Pre-Tease Monday


Come On In Students!

Happy Monday and if you’ll take your seats at your desks, we will get started with our Monday Pre-Tease class………..first of all, please remember that our TEASER post tomorrow will be popping out onto the airwaves at a SURPRISE time…………..not our usual time……………makes things more interesting that way!    When it arrives, whoever is the FIRST to comment on the post gets a swell badge.    Now isn’t that exciting?   Of course it is!

Professor what if NOBODY comes to the Teaser post tomorrow……has that ever happened????

No Bobby – happily we’ve never had NOBODY show up on a Teaser Post day or for that matter any OTHER day in all the years I’ve been teaching class here.   So you don’t have to worry about that.  SOMEONE will be First Commenter, someone will be FIRST RIGHT GUESSER and there will be other RIGHT GUESSERS and we all know that there’s never a shortage of people qualifying for the GREENIE – all you have to do to get THAT one is be wrong on your guess!

Now, let’s see if our resident cheerleader Suzie might step into the classroom and give us a rousing cheer to get everyone in the mood for the TEASER tomorrow!!!

I’m here WITHOUT my posse’
Those girls were way too bossy
I’m here to shake my pom poms
NOT to eat some bon bons!
We’ll be ready for some Teaser players
I bet they’re home saying their prayers
Everyone wants to be FIRST
Or else they’ll be the WORST!
Study up and be ready
That goes for you too Teddy!

Thank you Suzie…………that was……………well……………..inspiring.


No giggling in class or ELSE!

Alright students, thank you for paying attention today – and I wish each and every one of you a happy Monday – I’ll see you BRIGHT AND EARLY for tomorrow’s Teaser!

Angel Prof Sammy and Jr. Prof Teddy

48 responses »

  1. Bobby we are changing your name to ‘What if”…you know what if nobuddy shows up.
    WTG Suzie kick that bossy posse to the curb no buddy likes a pushy posse
    Hugs madi your bfff


  2. We’ll be here at some point. Mom has a bunch of appts. tomorrow, so we’ll probably be late, as always! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  3. YIKESS Sarge iss sorta scary!!!
    An Suzy that was a better cheer an mee glad you leeved thee Posse out inn thee field; they WERE bossy!
    An Unccle Sammy an Teddy boy wee will bee here tomorrow…mee iss ready fur thee Teezer; LadyMum …well you know LadyMum!! Mew mew mew….
    ***air kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  4. eye noe this commint haz nothin ta due with this post
    but eye wanted ta say thanx 777 bazillion timez for
    yur kindnezz two me & me familee last week
    sorree for de copee N paste type for mat…….lovez all wayz
    boomer ♥


    • We will always and forever love you Tabbies – Boomer, I’m happy to fly around with you now even though your family is missing you like MAD – my Mom and Dad have their moments too. My Mom says it’s wonderful how the whole blogosphere pulls together to help each other through SAD times as well as HAPPY times…..Some things NEVER change though – and friendship is one of them as far as WE are concerned!!!!

      Love and Hugs………..Angel Sammy (and Mom and Teddy too!)


  5. I am absolutely determined to be right one of these days. Maybe I will just copy what eveyone else says cause it seems like other kitties is always right. That seems like a plan. See you tomorrow Sammy, Professor f all impawtant subjects . . . if my stoopy Human does not FORGET!


    • I shall be on the alert for your arrival in the classroom oh King Spittola! We have a throne reserved for you…..I’ll try to keep Sarge, Bobby and Suzie from sitting in it!

      Hugs, Angel Sam and Teddy


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