Bacon Fun!


BACON – What’s Saturday Without It??

Well to answer the question above, I have to say that without bacon, Saturday is – well – BORING!    Or maybe that’s not fair since some people simply do not eat meat or CAN’T eat things like bacon for dietary/health reasons.     We are sorry that bacon isn’t on everyone’s menu but around here – Saturday has BACON attached to it for now!

I have a funny thing from the newspaper which my Dad gave my Mom AGES AND AGES ago – before Angel Sammy became an Angel – but she only today was cleaning up her desk and discovered it.   You know when Sammy and Mom started this blog years ago there was no “deciding on the name” for the blog – it simply and immediately was called ONE SPOILED CAT because Sammy WAS definitely spoiled and he loved it that way.   So did Mom and Dad…………that’s why Dad cut this out of the paper for Mom:

Gee Mom I bet you could have got that on the scanner a little more STRAIGHT!!!    Anyway, we love this………we just plain LOVE THIS.

Now – onward to bacon!   I thought this week I’d share a couple of bacon jokes/cartoons…………….we all can use a little humor yes???

HAR HAR HAR HAR………….these are funny Mom – got any more????

We’ve shown everyone that one before but I do like it a lot!

Should we have our usual Saturday Bacon Breakfast???   Let’s see – what shall I have the Palace Chef bring in while we sit around the Baconian Breakfast Buffet???????

The royal cook did not disappoint……the bacon was prepared purrfectly!


MMM…..bacon, mushroom, spinach, cheese and eggs?  Why not!  Overload!

A little latte…….Snoopy and Charlie Brown make good breakfast companions right?

I think that’s enough frivolity for a Saturday…………..I think we all probably want to burp, yawn, then crawl back into bed for a few more “Zs” before getting up and facing the day – am I right?

Of course I’m right – I’m King!!! 

Happy Saturday good people of Baconia! 

King Ted


42 responses »

  1. Bahwahahahaha yep Angel Sammy was definitely Spoiled….but then so are you my friend and we wouldn’t have it any other way!Pssst I’m a bit spoiled too on the quiet….hehehehe…..who am I kidding there’s nothing quiet about me being Spoiled!Have a great weekend my friend,xx Speedy


  2. I think we are all spoiled here at the CB. And that’s the way it should be. 💗 Those cartoons were funny. Mommy and I love Mutts. We get it in our inbox every day. That microwaved bacon cartoon made mom really laugh cause she’s guilty. Brovver gets straight looking microwaved bacon every time.


    • Well it’s a good way to cook it but my Mom insists on doing it in the frying pan because she makes pancakes or hash browns or something in some of that bacon grease – – she could do that with the microwave stuff too but it’s just EASIER in one pan! Mom likes EASY…….HAHAHAHAHA

      Yay for Mutts
      Love, Teddy


  3. LadyMum luvved thee Latte with her faverite BEEGULL Snoopy!!! Mew mew mew….
    An shee laffed out loud at thee ‘bacon strip’ cartoon Teddy boy…..
    Katurday w/out bacon = purelee pawfull!!!
    Bring on thee bacon! 😉
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


  4. Aw, love the Mutts cartoon (one of Mom’s favorite comic strips). Yes, your brother Angel Sammy was certainly lovingly spoiled, as are you, sweet Teddy! And me…and my sisfur, Gypsy. Aren’t we so very fortunate to be so loved??!
    Love, Sundae


  5. Did you get your bacon today, Teddy, and do you burp? Mom says that casserole looks yummy. She loves anything with spinach. We all love Mutts cartoons, but they took the strip out of our newspaper and few months ago. Mom was very disappointed. Mom says that she will not go to the bacon festival today. It is just too darn hot out, and Dad is in Richmond. Don’t drag your mom out into the heat today, Teddy! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • I have burped ONCE but Mom REALLY goes nuts when I get the hiccups….HAHAHAHA. Anything for a laugh right? That Mutts cartoon is old – we may not have it in our paper anymore either but Mom had saved it and found it in the mound of STUFF on her desk…….I love it. I know Angel Sammy would too! No bacon festival? Well you can enjoy some bacon on my blog today instead – it is hot but NOT as hot as the past few days here – it’s “only” (!) 85!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Happy bacon day, Teddy! As usual, no bacon here… but I have a cat show to go to in the Midwest in about three weeks. Maybe the hotel breakfast area will be bacon friendly there!


  7. Those cartoons made me laugh! Of course Sammy was spoiled, and you too. We owe it to our furry families to spoil them.


  8. Coming for my second helping of bacon on Caturday. Snuck in early but my mouth was too full to comment on your funny funnies. 😎☀️
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend Teddy and family.


  9. The Fountain of Bacon is becoming one of my favorite visual tributes you use. And the answer to the old man’s dilemma is obvious…. go to the Fountain of Youth first and then he can throw away the walker and RUN to the Fountain of Bacon. Duh!


    • That’s what my Mom says SHE would do if faced with that decision in her road of life……..although there are times when she feels like “damn the torpedoes full speed ahead to the bacon” !!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. We had not seen those funnies before! They really are funny!
    So much bacon here that I could almost smell it here; hundreds of miles from your den…


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