Friendly Friday Fill-Ins…..LATE!


YAY!  Mom and Dad are back and so am I !!  

Just in time for FILL-INS!

Boy was I happy when Mom and Dad showed up at the kennel this morning and rescued me from the pain and agony and horror of being locked up in the slammer the happy place where the Sisters took such good care of me!   They all came out to hug me and tell Mom and Dad how very good I was while there.   Then Mom put my harness on and I walked loud and proud all the way out to the car and home again.   Of course I had to sniff EVERYTHING on all three floors of the house to make sure things were where they were SUPPOSED to be.  They were.

We are behind today but I’m doing my Friendly Fill-Ins late and that’s better than NEVER right?   This week’s sentences are filled in by my Mom and they’re in HALLOWEEN ORANGE color today!   If you haven’t joined up on this blog hop before you SHOULD – it’s co-hosted by Miss Ellen of 15andMeowing and Miss Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and if you click on the badge above, you will go to McGuffy’s where you can join up and fill in your OWN answers – it’s fun to share with everyone on the HOP!

1. If I was a ghost, I would haunt everyone who has ever been mean to an animal !.
2. I always smile when I think of Christmas – I am still a little girl when it comes to that holiday.
3. My favourite scary story is “The Shining” by Stephen King.

4. I will be so glad when we quit having HOT days and get our FULL-ON Fall!!.
Thanks Mom!   I knew you could do it…………………!
Mom and Dad had a nice time on their little vacation to Maine.   Here are just a few of the photos Mom took………..she didn’t take a photo of the leaves but they were GORGEOUS up there – way more colorful than here in Virginia.
Three sunrise photos from their hotel room……………….
This is just a view from the lobby of the hotel out to the ocean and the rocks……………..
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to whine until one of my parents takes me out for my first “I’m home now” walk in my yard!!!

Hugs, Teddy

48 responses »

  1. Yay, Teddy I know all is right with your world now that your pawrents are back home!! Good for you being a good boy while you were there, AND hugging everyone good bye!
    We love your moms answers to the fill-ins, and what gorgeous photos from their trip!
    And you’re just a little cutie in your harness; Motor Mommy can’t wait to meet you in purrson….
    Love, Sundae


  2. You’re totally forgiven for being late — guess there may have been some serious happy reunions going on! Glad you’re all together again and that Mom and Pop had a great time in Maine. Here’s to Autumn coming soon — it really is the best time of the year.


  3. glad they are back!!! and we love the shining too… often the movies are not as good as the book, but the version with jack nicholson is just great… we wil watch this year too like efurry year… quasi furever&ever LOL


  4. Teddy, we know you are super excited to be home, and that Mom Pam and Dad David were super excited to see you. We wish your mom had taken some pix of the leaves. Ours are pretty crummy this year. We sure missed all of you. Sending lots of love and hugs. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Mom kept telling Dad she needed to take pix of the leaves…………there weren’t really any trees around the resort other than evergreens but LOTS of maples and beech and all kinds of trees all along 95 from Portland to Ogunquit. She just didn’t take photos of them! DUH! Mom! Leaves here are crummy too although we still have a LOT of green ones so maybe they will be the “second wave” of pretty leaves – – – – we need rain again though!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. We sure are glad your Mom and Dad are home….and that you are too! Those photos from Maine are beautiful. We think your Mom did good on her answers too 🙂 Hey, you guys ready for a good weekend? We know we sure are! Hugs to you all.


    • I was so happy to see Mom and Dad at the kennel picking me up – of course first time away from them I thought they’d dumped me at the shelter! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I’m home where I belong and HAPPY too! Have a great weekend…………..

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Mr Teddy,
    I am just starting to learn how to wear a harness. I can’t wait until I can go for walks. Monsoon season (fall on the wet coast) has started and we have been having an atmospheric river dumping on us…so I don’t think I will get out for a while.
    I am glad you are home and that pawrents had a most wonderful time! I am sure YOU had the best time at the spa too!


    • Oh Miss Claire and kitties I’m a very happy boy to be out of the kennel and home again with Mom and Dad – they had a wonderful little break and I’ve forgiven them for abandoning me…..HAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  7. Woohoo…they’re home! Now you can go into the great outdoors. My mom agrees with your mom’s first statement and would help your mom haunt animal abusers.

    Welcome back home to your mom and dad.

    Shoko and Kali


    • Hi Girls! I missed being able to talk with my friends while Mom and Dad were gone. She said that she and my Dad were just about the only people up there who didn’t have a laptop, IPad, IPhone or SOMETHING with them to communicate with. Mom and Dad enjoyed being “unplugged” themselves but everyone else in the world is hooked up 24/7 to some kind of device!!! Anyway, we’re all caught up with comments and visits now so starting fresh. Maine was wonderful and Mom had lobster poutine for breakfast one morning at the hotel! It was yummy but incredibly FILLING she says.

      Love, Teddy


    • We’re ALL happy here…….that’s for sure! Mom said to tell you it’s hard NOT to take beautiful photos when you have views like they did from their hotel room and around the Shore Road area in Ogunquit. Such a beautiful place and while Mom neglected to get photos of the leaves (MOM!) they were outstanding as always.

      Love, Teddy


  8. Welcome home to you, Teddy, your Mom, and your Dad. Bet it was a very happy reunion. Maine is a great place to visit this time of the year. The photos are beautiful.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Thanks Woo gang! I missed everybody but believe me – the nuns at the kennel were very good to me and made sure I got a lot of attention. I don’t think they wanted me to go back home! But I was mighty happy to be back in my house with my toys and Mr. Rags and my parents!

      Love, Teddy


  9. I am glad your folks got home safely and you are home now too. I loved meeting them, they are so nice. Beautiful photos. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Would you believe I haven’t even seen The Shining movie? I should get that from the library. Have a great weekend and make sure Teddy gets lots of walks. XO


    • My Mom and Dad were so happy to meet you Miss Ellen. AND Mr. David too- it was funny having TWO DAVES to keep track of huh? Tee Hee Mom and Dad have been taking me outside a lot for walks and Mom says one funny thing about me since they got me from the kennel is that I talk more now and am making lots of NEW sounds. I learned a lot from my stay at the kennel!!! Thank you for my new BACON mat and my new toys too…….you make the BESTEST stuff EVER!

      Love, Teddy


  10. Mee-you that walkin vest you have iss pawsum Teddy!!! An mee betss a good walk was inn order once efurryone got settulled inn at home again!
    Luvley fotoss of thee sunset….not sure if it iss still summer or Autumm…iss warm durin the day an kewl at nite…..
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  11. We finally had our first frost…and now all the leaves are crashing down around us…actually more the walnuts are (literally) crashing, MOL!
    Maybe because of the hot weather we had, and lack of rain earlier, we don’t have the gorgeous reds and orange colors like some falls…there are a lot of yellow and browns though. And of course still some green:)


    • I’ve heard that MANY areas have less than stellar Fall colors this year……..weird weather I’m afraid……..we still have a lot of green leaves too but SOME of ours are finally turning – oranges, yellows – we have a storm coming Sunday that will blow ALL of them down though!

      Hugs, Teddy


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