Friendly Fill-In Time!


Let’s Fill-In Sentences!!


It’s Friday and time for some filling in thanks to the blog hop hosted jointly by Miss Ellen at 15andMeowing and Miss Annie at McDuffy’sReader!    If you want to join in the fun, just visit McDuffy’s Reader and join up with the LINKY TOOL – we’ll hop by to see how you filled in your sentences!

Todays sentences and my responses are below!    This week I let Mom fill in again…….I know I’m spoiling her but some of the sentences just weren’t appropriate for ME to fill in – more for Mom I think.   Mom’s fill-ins are in RED.

1. I have seen Bob Hope play in concert.
2. I would like to attend an Air Force Band concert.

  1. In the dead of Winter, I tend to do more baking than any other time of year.
  2. The main ringer on my cell phone is OFF – my cell phone is only for me to use in an emergency so it sits in my pocket book 99.9% of the time and isn’t used!

So Mom did her thing……maybe next week I’ll fill-in…………….it’s only fair to let her do it once in a while anyway – besides, cats very infrequently go to concerts right?????????   Tee Hee

A little bit of explaining about Mom’s answers.    She used to work for Mutual Broadcasting when it was the world’s largest radio network.    She met a whole lot of celebs but her FAVORITE was Bob Hope.    Mom took her Mom to the concert when Mom’s boss, the President of Mutual, gave her tickets and Mr. Hope introduced my Mom in the audience before he did his show.   He had a band and Suzanne Sommers was appearing with him – they did some songs together but my Mom ALWAYS thought Mr. Hope was a REAL GENTLEMAN and kind man.

The Air Force Band is because of two things – when my Mom was making arrangements for her wedding reception when she was marrying my Dad, she wanted the Air Force Strings to play.   They had a small three piece group (violins) who would do weddings, special occasions.   They did play at Mom and Dad’s reception and it was wonderful……SO Mom thought it would be TOTALLY COOL to see the ENTIRE BAND in a concert once.   When her Dad passed away in 1993, he had a full military honors funeral and the band played “Amazing Grace”…….it was an amazing moment she will never forget.

So that’s it for me this time around……………complete with a couple of “side stories” about Mom’s answers…………I’ll see you NEXT Friday for filling-in again.   Meanwhile – HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


With Love From the Rainbow Bridge, Angel Sammy





63 responses »

  1. Aw, Angel Sammy, it was so interesting to read about your Mom being introduced by Bob Hope!! What a thrill! (And we’re betting that her mom was so proud of that too!) And how special to have the Air Force “trio” play at your pawrents wedding. I hope one day your Mom gets to attend that concert!
    Love, Sundae


    • Good Morning! Yes Mom was thrilled about the Bob Hope thing….she met a lot of other people while she was at Mutual but Mr. Hope was special. I bet you will be HAPPY to be an inside only kitty today Sundae – you’re going to have SNOW!

      Love, Angel Sam


    • Yes he sure did……..Mom’s OTHER favorite concert was The Doobie Brothers……..that was EVER EVER so long ago! We just read that the Doobie Brothers and Chicago are about to do a tour together….should be a goodie (so Mom says anyway!).

      Hugs, Angel Sam


  2. Angels Sammy and Easy, Thank you so much for disturbing your heavenly sleep to meet my friend, Oliver the black lab, and help him across the Bridge last night. He was 16 and decided it was time to go to the bridge to get his body rehabbed. You both are very kind. Loved your Mom’s fill-ins; she has done some interesting things. How neat.


    • Oh Wickett I’m sorry your friend Oliver had to go to the Bridge but indeed – he now has wings and is young again AND feeling perfectly fine now…’s nice to have a chance to “re-start” up here…..we miss our humans but we do visit those who are “open” to us visiting. Oliver is happy now….you can count on that!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  3. Sweet answers and explanations, Angel S. Of course there’s no explanation about why the phone ringer is off. It just is, I guess. That would never happen in this house! Mom is obsessed.

    Love and licks,


    • Well Mom just doesn’t use her call for communicating – unless she’s calling AAA with a car problem!! Otherwise Mom and Dad talk to each other in purrrrrson……….almost everyone we know though has a cell phone and uses it all day every day. Mom did a little informal survey at the grocery this week and every single person in there other than the checkers and HER had a cell phone attached to their ear!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy


  4. Beautiful photo of you Angel Sammy. Thanks to your Mom for participating and you for the explanation. That was sweet of her to take her Mom to see Bob Hope, I bet that was a huge thrill for her. How cool that your Mom used to work for a big broadcaster and all the perks with it. The Air Force band would be nice to hear in concert. We never use our cell phones either, we are old fashioned and like the landline.Have a nice weekend! XO


  5. We enjoyed learning more about your mom, Sammy! We think it’s interesting that she doesn’t use her cell phone! Our mom and dad only have cell phones… no land-line, so they always have their cell phones on them. They say they’re important for “business” and taking pictures of us, of course!!!


