want to know what Christmas dinner will be. Mom is doing Cornish Games Hens, which is a favorite for Christmas. Your dad is going to love his gift, Maybe you can look at the stars together. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • My Mom is doing turkey and trimmings so this time around I might try some turkey – I wasn’t interested at THanksgiving but who knows – maybe I’ve grown up a little since then???!!! I bet your pawrents will share their hens with you!! We sure hope Dad likes his present – I know my Mom will enjoy it too!

      Love, Teddy


  7. Merry Christmas sweet Pam, Teddy, Angel Sam and daddy! You’re always so thoughtful and giving and this is so apparent in you 4 answers. I hope you feel as loved as we all do for knowing you. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful holiday ❤ Love and Hugs Kelly xoxo


    • Dear Miss Boomdee…………Thank you for your Christmas wishes – we bet you have a very magical Christmas – your heart and home are so full of fun it HAS to be great at holidays! We appreciate your friendship here more than we can say!!!

      Love and Hugs, Pam and Teddy too!


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