Sunday Selfie Hop


Let’s Go To The Hop!

It’s Sunday and that means the Selfie Blog Hop at The Cat On My Head!   My friends the Kitties Blue host this one every single Sunday…………….and it’s always fun to see who’s the STAR of each of the blogs that pawticipate in the fun.   Of course here at my house I’m ALWAYS the star because I’m an only-kitty……………..if you’d like to join in the Hop – just click on their badge above and fill out the LINKY tool……………..then you’ll be one of the “IN CROWD” !

This Sunday Mom was at it again – – – using Lunapic to jazz me up………….this is a photo of me in the front yard with Dad enjoying a Fall day…………..First Mom added the curly edges with Pizap, then she Lunapic-ed it and now it looks very artsy!   I’ve included the “original” so you can see just what a rather dramatic effect one art effect at Lunapic did to me (and Dad’s legs!).

Have a HAPPY SUNDAY all!

Yep – this is the original and those eyes are my LAZER eyes staring at a squirrel in a tree!!!

Happy Sunday Hopping!   

Love, Teddy

P.S.   A reminder that if you want to come to our Halloween Edition of Tuesday Teaser on Halloween, Oct. 31st and be in a costume, you need to submit your photos to me and Mom by October 29th so there’s still plenty of time.   We will include your photos when we show our Teaser Classroom that day……I’m sure it will be interesting to say the LEAST!   Our Cafeteria Supervisor Miss Dingleberry will have some special Halloween treats for us too.   EEEEEEEEK!

55 responses »

  1. I can tell how much you enjoy being outside on your leash, Teddy! You know what? Because I am such a nice kitty, and I already wear so many clothes and costumes, I think I will let Binga enter. I’ll see what she has for you.


    • We still have a lot of green leaves around – hoping that it’s not too late to expect some prettier leaves to come – rain Monday and Tuesday might help! Glad you like this photo – Dad and I enjoy our “bonding time” outside for sure!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Miss Csilla! Glad you liked my double selfie today. Mom thinks I look cute in my harness in this shot. As you can see, our leaves are falling and I don’t mind wading through them at all. We have big trees all around and while a lot of them are still full of GREEN leaves, a lot of the others are dropping them! We have loved your beautiful Fall tree photos too…………….

      Happy Sunday!
      Love, Teddy


  2. Very nice selfie and I love the art your mom made with it too, very pretty fall colors. I need to get working on photos for Halloween so we can send you some in our costumes. XO


  3. That was cool how Mom Pam added the curly-cues before adding the Lunapic art. We think this is gorgeous, and you are as adorable as always. Thanks for hopping with us Teddy. We love you and your parents oodles and oodles. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Teddy your mom is quite artsy and we love the original photo of you sitting outside with your laser beams
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Teddy is quite photogenic (or is that a proud Mom speaking????!!!!)……….I just love playing around with photos and I think for this one I must have tried about eight or nine different art effects before I settled on this one which was called “SUNSHINE” on Lunapic. Teddy IS my “sunshine” !!!

      Hugs, Pam


  5. Ooooooooo. I like it, I like it Teddy! On the original, I am seeing lots of leaves and I am thinking the super-sucker is going to be coming out and doing its job at your house. CH is thinking another week and a half before he starts with the super-sucker. Maybe fall has finally come, ya think? It’s 53 here at almost 4 oh clock. Chilly tonight… Brrrrrrrr! I am so happy you get to enjoy your walks with your Mom and Dad! Did your Mom get to have her CHEESeBURGER??????


    • Same here with the super-sucker……Dad says about another week or so and he will have to get that thing out. Mom has been “herding” leaves with the mower and Dad has been “blowing” some of them with the blower but it’s getting to be too much to keep up with so time for THE MACHINE. This will be my first time hearing that thing – Mom says I will probably be happy I’m INSIDE when it’s in operation! We think Fall might be falling but we STILL have a lot of green leaves on trees…….so who knows……..weird weather for sure. Mom and Dad had dinner with the neighbors last night and had (wait for it) CHEESEBURGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Mr Teddy!
    We LOVE your art (and the original). I, Marvelous was practicing walking in my harness today. I don’t like it very much but I am learning. And I can’t wait until i get to go for walks like you!


    • It takes a while to get used to things Marv but once you do – it’s just SOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice to be outside in the fresh air where there’s so much to see and smell. I actually enjoy being “tied to Mom” with the leash now! Keep up the good work!

      Love, Teddy


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