Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Two For One Day!

First up is Thankful Thursday Hop with Brian – one we look forward to every week because we can publically share what we’re thankful for this week.    I am VERY thankful that my Mom and Dad are so understanding of my need to go for walks outside.   I know they wondered if I would be like Sammy and easily trained on leash and harness and WOO HOO for me – I was most happy about it.   If it meant I could go outside and sniff and walk and dig in the dirt and eat grass then I was UP for it.    Every day I get at least three walks – Mom or Dad or sometimes both of them.    Lucky?  Oh yes indeed I am!

There are so many things I’m thankful for though – this is just ONE of the things I love the most.

The next part of today’s blog is my Angel brother Sammy’s FAVORITE thing – the Thoroughly Poetic Thursday challenge…………………..and he works very hard at the Rainbow Bridge all week then takes a break on Thursday to write a poem and email it to me via his Bridge Wi-Fi connection.    Here’s what I got from him LAST night to celebrate this week’s letter – the letter “G” !!

Hello poetry lovers!    Your old friend Angel Sammy coming to you from the Bridge and this week we are writing poems about ANYTHING starting with the letter “G”!    I also gave you four prompt words for you to choose from if you couldn’t think of your OWN “G” word – the prompts were:

(1) Garden (2) Giggle (3) Groceries (4) Grandma

I had a lot of trouble deciding which of these to write about but I wound up picking my favorite because it was “Mom” time for me when she worked in her Garden!   

“G” is for Garden

by Angel Sammy Kimmell, 7/26/17

Gardens are places where hopes can grow

You plant some seeds and watch the show!

Young seedlings pop up from the soil

Then comes the hard work but it’s worth the toil!

Veggies and flowers my Mom had gardens galore

She loved them all but the deer loved them more!

The critters would munch and get their fill

Mom’s All You Can Eat Buffet served food and they got no bill!

Time went on and she decided to change

No longer in the yard – she changed her range

She gardened on the porch and on the back deck

Plants she could raise and the animals were in check!

The woods around the house provided plenty for them to eat

The birdfeeders sunflower seeds were STILL their treat.

Our gardens are smaller but at least they survive

I always helped Mom take care of them as long as I was alive.

Sam enjoying the front porch on a pretty fall day

So did you write a poem today to celebrate “G” ???  If you did, put your blog link in my blog comments here and we’ll follow the link to read your WORK OF ART!    Or if you’d rather, you can put your poem in my comments – we can read the whole thing right there!    It’s FUN to write poetry – it doesn’t have to be in any particular format – it doesn’t even have to rhyme.   Just put your feelings and thoughts on paper and SHARE!   

Next week we’re moving on to the letter “H” and I’m going to give you the prompt words but remember you can write about ANYTHING starting with “H” – the prompts are just for fun and in case you can’t come up with something on your own!!   Ready?

(1) Happy  (2) Hobby  (3) Heart  (4) Home

I’ll be here next Thursday to see how you do AND to share my poem with all of you………………until then, this is your friend Angel Sammy heading back to do my work here at the Rainbow Bridge.   Remember, I’m always watching out for ALL of you………………

Love, Angel Sammy


Thanks Bro!   Thursdays just wouldn’t be the same without a poem from you.   We hope our friends write something to share too.    Speaking of sharing, Mom has some new photos of me beating up my poor old red tent.   It’s definitely on its’ last legs but I love it like it was brand spanking new.    I’m kind of tough on my toys……the old white mouse that belonged to Sammy’s has been reduced to a pile of rags (Dad’s old handkerchiefs) holding it together.   It looks just like a big pile of rags and I carry it EVERYWHERE – I even take it to the room where my Mom or sometimes my Dad happen to be and leave it so it can guard them and keep them safe!  

This was Sammy’s old mousie – just a white mouse that he used to keep up on my Dad’s dining room chair…..until I found it of course!

