Bacon Anyone?


Wanna Be Bacon Buddies?


If you don’t belong officially to this club – well – WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN????    Feel free to grab this badge and display it with PRIDE on your blog or website or WHATEVER.   I mean isn’t it time you declared your love for the most FABULOUS food in the universe????????


Even Darth Vader thinks bacon is fabulous!


See?   My Mom is still here, and my Dad is still here and they eat bacon all the time!!!   I went to the Rainbow Bridge but it wasn’t because I ate too much bacon!!!


Yeah…..don’t be selfish – think of others!    Help end the violence!

A BONANZA Bacon Burger!!

A BONANZA Bacon Burger!!   EAT THIS WITH PRIDE !!!!!!!


As long as your boat doesn't sink - you haven't had too much bacon!!!!

As long as your boat doesn’t sink – you haven’t had too much bacon!!!!


Join the In Crowd – become a BACONATOR!


With Love, from your King……Angel Sammy

47 responses »

    • I would like to think that you, Da Phenny, truly deserve a bacon treat although I know your Mom and Dad aren’t “baconators” – every pup should have this treat at least ONCE! Give Mom those “puppy eyes” and see if that works!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  1. Hello Angel Sammy the King of Baconia! Samantha says she’s never been on a boat so she couldn’t tell if she has had too much bacon so that probably meant she hasn’t had enough. Interesting logic, don’t you think? HUGS! 🙂


  2. Angel Samm GUESS WHAT⁉️I heard there will bacon in my immediate future too. Mom is making home made Brunswick stew. The recipe calls for crumbled bacon on top.😻😻👍🏻👍🏻🤗🤗hugs Madi your bffff


  3. Oh pal, here you are an angel and still getting bacon and I haven’t even had a taste yet. M said it isn’t likely to happen either since we are living here and have no way to prepare it. My best hope is when the peeps decide to eat breakfast in, and the facility decides to treat hte residents with bacon (which is not often).


    • Well I say “live in hope”…….it’s what keeps us going sometimes and one of these days the residents just MIGHT decide a bacon treat is just the right thing to bring smiles!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  4. I have been wondering why I crave bacon so much lately and I think I figured it out- it is your fault 🙂 That is OK though, bacon is tasty. XO


  5. The kitty in the boat absolutely cracked us up. You always find the most fun bacon memes. Do you think the new kitten(s)/cat(s) will get to have bacon every Saturday? Were waiting very impatiently for the news this afternoon. Love to all, especially one of our favorite angels. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Oh definitely Teddy will be a “mini-baconator” like me! I told him he would love it – I told him if he was PATIENT at the shelter he’d get his forever/bacon home and he did!!!! YAY!!!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  6. I never used to be interested AT ALL in the Human foods, no matter what it was. However, in the past year or so I have begun to find certain things interesting, especially BUTTER. Nommy nommy nommy! I believe I had a tiny bit f bacon a few months ago, and it was darn tasty, I think my Human should fry me up a piece tomorrow morning, just to see. What a good idea! XOXOXO


    • Oh Spitty Butter was my NEXT favorite-est thing after bacon. No foolin’! It was actually one of the only ways I would take my crummy thyroid medicine for a long time was if Mom snuck it to me in a blob of butter. Then I got to the point I just asked for butter PERIOD and of course Mom spoiled me rotten and gave it to me. SO good. Bacon – EVEN BETTER!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy


  7. Sammy…Until I met you I thought that bacon was bad fur me. You have taught me a thing or two and one of the things is that bacon is something to celebrate! I will place the bacon badge on my blog with pride! Thanks, you are a true angel.
    Your Furend Furever,
    Louis Dog Armstrong


    • Hi Louis! I’m glad you are a “baconator” like me………bacon is just one of those things that makes life BETTER…..makes our tummies happy right? Right!

      Love you little guy,
      Hugs, Angel Sammy


    • Bacon is one of my favorite foods! Cats do love bacon…….and if their Moms love it too they make it frequently (yay for my Mom!). Every Saturday is Bacon Day at my house so my Saturday blog is ALL ABOUT BACON.

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

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