Filling In Fun


Let’s Do Fill-Ins on Friday!


Oh boy!   It’s time to fill-in which is a fun blog hop hosted by Miss Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and Miss Ellen of 15andmeowing!     We enjoy filling in the sentences they give us because as we HOP AROUND and read everyone else’s fill-ins we learn a lot about each other…………it’s great!   You can join up too if you like – just click on one of their links, go and link up your own blog and fill in the sentences!

Here are this week’s sentences – My part is in BLUE!

1. Something healthy I do daily is give myself a complete bath, nose to toes.
2, Something unhealthy I do daily is make sure I ask for samples of everything Mom is eating all day long even though most of it is not good for kitties.
3. This Summer, was the first summer for me in almost 17 years that I did NOT enjoy being outside when it was super hot.

4. This Autumn, I’m pretty sure that when Dad builds a fire in the fireplace, I will be RIGHT IN FRONT keeping warm now that I have lost my layer of fat!


That was fun………… on with the show!     Today’s “show” consists of who we have here today to help clean the house……………..we have the fabulous team of “DOGGONE CLEAN” to get things whipped into shape today and Mom, Dad and I are staying OUTSIDE while the whirlwind is going on INSIDE.   This bunch looks serious!   Don’t you think????????????????????

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I think we’ll have the cleanest house on the block – no wait – in the entire NEIGHBORHOOD!

I hope they will be gone soon –

it’s time for another nap!





68 responses »

    • Unless it’s that forbidden delight – CHOCOLATE……we’re not supposed to have it but I’ve always been CURIOUS about it……we animals like to live on the edge don’t we Easy?!?!?! HAHAHA

      Happy Friday!
      Hugs, Sammy


  1. I am with you on #3, Sammy! 2012 summer was like that too. I think the new cleaning crew looks pretty efficient! It is still HOT here, yesterday was like July… storming now! Our internet will probably die after just getting it back the day before yesterday!!!!


  2. Your new cleaning crew look very efficient. We had a better summer than usual this year after a cold wet spring. We had about 2 weeks that were very hot and I didn’t like it, but most of the time it was nice to lie under the trees and enjoy it.


  3. I think this new cleaning team is going to run those Broomhildas right out of business. 🙂 Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. No one enjoyed the heat this summer. Sitting in front of a warm fire sounds wonderful especially on this 45 degree morning. You look adorable on your oriental rug, it looks like a magic carpet. XO


    • I wish it was a magic carpet – I’d visit a lot of people if it was………..that’s for sure! I think the Broomhildas will always remember having their start here at Casa de Kimmell. Loved the fill-ins today!

      Hugs, sammy


  4. OMP! Can you send your cleaning crew to the Hotel Thompson afterwards? I really don’t want to help dad with the duties today – snorts. Have an awesome Friday cousin! XOXO – Bacon


          • Oh my Mom used to have those hideous headaches – – – unless she stopped taking hormone replacements……..LOL Now she just goes with the flow and has NO migraines….interesting eh?? Hope your Mom feels better soon!

            Hugs, Sammy


          • Thanks cousin. Mom was down for the count this weekend. It hit her 5pm on Friday night and all she could mumble when she got home was gotta lay down. Me and dad got dinner for us and then dad went to bed early to be with mom. Mom said she couldn’t even touch her face at one time. Yesterday was a little better and she came into the front room for a while… until the football games came on. Then she retreated again. This morning it’s bearable and almost gone. This is the first one she’s had in years. I hope they don’t start making a recurring visit. If so, she’ll be calling your mom for a talk on HR. Snorts and oinks. XOXO – Bacon


          • HAHAHA…….When Mom told her new primary care doc how she no longer needed to take imitrex for migraines, he said the HR thing was why she probably had them all those years………HA! Anyway she really hasn’t had them since she stopped that stuff…..even with the benefits of taking it, those headaches were killers!

            Love, Sammy


          • Can you believe cousin that mom is just *now* finally feeling like her old self – not a 100% but getting there. It really knocked her out this weekend. Migraines suck to the high heavens all the way around. Mom not feeling good means no extra cuddles or lap time. XOXO – Bacon


    • Your Mom is better than my Mom………she knows I shouldn’t have stuff but when I ask, she lets me try stuff. I have to admit I usually just have one tiny bite OR sniff and refuse…….but sometimes it’s something delish like LUNCHMEAT!

