Tuesday Teaser Time!


Good Morning Geography Students!


Is everybody alert and ready for the big test?   Eyeballs at the ready?   Pulse pounding?   Good…………..before we get started – you need to take a minute to make a comment on THIS blog (yes THIS one) because if you are the first to do so (or one of the first if more of you comment in the first minute!!!!) then you will get this:


So go ahead and do that then hurry back here because I know you don’t want to miss SuzieQ’s cheer she will be performing JUST FOR YOU today to get your creative guessing juices going!!!!!

Suzie?   You can come on in – everyone will be back in a second I’m sure……………………



OK Suzie – give everyone a WAKE UP call so they’ll put their thinking caps on and maybe win a badge today – GO FOR IT GIRL!

Every Tuesday here I come Sound the horns and bang the drum I cheer you on soyou might win Doesn't matter if you're fat or if you're thin Just study the photo with your glasses Gotta be quick, not slow like molasses! I'll shake my pom poms And wiggle my booty I'm SuzieQ the kitty who's a cutie!

Every Tuesday here I come
Sound the horns and bang the drum
I cheer you on so you might win
Doesn’t matter if you’re fat or if you’re thin
Just study the photo with your glasses
Gotta be quick, not slow like molasses!
I’ll shake my pom poms
And wiggle my booty
I’m SuzieQ the kitty who’s a cutie!

YAY Suzie!  You got through that one without a swear word!!!!

Now, on with the show…………..let’s bring that guy who keeps our Teaser photo locked up in a silver suitcase ALLLLLL week locked to his wrist (I wonder if he takes the suitcase off when he showers?!)…………Mr. Silver Suitcase?   Come on in and SHARE!

Here I am....As soon as I give you the photo I'll get to take my first shower in a whole week! Why do you think I wear this raincoat???!!!!

Here I am….As soon as I give you the photo I’ll get to take my first shower in a whole week! Why do you think I wear this raincoat???!!!!

Now, when I display the Teaser photo I want you to remember that you must when making your guess, tell me what city/town/village and in what State if you think it’s in the USA, or what country if you think it’s NOT in the USA.   OK?   Got it?  Understand the rules of the game????    Here you are!

Where is this building located??????

Where is this building located??????

Hope this one is tough enough for ya!

If you’re the FIRST person to correctly guess where this photo was taken………you will win this:


If you guess correctly but are not the FIRST to do so, you will win this:


If you are WRONG WRONG WRONG with your guess, you get a wonderful and very green GREENIE:


So hop to it – get those guesses coming in………………..you are a very good bunch of students and I just know someone will know where this photo was taken………Tomorrow I’ll tell you the scoop on the photo and hand out awards………!

Good Luck Class!

Class is dismissed until tomorrow!!

Class is dismissed until tomorrow!!


A “HAPPY” P.S. !    

Thanks to so many who pitched in to help Foxy’s Dad raise the pet deposit for the apartment he found Foxy and her Dad WILL be living together again in their new place……..those of you who helped – THANK YOU…….!!

85 responses »

  1. I was hoping to be the first here, Sammy!

    I’ve been trying to look at the building but I keep getting distracted by what looks like snow at the front of it. I’d love to play in some snow. I’m going to be dreaming about snow for the rest of the day. It is much chillier than it has been so winter’s on its way!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Clowie!!!! Nice to see you dear girl – hope everything is well with you…………there IS snow in the foreground – a reminder that winter isn’t far away indeed……so you think you’re getting closer to having some snow there to play in? I know that will make you VERY HAPPY! I miss you!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ahhhhh…………you’re making a guess on this toughie huh? Maybe you’re right??? You know I can’t say a word (Mom won’t let me) but I wish you luck Miss Csilla……….!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sammy, we bet if somebody has been to this one, it will be easy peasy. The best we can do now is northern Europe (?) maybe a university or hospital. So that couldn’t be more unspecific. You may have another stumper here. We’ll check back later to see what’s shakin’ besides Suzie Q’s booty. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Suzie couldn’t resists one little “zinger” in her cheer today – wouldn’t you know it had to be her booty!!! Anyway, this is a truly tough Teaser and who knows – MAYBE it’s a “DOUBLE HEADER STUMPER” for the past two weeks?!?!?!?!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. the mama typed “hysteric” bruick building int the search engine and viola we got miss fishers house in melbourne autralia… it’s wrong but we have no other idea… but we remember that we still saw a house like that… but where…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It sure does look like Boston with the snow and parking meters, but I don’t have a clue what building it it. Great cheer Suzie- you are cutie 🙂 And Sammy, you have stumped me once again, but I still love you. XO


