Thankful AND Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Oooh La La!


Today is my “combination” day – it’s my poem day and it’s also Thankful Thursday so I am doing BOTH in this one post!

If you have written a poem to join me on Poetic Thursday, you can either post it in my comments so the universe can see it OR, post your blog link and say you have a poem posted there – we will hop over and read it FOR SURE!    Write a poem for someone today – I promise you will make them VERY  happy if you do!

First though is my poem of the week.   Today we’re celebrating the letter “W” in the alphabet.   You know I thought of a million things I could write about that start with the letter “W” but because lately I’m having “old guy” health issues and think a lot about my future, I settled on this poem to share with you – my dear friends.


By Sammy Kimmell, 11/17/16

My Daddy flies his plane up in the sky

Where birds and planes and angels fly

In common they all have just one thing

They fly through the sky using their “wings”.

When I was a kitten all tiny and new

The years up ahead were abundant – not few

With age came wisdom about many things

Like the eventual day when I’d get my wings.

Through all the years I’ve not once feared the day

When my guardian angel kitty would come to me and say…

“Dear Sam you have lived a long life full of love

now we want you to come join us at the Bridge up above.

Your work here on earth as companion and friend

Has been perfectly grand but soon it will end.

We have work for you there – and one day when you’re ready,

You’ll come back to Mother Earth for another life, strong and steady.

Your wings they await you – they’re beautiful – made of gold

They will bring you good health, you’ll be young again, not old.

When your time it is here, I will be by your side…..

From this earthly life, you will rise and you will glide

To the Rainbow Bridge we’ll go and be safe as can be

Watching over all your friends and your Earth family.

From this day forward until your time has come,

I’ll be right by your side until your last day is done.”


Dear friends, I hope this poem doesn’t make you SAD……………..because we all know that our time will come and we will go to the Bridge and see all our friends we’ve had to say farewell to for so many years.    I don’t intend to go soon but you never really know……….and I wanted all of you to know how I feel about that.    Life is GOOD……live every minute of it!    I sure intend to…..

Next week we will move on to a REAL toughie – the letter “X”!    EEEEEEEEEK!    Talk about a challenge!

For the second part of today’s post, I will tell you this thing that I am thankful for…………………..I’m thankful for my Mom and Dad – I could not have been adopted from the shelter almost 17 years ago by more loving and caring humans – NO WAY……..I’m living a dream life…………and I love all of my friends and every single day I’m here, I celebrate it.    If you’d like to share what you’re THANKFUL for, just visit Brian’s blog by clicking HERE and join the hop today!



Merci Beaucoup for coming by today to see my “W” poem!

Happy Thankful Poetic Thursday  

Monsieur Sammy, zee poet!


61 responses »

  1. Oh Sammy…how do you manage to make me smile AND cry AND laugh within the same minute????? Your poem made puppydoc bawl like a baby!

    Maybe it’s just because it’s the middle of the night and I’m feeling sensitive and emotional and that the poem made me ponder over the fleeting nature of life…. OR maybe it’s because your poem made me think of the only doggy I’ve ever had….Pepper the dalmatian…who got metastatic cancer that spread to his bones and could no longer walk at the end of his life…and I always envision him as now being free…able to run like a puppy again and chase squirrels…OR maybe it’s the fact that you’re making me think of the day when Sammy the Baconator will also gain his wings and be free…a thought that already makes my heart ache…whatever the reason….puppydoc is now bawling like a baby! And samantha is looking at me funny…

    With THAT said….that was an awesome poem!! Wow! Puppydoc is so impressed! I can’t wait for the next one…X! The first thing that came to my mind was xiphoid…as in xiphoid process…as in that tiny pointy cartilaginous thing at the end of your sternum. Yeah…I dunno… :-/

    Ok….puppydoc will now go back to sleep….it’s only 3 AM you know…!

    hugs and licks,


    • Oh Puppydoc…..I’m sorry I made you cry but know what? Mom cried when she helped me write that poem….it’s the reality of the situation at my age though and with my thyroid issues and IBD I am a mere shadow of the crazy guy I used to be. Approaching 17 and trying to stay because I so love my home and life – AND my humans and friends. I’m so sorry you lost Pepper to the awful cancer curse. We had some fleeting thoughts that I might have it but my doc says no…..lots of other problems but not THAT. The day I do get my wings I do not want you to be sad – I want you to picture me floating on a beautiful cloud with a smile on my face knowing that I’m on my next BIG adventure!