      Love, Sam


    • I think maybe all of us anipals should work for our suppers – after all – most of us just hang out and look cute all day long so we might at least help out around the house for our “keep” !!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Healthy or not, you should certainly beg for samples of your mom’s foods all day. Today, I begged for a piece of orange. Mom reminded me that I don’t like oranges, but I waited and stared and eventually she gave me a little piece. I spit it out on the floor.

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake….that’s funny… know what? I do that too – beg and beg for something Mom knows I HATE – so she gives me a bit of whatever it is and I look at her like she’s nuts and walk away. HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


    • Noodles! WOW….I’ve never tried noodles but I might have to ask politely to try next time Mom makes them…..come to think of it I know I’d like them because Mom often puts butter on them and I LOVE butter! We enjoy the fill-ins a whole lot.

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Love the Friday Fillins dear heart, mes has been catching up! mes Loved your teaser this week and SuzyQ was ust too wonderful for words!!!
    Mes did not notice earlier your slide show from the outer banks with Sundaes Mom and Dad and your poem this week was magnificent!!!
    Loves yous lots and mes hopes Mommy and mes can gets out and around more next week. We had a hectic week here!


    • Dearest Nellie – I know things are wacky at your house with your visiting family AND your Mom being super duper busy at work. NEVER worry about visiting me – you and I are joined at the heart and I know you would visit if you could……………just please get lots of rest in your heated beddy and take care of yourself – that’s the most important thing to me!!!!!

      Love and Big Hugs, Sammy


  7. An entire woofie cleaning crew…how did that work out? They look professional. Excellent completions on the fill-ins today. Dad was supposed to get Mom gas logs for our coal-burning fireplace, which we obviously don’t use, for her birthday seven months ago, but nit ever happened. We think it would be nice to have a warm fire in the winter. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh we really use our fireplace a LOT in Fall and Winter………have to have it cleaned every year but it’s SOOOOOOOOO worth it to have cozy fires at night while we watch TV or movies or just read in the living room (Mom reads to me!).

      Love, Sammy


  8. Mee-you Unccle wee fink you have ‘Gone to thee Doggiess’, mew mew mew…inn a good way tho’!!! wee luvved thee Lab with 4 dustypadss on thee paws!!! Purrfect…Can you send that doggie over pleeze????
    LadyMum sweeped an vacuumed an there iss still stuff on thee floors so wee need help!! 😉
    Now to get her to do the dustin……
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


    • Dear Siddhartha I think your Mom has her paws full right now with trying to feel better AND she says you’ve been a little bit “full of yourself” too dear boy so purrrrhaps you just need to let things settle down there……when everyone is better, you can tackle the cleaning stuff!!!!! Priorities dear boy!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Yur rite of course uncle Sammy…yur so wise….
    Ladymum has had a quiet day an onlee went out fur an hour with Aunty Sheila. Mee iss beein XTRA GOOD an stayin out inn Condo while shee werkss on Pee Cee. An mee just meewss mee answers to her fur typin; no stress on her that way 😉
    Once thee ground dries a bit more (it rained ALL day); mee will take LadyMum fur a nice walkie!
    Fankss fur yur support Unccle…..
    ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


  10. Ddi you get thee rain ther eUnccle?? It was sunny an warm here today an mee was out inn Condo ALL day xcept fur litterox breaks an 3 walkiess…..mee iss xhausted so am goin to head to bed….mee mite sleep all nite….mew mew mew…that will NEVURR happen….
    ~~head rubsss~~ frum yur neffkitty~~


    • Dear Siddhartha – we did NOT get rain but this morning we have some at long last. It won’t amount to a whole lot but it will be enough so that my Mom won’t have to water the plants on the back deck! I’m with you on never sleeping all night…….Mom is up and down with me like a yoyo every night these days……maybe every hour or so……I just need to know she’s THERE – know what I mean?

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you there has not been a lot of rain inn many places. Wee had sum good rain an it has been sunny fur many dayss. Wee are supposed to get more rain tonite or tomorrow…which iss good!!!
        An mee iss quiet at nite when LadyMum iss sleepin…or else shee iss BERRY GROUCHIE inn thee morning…Yur Mumma iss wunderfull to get uppy with you so-o much!
        Mee snuggullss close to LadyMum sumtimess when shee iss fast asleep an shee not know 😉
        ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


        • Siddhartha you are a good boy……I know you do your best to be quiet and help your LAdymum feel well by behaving and making her laugh and smile a lot……that’s what humans call “the best medicine” (a smile). You are a very special little guy…….

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

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