Memorial Day Pre-Tease Monday


It’s a holiday!  No school today BUT that doesn’t mean we aren’t “pre-teasing” !!

We are definitely getting ready for tomorrow’s Teaser as always but tempering it with a reminder that today is Memorial Day – a day to remember.

After we get our business out of the way, I have a little picnic set up for all of you for the holiday……no, today is NOT about food, but a little food never hurt anyone right?  

Yesterday on the blog, Teddy posed for a very patriotic selfie – you probably saw it but just in case, here it is again!

Nice job Teddy!  

Now shall we discuss the Teaser???    Tomorrow’s Teaser is a Guest Teaser (no groaning now – I know you think they are harder than other Teasers but NOT NECESSARILY!).    So, just be brave and remember it’s all in fun.   OKEE DOKEE?    I will tell you WHO the guest was on Wednesday when we do the Tell All and we WILL be in class that day as well as on Tuesday.

Remember that the Teaser post does not go “live” until WELL after the usual time our blog hits the airwaves which is at 3AM, Eastern Standard Time.   It can be AT ANY TIME on Tuesday morning – makes it that much tougher for you to be on top of things!   That much tougher for you to win FIRST COMMENTER badges because you don’t know WHEN we’ll pop up!   Sneaky huh?   BE BRAVE!  YOU CAN DO IT!

First Commenter on the blog post will get this:

Yep – you can proclaim that you are quick on the draw and commented FIRST (or maybe you will be one of the FIRST because sometimes we have more than one comment during the first sixty seconds the post goes live!!!!).

SO, I guess I’ll be seeing all of you here in class tomorrow??????    Suzie’s on vacation too so no cheer from her today BUT she will be back tomorrow cheering her brains out (which shouldn’t take too long….hahaha).    Meanwhile let’s have a nice Memorial Day Picnic – what do you say????   Enjoy and – remember what today is really all about…………REMEMBERING THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED OR ARE SERVING OUR COUNTRY!

Our picnic area – pull up a chair and grab some food!

Burger? Hot Dog? BBQ?

Ribs, cole slaw, the works!

Watermelon tea

Gotta have baked beans right?

The devil made me do it…..just had to have deviled eggs!

A whole table FULL of desserts!!

Land of the Free
Home of the Brave

Love To All, Angel Sammy and Teddy

47 responses »

  1. Ooooo, watermelon tea! I will take a hot dog, a burger, two deviled eggs, and CAKE! Thank you so much for the picnic FOOD! Oh, and I see kabobs, too! I will see you tomorrow for The Teaser. Enjoy this lovely sunny day… I see you are going to get some sun later today!


    • YES WE HAVE SUN RIGHT NOW MISS PIX!!! YAY!!! Enjoy your foodables HERE and at home too and I’ll look for you in class tomorrow. Suzie’s practicing her cheer and Angel Sammy made her take all the x-rated words out already!

      Love and Big Hugs, Teddy


  2. Hello sweet Teddy, Angel Sammy and mom
    Happy Memorial Day to you all…our computer is updating….and it says it will take longer than usual…thank goodness for the iPad
    Madi and mom


    • Hi Madi! Happy Memorial Day to you too – good thing you have ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION when your computer is updating…….!!!! Hope you are having a glorious day……….we have sun for a change!

      Love, Teddy


    • They are in a different time zone AND enjoying a break so no worries about TEASING tomorrow! Remember not to misbehave either because “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING” !!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  3. Mee-you Happy Meowmorial day Teddy an Lady Pam an Pappaw!! Mee will have a little burger an purrhapss sum (m)ice creem an LadyMum wood like sum ribss an beans an watermelon tea pleeze! Fankss fur a pawsum day out Teddy! Yur so kind…..
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~


  4. Happy Memorial Day. All these noms are amazing. Thanks Teddy and Angel Sammy. We know your folks are next door tonight, Teddy. Maybe they’ll bring home something tasty for you. Yesterday your comment did not go to spam, but it was back there again today. Crazy! MOUSES! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • The internet is a crazy place isn’t it? Well, at least you got my comment…..TWICE! HAHAHA Mom and Dad had a good time last night but did NOT bring any leftovers….darn…..hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend too everybody…….

      Love, Teddy


  5. Yummy treats there! We had burgers here…but not till after we remembered…
    We might be late here tomorrow…petcretary has yet another appointment. Sheesh.. SHe needs to change them all to a diffurent day we think. MOL!


    • Well remember it doesn’t matter WHEN you get here – cuz you might guess RIGHT and get a RIGHT GUESSERS badge….or you might still be the first to guess right…….it’s a toss up every Tuesday!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • We did Seville – thanks. Mom and Dad went to the neighbors for a cookout but that was OK with me because I got to SLEEP while they were gone – sleeping is #1 with me!

      Hugs, Teddy


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