Teaser Tell All


Yes it is!!!!!  

Alright everyone……………come on in and have a seat and I’ll give you all the details on yesterday’s Teaser!    I know you’re just dying to hear who won what.

Let’s start with a great big hand for Miss Dingleberry’s cafeteria crew who put together some absolutely FAB foot long subs for us yesterday – what a gal she is!

I can hardly wait for next week to see what delights we get from Ding Dong School cafeteria.

Shall we talk Teaser now?    Lets!    First of all, let’s thank our Guest Teaser………………here’s her photo that she submitted to us:

Thanks to our friend Miss Stephanie from GabbyGracie for sending in this beautiful photo of St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia!

For Stephanie and Gracie for Teaser of 8/8/17

We had a DOUBLE WINNER this Tuesday too!!!   That doesn’t happen often but it happened yesterday and this person got TWO badges – the FIRST COMMENTER and the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!    Well done – Well done to who?   I’ll tell you who:

Csilla of Kolytyi, that’s who!

For Csilla on 8/8/17

For Csilla on 8/8/17


Also a whole bunch of you ALSO guessed St. Isaac’s but you weren’t FIRST – you were just RIGHT GUESSERS and you all win this:

For Teaser of 8/8/2017

Congratulations to all of you too!

Now should you have been in the pool of peeps who made a guess but were wrong – you know you still get a little “sumthin-sumthin” from us and that is one of these:

For Teaser of 8/8/17

I do believe our stalwart cheerleader SuzieQ intends to immortalize our winner today with a bit of a cheer…………hopefully it doesn’t encourage you to play hooky like her cheer from yesterday did!

What rhymes with Csilla?
How about gorilla?
No that’s not gonna be good
Sounds like a name from the ‘hood!
She’s smart and she’s quick
Faster than a mouse click!
She got TWO badges this week
That takes a lot of “cheek” !
Congratulations to her and all the rest
All of our guessers did their best!
The profs said I had to clean up my cheers
Guess that means I can’t invite Csilla for a beer!
I’ll see you next week in geography class
And no matter what the Profs say – I’ll bring all my SASS!


OK Suzie – our students and visitors love your cheers no matter how questionable they are from time to time……………….so we’ll see you next week!    Bring on the sass!

We want a HAPPY class!

See you in class next week!  



42 responses »

  1. OMG, Suzie! How about PATELLA? Or BARILLA? Or MANILLA?
    BTW, my googling skills worked properly on this occasion. I thought that this church has somehow a French connection because the building reminded me slightly of the Dôme des Invalides in Pawris. Thus, I tried to google for country name + church + French architect. Russia was a plausible candidate because Russian aristocracy loved French culture for centuries.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mom was so tickled to be right this week. Dad pulled up the photos of him in front of St. Issac’s and Mom in front of St. Issac’s last night. Nice memories. And another good cheer from SuzieQ. Sammy and BB definitely are two peas in a pod…or is that one pea and one Butter Bean. MOL! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We would be honored to receive a review copy of your book – and we’re so excited for you too Miss Layla……..We are sending you big hugs as well with a wish for the best luck EVER on the book!

      Love, Teddy


  3. Lady Csilla iss berry clevurr! Conkatss to her winnin again…
    An LadyMum iss sorta close…Austria; Russia…..nearly cuss-innss, mew mew mew…..
    Mee picky uppy mee Greenie on thee way out Teddy boy! 😉
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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