      Xiphoid is a great “X” word but I just kind of wonder how good a job I could do with other stuff to RHYME with it…..hmm…..typhoid maybe…..hmmm……guess I’ll spend the next week thinking about “X”!

      Love, hugs and sweet dreams………


  2. Oh, Sammy….I think you’ve touched us ALL with that poem! And yes, we are so blessed to have been adopted by the wonderful pawrents we have. Happy Thursday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Awwww……..thanks a lot you guys – you know how much I love all of you too and trust me – I’m not in a hurry, but I am ready because I’ve had such a great life. I like the idea of wearing wings and flying around visiting people – a soft touch on the cheek, a whisper in the ear…..our humans say they have felt their previous kitties with them – I won’t be any different in that regard – I’m gonna visit a LOT!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy you are a class act GENTLEMAN from the tip of your nose to the tip of your ginger tail.
    What a beautiful poem…mom was a tad misty eyed….but that is ok. It just means you 200% expressed what every kitty/pup would like for their peeps to know. You said it beautifully and
    from your heart. I feel the very same way.
    As we (all) age we need to reflect on our life and how lucky we have been to make the journey with our loved ones and friends
    Hugs and love from your kitty BFFF
    Madi and Mom

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Madi and Miss Cecelia…..I knew that I would “touch” some of my fellow “elder kitties” because WE and our humans begin thinking about all this stuff at a certain time of our lives…….I wanted everyone to know that I am ready whenever the angel comes for me – not that I’m in a hurry for that day believe me – I’m having some fun even on the days when I’m sick or tired – My Mom keeps me happy. I know your Mom does that for you too dear Madi. We have certainly hit the jackpot when it came to what families we wound up with didn’t we???? 🙂

      Love, Sammy


  4. Mee-you Unccle Sammy that iss sum poe-em!!!
    As Lady Marilyn went to Pure Land yesterday leevin her Mollie doggie an all of us furendss beehind wee are so toe-tallee sad today!!!
    So mee iss gonna take sum poe-tick license an rite a tribute to her as her last names was Williamss!! 😉

    “Marilyn Williamss”

    “Lady Marilyn was so kind;
    a nicer Lady you could not find!
    Shee was furendly an fun
    An her smile was like thee Sun.
    Shee was feisty an kewl;
    a reel true jewel……
    Wee will miss Lady Marilyn so;
    how berry much you will nevurr know.
    Fly free inn Pure Land deer furend….
    Wee see you there inn thee end.
    Fur now wee reememburr you with Luv,
    as you look down on us frum Above…..”

    ***sighsss*** mee has to go comfert LadyMum ; shee iss cryin again…..wee luvved Lady Marilyn ALOT!!! An wee LUV you ALOT all so!!!
    ***nose rubsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry

    Liked by 3 people

    • I’m sorry to make you cry……these things are on my mind though and it’s easy to express them in a poem – I’ve been not feeling well for so long, I’ve forgotten what it’s like to feel good! No worries though – I intend to be here as long as I can before I get my wings…….

      Love, Sammy


  5. Oh Sammy my very special furrend. We are reading your poem with very very leaky eyes here. That was both beautifully said and so very sad at the same time. We all know our lives come to an end long before we have completed our mission and leaves so many broken hearts behind.
    Hugs buddy to you and you faithful mom…we are not ready to loose you yet!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi dear Charles and Miss Inge… worries, I intend to hang on here as long as possible – while I think I will look fabulous in wings, I’m not in a hurry to wear them. I am showing my age and my failing health so I guess I just think about these things more now than I ever did before. No worries though – I will ALWAYS be with you and all my friends no matter what!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. dood…yur poem rocks; N even tho we due knot like ta heer bout thiz stuff we
    noe itz….ther…….we hope ewe due knot wear any wingz oh any kind fora veree
    loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time yet…….letz make it a deel; oh kay ♥♥♥

    N now we pree sent R haiku W

    ode ta fishin WERMS

    fishin werm on line
    on mackerull we will dine
    we call thiz lunch fine

    we bee out til munday ~~~ heerz two a halfmoon fish kinda week oh end ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tabbies that was GREAT! You know what? You ALWAYS ALWAYS make me smile real big with your comments. Especially your poetry which is beyond fabulous. I am not in a hurry to get my wings but when I do I’ll still stop by your blog for some of the best fish in town!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  7. Well Sammy, we hope you live fur a long time to come. We wish every day we could have sis Lexi back. Altho’ we don’t believe in da bridge, we know she’s in heaven waitin’ fur us. Big hugs to you all.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  8. That was such a nice poem, Sammy. We too hope you don’t get those wings for a good long time, but when you do, you are going to be the most handsome Kitty Angel ever.

