Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Greetings Poetry Fans!


Hello Poetry Peeps and here we go again, creating “artwork in words” as we write poetry together through the alphabet!    Can you believe we’re already at the letter “H” ???    What will we do when we get to “Z” I wonder………we’ll figure something out – never fear!

When I sat down to figure out what the subject of my poem today might be, I really DID have a lot of choices……………There are a lot of “H” things that pop into my ginger brain but I finally settled on this one.    I hope you like it!

Sam's house on the hill.


By Sammy Kimmell, August 3, 2016

Home is where the heart is

We’re safe, secure, and cozy

Where life is good and we are happy

Where everything is rosy!

When we first join our humans in their homes

We trust that it’s FOREVER

That we will spend our whole lives through

Leaving them NEVER

Sometimes things happen to change that course

Beyond what anyone could see

A loss of job or home or health

Can bring such tragedy.

But when things are good they’re very good

And it’s best to stay “in the minute”

The future is unknown you see we just don’t know what’s in it!

So hold on tight to your happiness


That is our wish – it’s what we hope

And that for which we pray…………………

That’s my little thought for “H” and now I’ll spend the next week figuring out what to do with the letter “I” !!!!!    Have you got a poem to contribute to Thoroughly Poetic Thursday???  Go for it – you can post it here in my comments where people can see it OR, post a link to your blog where you might do your poem to share with your followers.    Poetry is the window to the soul (or maybe it’s just plain fun!!!!!!).

See you next week!

Your Poetic Ginger Friend, Sam

I think I'll grab a nap and hope I'm inspired in my dreams for NEXT week's poem!!!!

I think I’ll grab a nap and hope I’m inspired in my dreams for NEXT week’s poem!!!!

43 responses »

  1. A lot of kitties are very sentimental about home! I’ll tell you something – I love traveling and staying in hotel rooms, but in the long run, I think it makes me appreciate home even more.


    • Summer I’m sure I’d feel the same way…….I’m too much of a scaredy-cat to go anywhere (other than the vet!) but even if I did travel I think coming home would be my favorite part of the trip!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Good Morning! Sammy, your poem for H is perfect. PERFECT for today! Home is happy! And of course my wish for all cats, dogs, and other pets is to have a happy home forever with peeps that love and respect them.


    • Hi there and thanks for the kudos on my “H” today…………..You know, next Thursday you guys ought to write a poem because it’s the letter “I” and you’re ISLAND CATS!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. That was a great poem Sam! You made our mom have teary eyes – she’s the kind of lady who cries when she reads a nice card at the Hallmark store. Have you sent your poems to Hallmark by the way? You’re so talented!!


    • HAHAHA….Mom gets leaky at the Hallmark store too!!!! I’ve seen several other friends’ poems for “H” today and MANY are about “HOME”…………something we all appreciate!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Excellent poem Sammy. I wish all kitties had a true home. It makes me sad to think of all those that have lost homes through sickness and death. Parents need to be sure to have plans for those situations XO


  5. That is a great poem, Sammy. Home was a good theme for today. Here’s the link to our Happy Hearts at Home poem for anyone who wants to stop by our blog. Mom is so pleased that she now has a reason to keep writing poetry. “I” could be a tough one for next week; though, we know all of us kitties are a bit self-centered. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love your poem today! It’s super and like you, we’re happy to be writing poetry again. “I” could be tough but I’ve been thinking about it – it will be a challenge!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Furabuluss poe-em deer Unccle Sammy!!!
    Berry a-pro-poe as mee Pappaw ‘King George’ iss missin frum his home (thee farm). So here iss mee poe-em:

    Pleeze come home deer Pappaw,
    we all miss you a lot.
    Wee feel lost without you,
    Yur thee onlee Pappaw mee got!!

    Home iss waitin fur you,
    thee door iss standin open,
    an yur Furamillee are waitin
    an Mumma iss barelee copin!!!

    Pleeze come home Pappaw,
    mee so missess you…
    An mee will wurry an fret
    ALOT untill you do….

    by Purrince Siddhartha Henry (for mee missin Pappaw ‘King George’)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. YAY !!!!! rockin H poem two day dood….
    home iz wear de heart iz… N as long az yur
    peepulz R ther with ya……

    ~~~~~~~~itz all de better…….

    …we sing R praizes two day two Ham ♫♫♫♪♪♪♫♫♪

    old N young… boyz N gurlz… everee catz lovez ham
    even R pal de baconater… who goez bye de name oh sam
    fried …diced… chunked ..N grilled ..try it with sum jam
    waves two yur mom two day…. hello mizzuz pam ♥♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh that’s WONDERFUL!!!!!! Love it! And you’re right about ham – I do like it a lot (deli ham only though). When Mom bakes a ham she will put cherry jam on it sometimes so I’ve even tried that! My Mom is waving back at you all and your Mom too – – – – we love ya!

      Hugs, Sammy the Hammy


  8. WordPress has returned to the past and just sent my email notification! At least Feedly delivered it on time this morning. Looks like WP won’t be seeing into the future again and giving me the notification hours before you even publish it.


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