This my dear friends is what’s left of Sammy’s white mouse – held together with “bandages” !!!  BUT I LOVE IT STILL!!

I’ll be back tomorrow with Friendly Fill-Ins Blog Hop…….see you then!

Love, Teddy


56 responses »

  1. oh it’s great to see you walking with your daddy through your garden… and you are right, not only veggies and flowers grow there… hope too… we hope that our 3 pears will make it and we can eact them :O) your tent looks like the cave of a real adventurer and the mouse is mousse now, bravo!!!


    • HAHAHA…..that’s right – my mouse does look more like a mousse doesn’t it. Poor mousie – we now call it “Mr. Rags”. How wonderful that you have pears in your pear tree – let’s hope no evil birds or squirrels steal them!!! We really loved both your poem today AND your Dad’s DIY adventure….never a dull moment in your crib!

      Love, Teddy


  2. Teddy, you are SO lucky you get to go on all those walks! My human only takes me out once or twice a week… plus my therapy cat visits, of course. When I am a Pet Me Cat at cat shows, I’m mostly in my benching area, and don’t get to go for walks at all (it might upset the other cats in the show hall).


    • I know I’m lucky – I guess because they were used to taking Sammy out on his leash I figured WHY NOT ME TOO? I love it – Mom even lets me dig around in the dirt! Wheeeee! You spend a lot of time visiting if you think about it – therapy visits, cat shows, and your once or twice a week at home too. It’s just nice to get fresh air once in a while isn’t it?!

      Love, Teddy


    • I have mangled the heck out of my tent AND my mouse……Mom says I’m “DESTRUCTO KITTY” but I just think I love things with great gusto! Your poem today was FABULOUS – you got all the prompt words into one adorable poem so you get an A PLUS from Professor Sam and Assistant Prof Ted!

      Love, Teddy


    • Glad you like the prompts – it was kind of a fun thing to add to poetry day every week…..maybe next time around we’ll do something fun like give everyone a picture and ask them to write a poem about it……..although I’m liking word prompts myself!!!!!!

      Love, Teddy and Angel Sammy 2


    • Awwwww…..shucks Miss Caren – you’re gonna make me get a FAT HEAD from complimenting me! Mom says that’s the last thing I need is a fat head……..!! I already have a fat belly and that’s why Dad calls me BUTTER BEAN!

      Love, Teddy


  3. I am glad you have lots to be thankful for Teddy. You are rough on your toys- that poor mouse. I wonder what you would do if you caught a real one. That is an excellent poem from Angel Sammy and I love the photo of him on the porch with all the beautiful plants. We had a deer in our garden 2 nights ago that ate 2 raspberry bushes-time for the electric fence.XO


    • Gosh the deer must have been hungry to eat those raspberry bushes with stickers!!!! LOL Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem – he works so hard on them every week. As for me – I am a real TOUGH guy on my toys aren’t I ? Didn’t take me long to destroy the mouse Sammy had for 16 years…..oh well – Mom is keeping it together SOMEHOW with those strips of hankie. Mom is hoping that I never have to catch a real mousie especially IN THE HOUSE!

      Love, Teddy


  4. Angel Sammy, that was a terrific poem pal! Hey Teddy, you sure look so happy going on your walks, that is really great! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  5. Teddy, you are an absolute cutie pie and oh so funny. The cube photos are prize-worthy! You really have destroyed Sammy’s mouse, but we know how happy he is that you love something of his so, so much. The poem was purrfect today. You mentioned the critters, and we even shared one. The photo of Sammy on the porch is a favorite. We have already started our poem for next week. What’s up with that? Anyhoo, here’s the link to this week’s poem:
    Have a wonderful day. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We just LOVE your poem today! Critters are way cool to spy on – I’m glad you have a catio for that purpose….I think Mom would prefer I had a catio so she and Dad don’t have to listen to my whining and yelling to be taken for a walk outside…..Angel Sammy is a good poetry guy isn’t he? I hope one day Mom will let me try MY paw at a poem! Sammy’s mouse and my red cube are just about done for. Mom hopes to keep both of them around for years to come though which ought to be a CHALLENGE!