    Woos -Lightning and Misty


    • Oh what a SWEET thing to say! I’m glad you liked my poem….it was a little bit hard to write (for my Mom) but I meant every word. I have had such a wonderful life……and I’m so grateful!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  9. That is a beautiful poem, Sammy. It gave my mum leaky eyes. We are much better than our parents at accepting what must come one day. Like you, I am in no hurry to leave, but we know that day will come. Then we can meet all our friends and families who are waiting for us, and I will see Eric again. Uh oh, now mum’s eyes are leaking again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Flynn I will be so honored to meet your brother Eric!!! You and I are on the same path and WE know it….our parents know it too but maybe it’s harder for THEM to think about it than it is for us. Anyway, every day we have HERE, we will enjoy……and when we DO go to the Bridge, we will make sure that our humans KNOW we’re alright…..

      Love and hugs, Sammy


  10. That is a most heartfelt and beautiful poem. Sammy, you truly got our mom all teary eyed as well as your pal, Mau. We really can’t imagine our lives without you in it. You are such a good friend, great Scout and wonderful companion. May your time with us not end anytime soon. We wrote about whiskers today. Here’s he link to our post:
    XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh how I loved your whiskers poem – it was PERFECT……my Mom used to save my whiskers when I was a kitten…..I always found it HIDEOUS that some people trimmed their cats’ whiskers – they are SO important to us!!!! I am not in a hurry to leave this life believe me and I intend to follow whatever my wonderful vet has in mind for me. BUT I also know that getting my wings won’t be a BAD thing – I will see so many friends who have gone before, make new ones, and who knows – maybe I’ll start a Scouts Troop there……”RAINBOW SCOUTS”……..LOL

      Love all of you………………thanks for pawticipating in poetry day!
      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Dang Sammy, when you decide it’s time there will be a definite disturbance in the force, so take your sweet time my friend. We all love you super bunches. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


    • Kind of you to say Brian……..I hope to leave quietly but leaving a “wake” behind might be cool too! HAHAHA I love all my friends so much – and I think that’s PARTLY what keeps me going! Love being in your hop dear friend!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Nellie I think about you a lot and you inspire me to keep on keepin’ on! You are graceful and delicate in your old age – I am wobbly and bony. I can only hope to make it to your ripe old age dear friend……but I think my health is catching up to me – I will, however, love every minute of life that I am lucky enough to get and that includes writing to and hearing from my dear friends like my NELLIE BELLIE!!!!!

      Smooches, Sammy


  12. A most beautiful poem, Sammy! BUT no wings for you for a long time. I won’t allow it. But you have given me a different perspective about the Rainbow Bridge… given me a thing or two to think about when Z left us. Hugs to you Sammy!


    • No worries Miss Pix – I’m not in a hurry trust me on that……but I’m not afraid to go because I am SURE I will love being there and STILL being able to look out for my Mom and Dad and “visit” my friends HERE……plus seeing so many familiar old friends again – not such a bad thing……really……

      Love to you!


    • Mom says when I get to the Bridge she is SURE I will be put in charge of the bacon concession. She’s probably right! Meanwhile dear Cupcake, I promise I’m in NO HURRY to go….but I know that I will and probably sooner rather than later. Sweet girl, I am tired and I am not at my best these days. Don’t worry about me though – I’m FINE – I am your forever friend.

      Love, Sammy


  13. Good grief Sammy what are you trying to do to me? I have a reputation to live up to and here you are getting me sad and oh so melancholy. Your poem is wonderful and so poignant but I don’t want to think about those days. You stay the way I love you and leave talk like that alone.

    Hugs forever,



    • Hi Shoko… me on this – I am NOT in a hurry to go but I know that I’m definitely on the downhill side of the race (!!). I am not feeling all that great any more and it makes me think about “what’s next”……I think I will be quite handsome in my golden wings don’t you? I am not afraid either – I think my next big adventure will be in some kind of guardian angel capacity at the Bridge. I’m up for it. Meanwhile, I’m going to keep on blogging and keep on trying to keep Mom cheered up as she’s not handling things well either as I slowly fade. Never fear – – – I’ll ALWAYS be here in some way…………..I promise!

      Love, Sammy


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