Beauteous Bacon Day!


Oh Boy!  Oh Joy!

It’s that day that Angel Sammy loved so much and I happily “inherited” from him – now that I’m THE KING I feel honored to carry on the tradition of bringing you some BACON fun every week!   This week I searched high and low to bring you some NEW bacon treats……….things that you probably haven’t thought of to make with that luscious stuff we call BACON – or maybe you have thought of them but only in your DREAMS – well I’m here to tell you some of them are REAL!

Take a gander at what I found for you THIS week:

Bacon and bleu cheese stuffed mushrooms

Candied bacon ice cream

Bacon cinnamon rolls

Bacon gorgonzola potato salad

Maple Bacon Truffles

Oysters with bacon and cheese

Bacon peanut brittle

Is your mouth watering yet?    Huh?   Well mine sure is…………….Kind of makes the bacon and eggs my Mom made for breakfast this morning look rather PLAIN but hey – there was BACON and that’s the important thing right?

SO – what do you say gang?  Let’s CELEBRATE bacon today!!

Go ahead – blow out the candles but don’t get melted wax on my bacon please!

We are makin’ bacon and yes you can haz!

Have a bacon-filled Saturday loyal subjects!

King Teddy

Before I go, I am sad to report the loss of another of our good friends, the beautiful Snowball at 15andmeowing.   She had not been well for a while but of course we all hoped that she would be with us for a long time to come……Angel Sammy was one of many who met her at the Bridge yesterday as she returned home from a vet visit……..if you click the badge we made for Snowball, you can visit 15andmeowing to leave a message if you like.  

52 responses »

  1. I can still remember the Bacon Harvest there in your Greenhouse Teddy and Angel Sammy. That was just the most fun! Happy Bacon Day!


    • It was a lot of fun wasn’t it Katie? Sigh……..I guess I should check in at the greenhouse and see if there’s any seed planting activity going on!

      Hugs, Angel Sam and Teddy too


  2. Bacon cinnamon rolls! Bacon Maple Truffles! Bacon!
    So sad about Snowball… very sad for Ellen and her husband. Have been to her blog and FB to leave a few words. Heart is breaking for her.
    No bacon here today… bowl of bran for me and a blueberry muffin with buttah for CH.


    • Oh you and CH are such HEALTHY EATERS! You need to work in a big fat bacon cheeseburger this weekend – it’s Memorial Weekend – need to have a cookout with all the fixings! Very sad about Snowball indeed – sweet Miss Ellen has a house full of kitties and sadly that means eventually a lot more losses……..we are so sorry too.

      Hugs, Teddy


      • Fat bacon cheeseburgers on Monday at the Mama’s. Pork steaks tomorrow with friends,,, how is that? What you havin’? We have big bad scary storms here today and tonight… so tired of it. Under a tornado watch till 7.


        • YEEKS on the tornado watch and bad storms – we’ve just had RAIN….and wind…..and wind with rain….and rain with wind…..(you get the picture!). Oh I just knew you couldn’t let a long weekend go by without a bacon cheeseburger – SAME HERE on Monday!! Tonight having STEAKS on the BARBEEEEEEE, baked fresh asparagus and baked potatoes with the works. We’re ALSO supposed to have a cookout with neighbors at some point – when we don’t know. We will be waddling home that’s for sure – eating like porkers this whole weekend! HAVE FUN! STAY SAFE!

          Love, Pam (and Teddy too)


  3. Mom says all those noms look wonderful, but especially the potato salad. Yummy. She’s going to look for the recipe on line. She doesn’t cook bacon normally if Dad is away, but maybe we can convince her to make some. We are so sad about Snowball. Mom Ellen has had so many losses. We are dedicating our selfie hop to her tomorrow. Have a great day. We love you all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We love that Mom Ellen and Dad David have so many kitties they’ve saved, adopted, rescued – it’s a house full – but of course sadly with that many, there will be a lot of losses and it has to be awful to face that more frequently. Mom used to say she’d love a house full of kitties but with 15 I guess you’d have a lot more losses to face. Snowball was very brave – she had a lot of medical issues but she had such a sad start which became a dream home when Mom Ellen adopted her……I know they miss her terribly. Such a beautiful white kitty.

      Love, Teddy


  4. Love the kitty kats and their sayings. I don’t like the idea of bacon ice cream though. I don’t want an ice cream headache that tastes like bacon. I want to savour every minute with bacon. MOL



  5. OMG….bacon cinnamon rolls?? Those sound like heaven! I was on vacation recently, and I think I ate something bacon just about every day. LOL….have to live it up a little when on vacation, I’m sure you agree, Teddy!


  6. Ice cream with bacon!!! That’s crazy, but we bet it is really good!!! We got a bit of bacon this morning, but we sure would love to have had a lot more!

    Happy Bacon Day.

    Woos – Misty and Lightning


  7. ***sighsss*** Poor deer Snowball….mee so hoped shee could stay with Lady Ellen an thee furamillee longer…. **sniff sniff**
    Sorta made mee bacon not so tasty; butt mee sturrulled thru Teddy!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • Yes dear boy, we were heart broken too that Snowball left……she’s in a beautiful place now though and has her health and youth back and is with so many other Angels! That’s what we must remember….that things are better for those who weren’t well or were suffering.

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee knowss Teddy an Unccle Sammy…..mee just not good at sayin ‘Goodbye”. Mee still comin to accept yur inn Pure Land Unccle. Meowin with you here has helped a lot….
        Poor deer snowball; at leest shee iss free of pain an hert now.
        ***air kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  8. Thank you for the beautiful graphic you made for my Snowball and for writing about her. Sorry I am so late, I am just starting to catch up on the days I missed. I am thankful for such wonderful friends. XO and love to you and your Mom.


    • We know how hard it is those first terrible days after a loss…take your time. We all know what it’s like…..and we all understand. We’ve read some beautiful posts in honor of Snowball – you’re right about friends – they are ALWAYS there when you need them!

      Love, Teddy and Mom too


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