Thoroughly Poetic Thursday



Hello Poetry Lovers (or at least LIKERS!).    Today we continue on our journey through the entire alphabet and we find ourselves at the charming and lovely letter “S” ! 

I had so many ideas for this letter, including the obvious – my name – but I settled on one which most of us cats AND dogs truly appreciate – I think you’ll agree when I share my poem with you!



By Sammy Kimmell 10/20/16

Puddles of sun through windows shine

I search them out and make them mine

On my old bones the sun will heat

The healing feel from nose to feet

The summer sun is far from dainty

It drags us down and makes us fainty!

The winter sun is such a gift

We follow the puddle as the light does shift

We search it out from room to room

When its’ light is gone, here comes the gloom

We miss it  on a rainy day

No sun puddles around in which to play

We search the house for a sunpuddle nap

The next best place – my Mom’s warm lap!

Another letter closer to the end of the line…………”Z” isn’t all that far away!    Maybe we should start over again when we’ve worked our way through?    Or maybe I can come up with another “participation” blog post for Thursdays………….what do you think?    This is just a one day poll so take it now because it will be gone tomorrow……..!


I’m up for either option…………but I do love reading YOUR poems and I hope you enjoy reading mine…………let’s see how most of us feel about it!

Before I go, I thought you might enjoy seeing some SUNNY photos from my photo collection………………..who doesn’t love a good sunpuddle???????

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Did you write a poem for “S” today?  You can post it in my comments if you like, OR you can give us your blog link where we can visit and read your poem!!!   Thanks to all of you for pawticipating!

I'm a poet and I know it!

I’m a poet
and I know it!

Happy Thursday!  

Sam the Poet Guy


50 responses »

  1. I am completely up for whatever it is you feel like doing after Z (Are we sure there aren’t any more letters after Z? Maybe there are letters they don’t like to tell us about). While not a fan of poetry in general (especially if it doesn’t rhyme…. what’s the point then?), I do enjoy reading your heartfelt compositions!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Our first entry today … “Along Came A Spidey” … and, of course, we luvs yours! We’ll vote to repeat the alphabet, since we missed A-thru-R before, and we luvs silly rhymes …


    • Hi Dougie and Zoey! I LOVED your poem today – you did a GREAT job with “S” and I’m also happy you joined us. We probably WILL start the alphabet over because it’s just too fun NOT to! Mom and I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it didn’t show up……….hopefully you got it though!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  3. We need to come take poetry lessons from you Sammy, we love your poem. And sunpuddles was such a good choice of subject matter. We adore sunpuddles. We think Mom must be part cat cause she loves laying in sunpuddles too. Thanks for visiting our blog, we like poetry but aren’t very advanced poetry writers.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your poem as always, Sammy. At this very moment I am lying in a sun puddle as mum read your poem out to me. She had to put a chair for me to get it because it is not reaching the floor as it does in the summer. The alternative would be for me to stand up and lean against the wall, but that wouldn’t be very relaxing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We will have sun puddles later after the sun comes out – it’s still dark here but I’m waiting patiently for a puddle. We’ve had three days of unbelievably warm weather but tomorrow we get cold again. I’m glad you have a puddle to keep you cozy!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Great poem today, Sammy ( as usual). We voted to start over with A when you get to the end of the alphabet! A couple of those sunpuddle photos are new to us. You’re so cute!
    Love, Sundae


    • Thanks for starting off your Poem day with a tribute to ME ME ME! Made me feel 10 feet tall (which is pretty scary isn’t it?!)……your STARE poem was perfect too……we do like to stare at NOTHING and at lots of SOMETHINGS too right? I hope your Mom gets better soon after her all day dental visit!

      Love, Sammy


    • Phoebe flattered me with her poem today – I am so surprised by the poems using Sammy for “S” day! Makes me feel pretty darn good. Thanks for playing along with my Poetic Thursdays!

      Love, Sammy


  6. sammy…dood….furst: yur poem rockz az doez de sun fotoz; thurd; just speekin frum de land oh trout we say keep de poemz a ritin & start bak with A when Z iz done…….now for “S”

    our esS poemz two dayz…… for R pal SAM

    who wood rather eatz bacon….. inn sted oh ham

    we stopped ta say hi……. but himz on de lamm

    coz Sammy taked hiz dadz car…… N waved bye ta pam

    drivin at 5 down de street …. him caused a traffix jam

    then de copz called hiz dad…. hiz dad yelled …dam

    see de copz pulled Sammy over…. sam said “scram

    eye’ll knot bee a listenin… two yur flimm flamm”

    sam speeded down de street…. { like de race “grand slam” }

    him waz off two de air port ….then two Buckingham

    frum ther to flynnz place….. sew they could take a tram

    two de local pub ….wear they could feest on sum clam

    sew waves two ewe Flynn…. & waves two ewe SAM

    send uz sum fotoz …..when ewe get to Rotterdam

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Cousin – if you start over, let me know cause I will be in. Yes, I will try to stretch my talents into poems – snorts with piggy laughter. I didn’t say they would be good poems. XOXO – Bacon


  8. Mee-you Unccle Sammy yur Sunpuddle poe-em iss grate!! Wee iss havin Autumm rain today so this poe-em cheered us uppy!!
    HHHHMMMM what to rite about…..let mee fink…..

    “Siddhartha Henry”
    “At ferst mee was named Tiggs,
    Mee thott Mumma M-E said ‘Twigss’…
    Mee did not answer….
    not even to ‘Sir’!!
    Than LadyMum came along,
    shee new mee name was wrong.
    Shee called mee Dharth Vader…..
    mee thott shee said ‘Ralph Nader’…
    Then shee said See-dhartha Henry
    an mee jumped uppy so happy!!!!!
    Shee figured out mee rite name,
    An mee Life has nevurr been the same…”

    by Purrince Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Sammy, that poem was really meowvolous. Every cat can relate and probably the woofies and humans too. So many adorable photos of you sunbathing. We loved the ones on the stairs. We think we might have misunderstood the poll. We voted for “do something else” thinking it would still be poems but not necessarily following the alphabet. Now Mom thinks maybe you meant doing something entirely different. Whatever the intent, we still want to do poems on Thursday. It is just so much fun. If anybody wants to read ours, they can do so at Hope you are feeling well today. Sending lots of love and prayers. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  10. Mommy says the sun is a bright ball in the sky that puts out warmth…mes had to asks her as wes had nothing but rain for elebenty billion days. Mes is growing mushrooms on my tocs!!!
    Now can mes comes over and shares that sun puddle with yous?


  11. How Ciara and Phantom loved their sunpuddles – wouldn’t it be great if we could “freeze” one in place every day?

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


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