    • Looks like Boston is a popular guess today……….we’ll find out tomorrow………..maybe I’ll get to stump everyone TWO TUESDAYS in a row?????? OR NOT……I can’t say!

      I love you too!
      Hugs, Sammy


    • It wouldn’t surprise me if her brain is fried -you guys need to keep an eye on whatever Matthew is going to be doing down your way and I’m hoping Matthew just decides to GO BACK WHERE HE CAME FROM!!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. I gave up on the poop method, it wasn’t working and the peep got very mad at me. I’m going to figure this out. Arches? Who is famous for arches? I think it’s McDonald’s home office in Oak Brook, Illinois. The snow means it isn’t San Diego.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey Sammy…were late and it is mom’s fault. She and dad left at 7 am had breakfast at the golden arches, took a 66 minute walk…then went to Barnes and Noble.
    Hugs madi your bfff


  7. We think this building is a school. There is snow on the ground so it’s not Florida or Hawaii. I will say Cordon Blu school in Paris France. That’s my best guess.

    Susie Q we loved your cheer today….hope it helped.



  8. sammy…dood… iz it still twooz day sew we can answer ? we think flynns mum noes wear thiz iz coz her dinna answer…..sew we checked flynnz blog but we dinna see thiz foto; then we saw that hole dead man in de glass coffin again & getted freeked out sew we stopped lookin thru flynnz fotoz ~~~ ♥♥♥


    • I hear ya on that old dead man……he’s definitely spooky looking……they need to put him in the ground now don’t you think? He’s been on display long enough I should think!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. I just laughed at the Tabbies comment! Mum says I can’t not have a guess and she keeps thinking back to Boston because of the red brick buildings. She doesn’t recognise this place but we will guess at one of the Harvard buildings.


  10. Mes don’t has a clue!!! Yous would think with all the campaigning, mes might has seen it…but NO! And Sammy, does yous thinks SusieQ could teach the Smoke and Joe cheerleaders a new one? Mes getting awful tired of Go Joe!
    Kisses Dear Furrend
    your Nellie Bellie


    • Oh I bet Suzie would be happy to come up with a cheer for the campaign cheerleaders…you know how she speaks her mind – and this campaign is in need of some TRUTH (not Smoke and Joe of course but the OTHERS!).

      Love, Sammy


  11. Hmmmmm….. well, let me put on my Sherlock Holmes hat and try to deduce where this building may be. I see trees! Yes, this building can not possibly be from any place where trees can not grow. That should rule out Antarctica. And what do we have here? The sun is shining! At approximately a 30 degree angle, I’d say. This should rule out the North Pole as well… and Pluto. I also see snow on the ground… and it appears to be…. yes! Someone has plowed the snow! That definitely rules out any place below the Mason Dixon Line. That narrows it down to a swath of the planet that only includes about 382,733 cities. This is elementary, my dear Sammy! Let’s just say Chicago, Illinois…


    • Sherlock you certainly applied your famous skills of deducation very well to this photo – everything you deduced was on target…..I had thought about using a photo from Pluto but changed my mind at the last minute! The architecture wouldn’t be much of a clue either as all cities have at least ONE building that dates back to an era when everything looked like “Jolly Old England”………in this case, it was snapped by my Dad in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia and it’s the City Hall building. It was a ridiculously TOUGH Teaser this week and I’m ashamed that I chose it since for TWO WEEKS IN A ROW, nobody guessed the Teaser. I hereby promise (polydactyl paw on heart) that next week’s Teaser will not be IMPOSSIBLE!

      Hugs, Sammy


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