Friendly Fill-In Friday!




It’s Friday which means FRIENDLY FILL-INS which is hosted weekly by 15andmeowing AND McGuffysReader……………..if you want to play along and fill in the sentences, just visit MCGuffy’s Reader and link up with the LINKY tool and share your answers with the universe like we’re about to!

Last week I let Mom answer but this week I decided to GO FOR IT myself…………….so here goes (my answers are in GREEN)!

1. I still need to get my Christmas wings out of the wing-cleaners before Christmas.
2. My favorite episode of Seinfeld is the “FESTIVUS” one……I also loved the one with Elaine dancing at the office party .

3. What I really would like for Christmas is to be able to start my whole life over again with my Mom and Dad .

4.  My favourite part of Christmastime is the Christmas Carols, Christmas morning breakfast, and putting up the Christmas tree and other decorating! .

Well that was fun and I think my Mom would have said the same thing I did for #4 and that she also wishes that #3 could happen…………..!!!

I hope you will visit 15andMeowing today not just to see their fill-ins but because they are having a FESTIVUS celebration just like they had in Seinfeld many years ago……….talk about BAH HUMBUG…….take a peek if you have a chance to see all the fun!

Have a super duper Friday everybody!  Tomorrow is Pre-CHRISTMAS Bacon Saturday!   WOO WOO WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!


Love and Holiday Hugs, Angel Sammy

51 responses »

    • Seinfeld was one of the most creative programs EVER and I’m pretty critical of most TV NOW – but it was “hatched” in an era when we all loved to laugh…..whatever happened to that anyway???!!! Try watching one episode – any episode – you’ll see what we mean!



  1. Sweet fill-ins, Angel S. Mom would’ve been hard pressed to pick a favorite Seinfeld. Every single one of them has her cackling like a coop full of drunk chickens. It may be getting near time to send your parents a new kitty to cuddle. You can live inside of him and start your life with them all over again.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes dear Cupcake – that’s the plan. I already have my eye on one little guy the shelter who just happens to be orange and just happens to be named Oliver…..I will tell Mom and Dad about him when the time is right! Drunk chickens? I need to see that! hAHAHA

      Love, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Aw, I’m sure ALL of us would just love it if #3 could happen, Sammy – especially your sweet Mom.
    My “step-brother”, Marshall’s ALL TIME favorite show was Seinfeld. I think he knows every episode by heart.
    Love, Sundae


  3. Aww Angel Sammy…I’m sure Mom is thinking the same thing. Wishing you all a loving Christmas, and please give Mom an extra hug from Puppydoc (and an extra one for you from Samantha). ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


  4. Oh, Angel Sammy! I so wish for #3 for you and your Mom and Dad, too! Did I read up top in comments to Cupcake that you are going to give your Mom and Dad a nudge for a little guy at the shelter named Oliver when the time is right? Smiling here… 🙂 Christmas morning breakfast IS special! Get to the cleaners for those wings so you can take advantage of your special pass, Sammy!


    • Mom saw a little 5 month old orange guy named Oliver on the Shelter adoption cat page……he looks kinda cute – not as cute as me of course but darn close. I’m picking my wings up this afternoon from the wing-cleaners….I’ll be there using my pass for sure!!!!

      Love, Angel Sam


    • Thanks a bunch Frankie and Ernie! I hope that you have a SUPER GOOD Christmas too – Santa Paws has you on the NICE list (I know these things since I’m at the Rainbow Bridge!)………..and I hope the new year is PERFECT for you too!

      Love, Angel sammy


    • Festivus is something those of us who were Seinfeld fans were familiar with……and it’s quite an interesting celebration indeed! HAHAHA Meanwhile, most of us will celebrate with the “traditional” trappings of Christmas like a tree with branches instead of a pole! HAHAHA We hope you and your family have a beautiful Christmas and a peaceful new year!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy


    • Dear Katie! I hope you and your Mom and family have a beautiful Christmas…….remember your Angels here at the Bridge will be with you enjoying seeing you having some fun and being happy – we will always love all of you!!!!

      Holiday Hugs, Angel Sammy


  5. Sammy, you make the cutest Santa. We know both your Mom and Dad wish they could turn the clock back 17 years and begin their lives with you all over again. That was the perfect fill-in, but it did make Mom’s heart hurt. Hope you get those special wings back by tomorrow. Give Fiona a big hug from all of us and our mom and dad. She will be on the blog on both Saturday and Sunday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Fiona and I are hoping that the aching hearts we left behind will FEEL THE LOVE from us especially now at Christmas time. We know that until you and my Mom and everyone who knew us are at PEACE with our passing, we will not be able to fully rest – you see, we love you all ALWAYS and seeing your grief makes our hearts ache. We are with you always…..and forever and ever. We want you to remember that. Yes Mom wishes she could have me back as a kitten and live the last years all over but I’ve reminded her that she CAN have that same feeling by adopting a new kitty who needs all that love. AND she knows I’m working on that too!! I have passed your BIG HUG on to Fiona – she said she WILL be there with you – look for an extra twinkly star in the sky……and extra warm spot in the house……a moment or two of complete HAPPINESS in your heart – that will be HER!

      Big Holiday Hugs from the Bridge to you ALL
      Angel Sammy


  6. We wish #3 could come true too, Sammy, but even if it doesn’t, we know that you live forever in your Mom and Dad’s hearts.

    Merry Christmas to all from us!!!

    Jingle Woos – Lightning and Misty and Mom too


    • Yes I am always there in the hearts of those who believe Angels do exist…….and I know that all the beautiful Angels from your family will be there too – making sure your whole family enjoys the holiday!

      Hugs and Merry Christmas from me and Mom and Dad!
      Angel Sammy


  7. Sammy, it would be so great if you could get a “do over.” I think that most of us would like one of those. Have a Merry Christmas up there with the Big Guy.


  8. I hope that you enjoy that Heavenly bacon, Sammy. I wish that #3 would happen for you and for Angel Xerxes and Angel Bagel Bites and all of the others that have gone on to the bridge this year.

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you there at the Bridge and to your family.


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