      Love, Teddy


  6. You have the best, most well-trained parents ever, Teddy! We bet you have such fun on your walks. And look at that sunshine you’re having! Though we do hope you’re enjoying some days that aren’t too hot. And, Angel Sammy, we love your poem! Your mom’s new garden on the porch is beautiful. This human here has not a single green thumb or green finger of any sort, so we always admire the garden art of others. Purrs!


    • P.S. My angel Rosie had a favorite toy mousie for nearly all 21 years of her life. It is all discolored now, and missing some parts and pieces, but I have it in her keepsakes and will never part with it.


      • Well Teddy (and Sammy’s) beat up mouse will be a keepsake for me too – it may be unrecognizable but for some reason it meant a whole lot to both of them – so it means a whole lot to me too!! It’s funny though because I bought Teddy a brand new white furry mouse (had to search on web for it!) JUST LIKE the one that had been Sammys with the intention of keeping Sammy’s “safe” but Teddy would have nothing to do with the new mouse – he wanted Sammy’s.

        Love, Pam


    • I’m not as BIG of a fan of gardens as Angel Sammy was – I think maybe I’ll acquire a taste for it when I’m a little older – right now I’m fascinated by deer, bunnies, squirrels and birds outside but I DO like to hop up in that stone garden in front and have a good sniff! That counts as gardening right?

      Love, Teddy


  7. Teddy! You look marvelous in your walking vest! I shall have to get one for Marvelous…and I can tell you have loved your toys to bits!
    And I did NOT write a poem today…maybe Marv is a poet….
    Nellie tells me Sammy is rounding up the other angel cats to watch over Marv on his trip. I am so glad that Sammy is leading the troops!
    Love Barb


    • Hi Miss Barb! So happy you have started a blog spot for Marvelous. I am SO EXCITED to meet him and I know you are too! I have two harnesses – one was Sammy’s – it was actually a small dog harness (!) but he loved it and I do too…the other one was a “Kitty Holster” jacket harness which is the one I have on in the photo. It makes me look like a cool dood – denim! I bet Marv will have a lot to say once he gets used to his new home and who knows – he might just be a Poet like Angel Sammy! Angel Sammy, Nellie, and oh so many other angels will definitely be with Marvelous ALL THE WAY HERE. You can count on that – Sammy’s a leader at the Bridge just as he was here at home at Cat Scouts!!!! We love you!

      Hugs, Teddy Bear
      p.s. would you believe my new nickname is Butter Bean? Isn’t that just mean??? HAHAHAHA


  8. Teddy, I have the same white mousie. He has a brother who is brown also. You have totally totally wrecked that red tent but you’re having fun and that is what it’s for. The mousie, holey moley…what a great JOB!


    • Poor white mouse……the one Mom got me as a substitute for Sammy’s is still here but I ignore it – he came here with two other micies too – a light brown and dark brown one but I don’t like ANY OF THEM. Mr. Rags/aka Sam’s mouse is my very bestest buddy and will always be even after he truly is nothing but rags – right now we can still see his tail in there! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Great poem and pictures of both of you in your gardens. And it’s kind of sweet that you love Sammy’s old mouse (and your read house) “to pieces.”


