Pre-Tease Monday


Good Morning Class!


Here we are again!    Time to Tease you about tomorrow’s Geography Test……………..we will have a Guest Teaser for you tomorrow so batten the hatches and drag out your books and reference material because you will need to study tonight!


“Yes Bobby??”

“Professor Angel Sammy is it gonna be a tough test???”

“Well Bobby, some will find it EASY and some will find it TOUGH…..I suggest you just STUDY tonight and you will be fine.”

YESSIR! Bobby you just need to be purrpared for a test PERIOD. Don't ask questions like will it be hard. All you students are SPOILED! You need to buckle down and work fact, everybody down on the floor now and give me 10 push-ups PRONTO!!!!"

YESSIR! Bobby you just need to be purrpared for a test PERIOD. Don’t ask questions like will it be hard. All you students are SPOILED! You need to buckle down and work HARD… fact, everybody down on the floor now and give me 10 push-ups PRONTO!!!!”

“Well Sarge I don’t think the pushups are necessary BUT I do think the students should study and just be READY for whatever photo we have tomorrow PERIOD!”

A reminder to everyone that tomorrow’s post will be going live at a surprise time – not the usual time – so just be ready for it………………then whoever is the FIRST to comment on the post will be lucky enough to win a badge to brag that they were the FIRST COMMENTER……… be ALERT!


After that, in order to get any OTHER badge, you will need to examine the photo closely and be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER of where the photo was taken (and we need town/city/village AND state if USA or country if non-USA) and then you will win this!teaserbadgeoct2016-2

Those who guess RIGHT but aren’t first AND those who are WRONG WRONG WRONG, will win one of these last two badges as appropriate!

teaserbadgeoct2016-4 teaserbadgeoct2016-3

SO, keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow and you just might get something other than the GREENIE you are probably getting every week (tee hee).     Now let’s get everybody fired up by bringing out perky little Teaser Cheerleader out for a spin!   Suzie?

Boo-Ya, Boo-Ya Rah Rah Bum Most of this class Is truly dumb I cheer you on every week And get paid for my trouble with a pinch of my cheek (my face not my butt!) C'mon you lazy peeps Show me some stuff Air out your brains Blow out all that fluff! Study hard tonight Make things right Or Sarge will have to get you With his BITE BITE BITE!!!

Boo-Ya, Boo-Ya
Rah Rah Bum
Most of this class
Is truly dumb
I cheer you on every week
And get paid for my trouble with a pinch of my cheek (my face not my butt!)
C’mon you lazy peeps
Show me some stuff
Air out your brains
Blow out all that fluff!
Study hard tonight
Make things right
Or Sarge will have to get you
With his BITE BITE BITE!!!

Well, I’m not sure what to say about your cheer today Suzie but if it works and gets everyone to TRY HARD to guess the Teaser tomorrow then maybe we’ll have to get you to be CRUEL TO BE KIND every week!

So until tomorrow……


You heard the General - I mean the Prof - class dismissed. Leave in single file......HUT 2-3-4 !

You heard the General – I mean the Prof – class dismissed. Leave in single file……HUT 2-3-4 !


Angel Professor Sammy


54 responses »

  1. Sammy, these posts with Sarge, Bobby and Suzie have take on a life of their own. We look forward to these more than the teaser ’cause as you know, the petretary forgets it is Tuesday half the time, and she STINKS at geography. Pfft! We’ll be back tomorrow, but your guess is as good as ours when it comes to when! Sending lots of love to all and praying that Dad David agrees to a new kitty sometime very soon. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We had fun adding some ZIP to the Teaser day posts….who knows….more ZIP might be coming down the line!!! We love the fun of the Teaser even when it’s guessed almost immediately – these days with all the internet tools available to people looking online for something it’s getting EASIER to find images and guess the locations – we always hope people don’t use “help” but if they do, it’s still “ALL GOOD” !!!! THanks for being part of our blogging fun every week……….we love you!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy and Mom Pam


  2. All of these characters crack us up. Suzie, you are right… we have lots of fluff in our brains when it comes to geography! MOL!


  3. MOL!!! This is such a funny set of comments:)
    Is the class in a state of chaos??

    Hmmm we’d ll best be getting our minds ready for *that* picture and the fast finger to be furst…but since its past 3 am here…it likely will not be us being furst…sigh…


    • Teasers always bring out the wacky in my followers (and in me!) because we’ve got Sarge and Suzie for entertainment and heaven knows they are unpredictable at best! Hope to see you later this morning for the BIG TEASE!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


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