Bacon Boys


Sammy and Teddy – the Bacon Boys


Hear Ye Hear Ye – starting next week the Prince of Baconia will be here on the Saturday bacon blog with THE KING!

That’s right – he will also occupy some space (only a little though) either ON my bacon cheeseburger King’s Bed and throne OR we’ll give him his own.

It’s time I move over and let my baby brother work for his keep!    (Ted in red)


You mean I can’t sleep in between bouts of insanely running around the house 87 billion miles an hour?   I have to WORK?   Aren’t I too young?

That’s right Teddy – time to help out the Angel guy………..


I’d rather be a gnome in the bacon greenhouse! 

Yeah well so would I but somebody has to “bring home the bacon” !!!   (oh gosh that was terrible wasn’t it?!?!)


I’m working on plans (and Teddy will be helping out) for the Bacon Harvest Party probably in April some time.   The bacon crop in the greenhouse will be AT ITS PEAK and we’ll have everyone come to join in the fun of harvesting AND snacking AND who knows what else!    I’ll keep you informed of course…… the meantime, here are some Saturday bacon giggles!





Teddy and I wish you a happy Bacon Day!


 P.S.   Our friend Louisdog who is the Director of Arts and Entertainment for Blogville, put together an AMAZING “Art Gallery” of many of our friends and you MUST take a peek!   Just CLICK HERE and you will be able to see all the wonderful “portraits” in the gallery!!!   Thank you Louisdog for giving us all a chance to “strut” our stuff!  

67 responses »

  1. A bacon harvest?! You have got to be kidding me⁉️ I am gonna pitch a tent at the door right now!
    Teddy there is no rest for the young…they are always trying to wear you out so you are tired!
    Madi your bffff


  2. Hey, Angel Scout Sammy! And Teddy!! I just had my breakfast a bit ago, a new flavor I do LOVE! Something, something with Bacon, cheese sauce!! With a sprinkling of crushed thyroid pill on top!! You’d be so proud of me Sammy, I just lap up this new medicine!
    Now, Chip and I are off on the skiing trip!! Hope we will see you there!!
    Lots of love to you both from both of us! Hermes and Chip – the Hauckcats!


    • I’m so happy that you have no problem with your thyroid pill…….I didn’t either at first then I got picky about it – I hope you are NOT like me that way Hermes my friend!!!!!! See you skiing!

      Love, Angel Sam


  3. Oh Angel Sammy and Teddy, we’re just drooling right now, bacon, bacon, bacon… nom, nom, nom… sadly the P.A. is some kind of vegemite and sadly we don’t get bacon…. but when dad-staff gets back next week, there maybe a chance of bacon, paws crossed!!! MOL

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox


  4. Glad to hear Teddy is enjoyin’ bacon too. Can you believe Raena’s never tasted dat delectable treat? ‘Course it’s not like me gets it all da time either. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  5. Bacon. I had it for the first time two days ago. Sore paw or not, I jumped on the floor for more bacon. Where has it been all my life. The jokes were awesome. Sounds like some of Shoko’s jokes. MOL

    Kitty Kisses,



  6. Thanks fur turning me on to BACON. Teddy, you will be fine. Bacon work is not really work at all! And thank you Angel Sammy fur pawticipating in the Self Pawtrait challenge. You inspire everyone.
    Your Furend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong


    • Louis you did a MAGNIFICENT job with the Self Pawtrait Challenge – there were so many BEAUTIFUL bits of art there I could hardly believe it and I was the FIRST ONE! It’s a lot of fun to create artwork from a photo isn’t it? Thank you for hosting such a FUN event… for Bacon, I think after your hard work you deserve a big bowl full!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  7. Sammy and Teddy, may we please help with the bacon harvest. Lily Olivia is the only one who has ever tasted bacon, and we think it is about time the rest of us have a taste. We promise not to eat too much. We can’t wait to see if Teddy gets his own bacon throne or if you share. Love and hugs to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Oh yes PLEASE be sure and come to the bacon harvest……….we will of course announce it WELL ahead of time…… will be a real PAWTY believe me. Bacon is one of those things that ALL cats should experience at least once in their lives…..! The harvest is only possible because YOU ALL sent us those magic bacon seeds! YAY!

      Love, Angel Sammy


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