  6. Angel Sammy what wonderful fill ins and explanations. Mom had Amazing Grace song at both her parent’s memorials. We love that song and can only imagine it being played by the A.F. band.
    We are expecting 87 tons of snow here tonight and tomorrow we sure do hope we keep power.
    Hugs madi your bfff


  7. Sammy, the best part of the fill-ins are the side stories.Because of our book review we didn’t do them this week. Mom has no idea what her ringtone is…her phone just rings. Her list of performers she’s seen, being a teenager in the 60s in California, could fill an entire page. We love your image from the bridge today with the purple background. Tell Mom Pam and Dad David to stay safe if they hit with lots of snow. We love you all bunches. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • We are not expecting ANY snow – we still have a “dusting” on the grass from yesterday afternoon BUT no snow…….at least not yet…….and you know how the weather peeps LIE!!!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  8. Most purrinteresting fill-ins today… The Mom really liked Bob Hope too. furry nice that your mom gots to meets him. The Mom says that Bob Hope used to say he gots lots of stuffs done by adding things to do one at a time. Purrz, Katie KittyToo.


  9. Amazing Grace just makes me cry in general. A bagpiper played Amazing Grace at David’s dad’s funeral back in 1987. It just rips my heart out now to hear it on the bagpipes especially. I’m sorry that your Mom lost her daddy, Sammy. I lost mine just after his birthday in 2012. Those are hurts that just don’t go away.

    I’m glad that your mom and her mom got to see Bob Hope. 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend!


  10. Holy Toledo Angel Sammykins ! Mom met Bob Hope! I think that’s the kittens whiskers, I really admired him too. What a wonderful honour. Sounds like there’s been a lot of exciting moments in mom’s life, not to mention the number one moment, finding love from a widdle orange and white kitten xoxo Hugs to you both ❤ Boomdee


    • You’re right – that really was the BIG moment for me…..seeing that little ginger kitty boy up in the cage up high and getting that first lick on the cheek…..I knew it was gonna be a BIG LOVE and it was……..Meeting Bob Hope was a thrill too!

      Love, Pam


  11. Mee-you Unccle Sammy yur beeuteefull inn yur Angel wingss……
    Sorry mee not been around. Had to take care of LadyMum. Still snowin here all so….. 😉
    ***air patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Yes it was a very BRIEF meeting but memorable………! Working for Mutual Broadcasting let her meet several celebs – even just a hello how are you or a handshake……the occasional hug………it was fun.

      Love, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  12. dood..yur momz answerz heer R total lee awesum ….de food servizz gurl wundered why her cell ewe lar never even ringed…..NEVER…even if sum one called…her had ta seerch online for why…..ternz out de ringer button waz never terned ON ~~~~~~~ ta…..



  13. Well those are some purretty cool answers awnty Pam. We didn’t know Bob Hope played anythin’, we thought he was a comedian dat mostly did USO shows. Shows ya’ what we know. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  14. Mom says she always enjoyed watching Bob Hope when he performed around the world for our servicemen. And it sure would be wonderful to hear the Air Force band in concert – great answers, Mom.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Thanks! I think the Bob Hope moment was something I will ALWAYS remember, even when I can’t remember my name (hahaha). Once an Air Force girl – ALWAYS an Air Force girl too – the “String” were wonderful at my wedding too.

      Love, Pam


  15. What exciting experiences for your mom. Our mom saw Bob Hope in person many years ago. She was vacationing in California with friends and they were lucky enough to get tickets to the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (we said it was many years ago!). Before the Tonight Show started, the audience got to be the audience for an upcoming Bob Hope special and the mom got to see Bob Hope’s monologue. He was an entertainment icon.


  16. My mum says that Amazing Grace always brings a lump to her throat.
    She uses her cell phone for any calls she needs to make. It has a lot of inclusive minutes so is cheaper than the landline which is only free at weekends.


    • Cell phones absolutely DO come in handy…..and lots of people no longer have landlines so they are a necessity for many that’s for sure!!!! We don’t have cell phones at the Bridge….we just THINK our messages to each other and they “happen” !!

      Love, Angel Sam


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