Pre-Tease Monday


School Is In Session!

Time to settle into your school desk seats so we can talk about tomorrow’s GEOGRAPHY TEST.    You know that’s what it’s all about right?    Trying to use your knowledge of people, places, and things – AND a healthy dose of good luck – to get the Tuesday Teaser right…..guess CORRECTLY where the photo was taken.    Not an easy task some Tuesdays but one that’s FUN and one that challenges your BRAINS and keeps you ALERT!    Right students???

Yes Sir Professor!!

So shall we begin?    We have a GUEST TEASER again for tomorrow – that’s a photo of course that someone we know has submitted and we hope you have some fun figuring this one out as always.   How it will work is as always……………when you get here tomorrow to class, you need to COMMENT on the blog because you just might be the FIRST to do that and if you are, you get a special badge to show off!

Then you can start studying the photo that we show…………..and of course if you guess and are RIGHT – and are FIRST to be RIGHT you get a special badge but even if you aren’t FIRST but you guess correctly you will win a badge so that’s pretty cool right?    If you guess incorrectly you still get one of our famous GREENIES to show off……….you can’t go wrong!

Suzie wanted to do a cheer for you since she’s our official Teaser Class Cheerleader – she hopes it fires you up for tomorrow………and knowing Suzie, there will be fire because she’s HOT HOT HOT when she cheers!

Tuesday Tuesday comin’ tomorrow
Time for giggles not time for sorrow
Unless you guess and you’re not right
Then you probably won’t sleep tomorrow night
Don’t disappoint me and skip the class
Cuz if you do, I’ll kick your lunchbox…….(tee hee)

Thanks Suzie…………..I do think you got everyone well prepared mentally for tomorrow………….you never let us down!

Tomorrow in class it’s PIZZA DAY………….so after we show you the Teaser photos and we are ready to go out to the playground for recess, Mrs. Dingleberry, our Cafeteria Supervisor, will wheel in some pizzas for you to snack on!

Yep – she’s a little bit scary but she makes a dy-no-mite pizza!!!!

Anybody have any questions?

Yes Bobby?????

You forgot to tell everyone that the Teaser post pops up at a different time than your other posts Professor Sammy…….you always tell everyone that!

Why yes Tommy you’re right – I clearly forgot to mention that and I thank you for pointing that out………………..the post will be at a SPECIAL time tomorrow so everyone should sleep by their computers or ipads or iphones or WHATEVER tonight so when we pop into the inbox, you’ll be FIRST here!

My able Assistant Professor Teddy and I will see you tomorrow!

Angel Professor Sammy


46 responses »

  1. Good morning, Teddy! We will be here for the Teaser…and who knows? Purrhaps there will be a miracle, and we’ll actually know the answer!
    Sweet graphic of your brofur, Angel Sammy.
    Love, Sundae


    • Good Morning! I’ll look for you all in class tomorrow – the Teaser is from a Guest and is a bit tough…..we’ll see who manages to figure it out tomorrow! Good luck!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Thanks for cheering us on, Suzie. We’d never miss pizza, so we’ll be here. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


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