Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Time to Fill-In!  Let’s do it!

Every week McGuffy’s Reader and 15andMeowing give us some sentences (two each) with some blanks for us to fill-in.   What does that do?   Gives us a chance to tell stuff about ourselves – that’s what!!   And the results are always interesting and sometimes surprising but ALWAYS entertaining.    So shall we do our thing?   If you want to do your thing, just click on the badge above, go to McGuffy’s and fill in the LINKY form – VOILA – you’re there with the rest of us – telling it like it is!

My Mom said she’d fill in this week…………..she almost always says that and I’m happy to let her because most of the time, I can’t think of anything good to say OR they are more human-ish questions than cat-ish.   Mom did her filling in with RED.   Can’t miss RED can you?!

1. My favorite part of November is Thanksgiving but ALSO the fact it’s the last month to have to wait for CHRISTMAS to be here!

2. Every November, I give my husband my Christmas Wish List – that’s something HE started when we got married – we keep a list of things we’d “like” to have then before the holiday we exchange lists.   My list always ends with the words “PLUS SOME SURPRISES PLEASE!” because I love surprises.

3. For me, peace feels like it’s just out of reach – like the old carousels that had the rings you tried to grab as you went around and around – it’s THERE but tough to grab……I hope and pray that we ARE able to grab the ring.
4. So far, my upcoming holiday plans  include NO traveling – just lots of home time with fires in the fireplace, stockings to fill, and the FUN of seeing Teddy have his first “real” Christmas!
OK – I admit – Angel Sammy told me that I will LOVE Christmas so I’m definitely on board with Mom’s last fill-in………………..Angel Sammy was a big fan of the train that went round and round under the tree.  Not sure how I will like that but I’m going to give it a try!

Angel Sammy checking out the Christmas tree in Dec. 2015

Dad has a NEW train since Angel Sammy was here though.    It’s smaller than this one.    This old train was 30 years old when it stopped working!    I have a list made for Santa Paws – Sammy helped me with it.   I’m not big on toys but he’s sure there will be SOME things that I will like – he also told me that Santa kind of just “knows” what we will like without me writing it on a list!    I think that must mean that Santa is MAGIC.

Anyway, that’s it for Fill-Ins this week.   Thank you Miss Annie at McGuffy’s and Miss Ellen at 15andMeowing for hosting Fill-Ins every week.

I have something in common with Santa Paws!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Teddy

42 responses »

  1. that is a sweet ritual… butt we better don’t put a surprise on our wishlist… my dad’s surprises are a little strange like blenders, cheese graters or a dustpan set…
    we love the photo … and we always remember sammy’s christmas train (ours ended in a railroad accident, after a colission with a weimaraner)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Not to worry, Little T. Angel S is right. Santa always knows best what little secret gifts will make you happy. I think you will like the new train. I guess the old train was too sad to work anymore when Sammy went to the bridge.

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake that’s what I think too – the old train missed Sammy too much to hang around. Well this train will be MY train and I hope it lasts FOREVER because I want to do that too!!!! Tee Hee

      Love, Teddy


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, you always have great answers. Staying home at the holidays with our furbabies is the best and how exciting that it is Teddy’s first Christmas. I wonder if he will chase the train? I like the idea of giving your hubby a list, I should try that because I always get scratch tickets and I don’t even like those or I get something for myself and tell him to wrap it. Have a great weekend.XO


    • Exchanging lists means you pretty much get what you want BUT that’s why I always add “SOME SURPRISES” because I don’t want to know exactly what I’m getting – that was what was so MAGIC about Christmas as a kid. I am, after all, just a seventy year old KID! HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Pam


  4. Teddy, Santa is magic… bet he brings you some great treats and BACON! This will be Cooper’s first Christmas as well. Mom wonders what he will think. She sure hopes he doesn’t try to climb the tree! Sending lots of love and hugs to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  5. Oh Teddy! I am so looking forward to Christmas! My human brother will be flying in from Calgary…we don’t know if he will be bringing Ninja though…I hope so! And Queen Penelope tells me we have a train! Mommy is not too sure if she will put it out though…apparently I, Marvelous, am too rambunctious!!! I play with EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. As a matter of fact…Mommy is worried about the tree! Its not tall enough to tie to the ceiling! (maybe she will just have to get a bigger one!)


    • My Dad kind of is wondering if I’ll be wanting to climb our Christmas tree but Mom is hoping I’ll be like Angel Sammy was and just WATCH/LOOK/ENJOY the tree. I just hope the train doesn’t SCARE me OR you. Dad says ours makes a lot of noise and has whistles, bells, and makes a “choo choo” sound. Guess we’ll BOTH find out soon won’t we Marv???!! I’m glad you’re going to have company for Christmas – maybe Ninja will be there to play with too!!!

      Love, Teddy


    • Dad thinks I will climb our Christmas tree – imagine thinking that! Why I’m not a little kitten – I’m almost TWO! I won’t climb it, I’ll just look at it and enjoy it like Angel Sammy did……RIGHT? Yeah sure!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Mee-you Teddy thee train iss ALOT of fun…you can chase it an follow it….mee finkss once you get thee hang of it thee train will bee fun fur you.
    Iss goin to bee quiet here fur hollydayss. LadyMum will have NO $money$ to travel or buy giftss fur anyone (aftur thee IV See-dation fur her moe-lar xtraction.) Wee are werkin on sendin sum Katmass cardss butt not a lot. Mee mite have to get a job!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


    • Siddhartha you have the most important job in the world already! You take care of your Ladymum and that’s a FULL time job. Cards and presents aren’t important anyway – what’s important is having someone who loves you in your life – you and Ladymum have each other and that’s the BEST GIFT OF ALL!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  7. We love Thanksgiving too – turkey!!!! Teddy, Lightning and Misty think Santa is great. Timber has yet to find out – he had best be a good boy:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  8. You are going to love Thanksgiving AND Christmas, Teddy! How fun, a new train! I always prefer staying home on Thanksgiving and Christmas but we usually have to travel on Thanksgiving. Christmas is just CH and me… 🙂 I can’t believe we are already talking about Thanksgiving, it seems like it was just hot old July!


    • Isn’t it weird to be talking holidays when it’s still WARM outside? We’re going to be in the 70s again today and Mom says “THAT’S JUST WRONG!”…….but one GOOD thing is that our leaves have decided NOT to be ugly and to “come into their own” – we have some gorgeous color finally. Weirdest Fall EVER though! Mom and Dad will be deserting me for turkey day but Mom promised to bring home leftovers for ME……..but Christmas I have them all to myself and I can’t WAIT!!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  9. Peace. I think that we still have to keep working for it I think we can achieve it in many ways, for many people. I fear that it will never be the peace we all need because Society has lost its morals and values. Where everyone can do whatever they want, lawlessness prevails. Where there are no laws, people think only of their wants. Human nature can be ugly. Ugliness destroys peace. Hugs, my friend. We can never give up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I won’t ever give up hope that’s for sure…..but it sure gets hard when those who can “forecast” peace further around the globe aren’t feeling like us here “on the ground”……….I can only keep hoping and I know the army of “hopers” is huge………I would love to see REAL peace before I leave this life. My dream……….

      Love, Pam


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