    • I love it – and maybe I ask Mom and Dad too often to take me out now that I know how cool it is out there but they seem to think I’ll stop whining at the door one of these days…..I hope they’re not holding their breath! HAHA

      Love, Teddy


  10. sammy….yur poemz total lee awesum two day N we iz Glad it dinna Getted lost in why fy tranz furr

    ted on nator……whoa…dood…ewe HAZ done a number on yur tent !!!!! 🙂 we iz crackin UP

    may bee all that fresh air N thoz outside walkz will make ya snooze sum.. sew ya leeve yur tent a lone 🙂 we r Glad yur abe bull ta Get out an Go for thoz walkz ~~~~~ way kewl ♥♥

    sew R gran paw dude
    had gran kidz tuna N sauce
    but therz noe gran maw

    him waz knot mare reed
    did him get uz frum de store
    thatz called groceree

    if asked… he giggled
    then went out two de garden
    two meet hiz gal pal…




    • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA………now that’s what I call a FUN poem for poetry day. Angel Sammy giggled too (did you hear thunder last night – that was him!)……….you all make me and Mom laugh – and laughter is the BESTEST medicine right? Your Grandpa didn’t get you from the grocery but you might have had your “start” out in the garden among the veggies!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  11. Teddy, you look so wonderful on your leash. And you are lucky to have inherited Angel Sammy’s mouse, even though it is now beaten up.
    Raja and Zoe from


  12. Oh Teddy, you really deaded that mouse – Misty would have done the same:) We bet you love those walkies; we always enjoy ours even if it is so hot we only get a short one. And that poem was so good – Mom has her garden on the deck too, a few flower pots, and one tomato plant:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Deck gardening is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier isn’t it. Mom has no problem keeping it watered either as it’s right off our kitchen! My poor mousie – I’m sure Angel Sammy is amazed that it was INTACT for him for 16 years but when I got ahold of it Mom had to tie it all up so the parts wouldn’t fall off from me playing with it! OOPS!

      Love, Teddy


  13. OMG, Little T. That mousie is hilarious. I think Sammy is happy that the old guy is still in the rotation. As long as your dad doesn’t run out of handkerchiefs, Mousie will be around for a long time. I wonder if the old red tent can be held together with handkerchief strips….?

    Love and licks,


    • Mom might have to try the hankie trick on the red tent but I might not like it as much. It won’t stand up on its’ own anymore so Mom leans it against the blue new tent…..but I prefer to leap in OLD RED and make a tangled web out of it….if I can have Mr. Rag in there with me, ALL THE BETTER!

      Love, Teddy
      p.s. Mom bought Dad some NEW hankies so she could have the old soft ones!

      Liked by 1 person

    • I am lucky – my most favorite place to sit and watch stuff is the edge of the woods out back. As long as I’m on the harness my Mom and Dad let me do whatever I like……..

      Hugs, Teddy


  14. Love your garden and that you get to explore it with your Mom and Dad.

    Minko had skill at deading mousies…I saw him go for the most beat up ones until they were just bits and pieces…and then he would go and walk about with a bit and sing to it just like it was still a mousie! MOL!

    I like a little fluff ball and those shiny sparkly balls that crinkle and rustle when you give them a bitey!


    • I like little fluffy things and those crinkly balls too but my most favorite-est toy in the universe is my “Mr. Rags” formerly mousie. I like to bring it to Mom for her to throw it down the stairs for me to go fetch and bring back to her for another round. I suppose it’s good exercise for me too!

      Love, Teddy


  15. I am glad you are enjoying your walks, Teddy. Mr Rags looks very well loved. Eric never played with toys very much but he had a big black mousie which he loved. It later got called Scruffy Rat, then when it got even scruffier it was called Fred Bare. It was buried with Eric so he could still love it at the Bridge. Flynn loved all toys.


    • Oh how sweet about the black mousie – my Mom and I love the name “FRED BARE”……….hahaha……….Sammy’s old white mouse, now Mr. Rags, might go into the shadow box Mom is working on for Angel Sammy along with his little toothbrush and favorite rubber ring…..and some of his fur……but then again I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO loving Mr. Rags maybe he’s mine and Sammy left him for me?

      Love, Teddy


    • That was an old photo with Sammy on the porch……….this year’s summer garden isn’t so pretty – Mom just didn’t really “get into” buying plants for the porch this year. There’s more stuff on our back deck than the front porch!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

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