Tuesday Teaser



Class Is Now In Session!

Welcome to Geography class students……I know you look forward each and every week to the excitement of Tuesday classes when you can exercise your knowledge of the globe and figure out WHERE the photo we will give you to examine was taken!    Challenging right?   A brain exerciser right?   Well then let’s get started Okee Dokee????

Today’s photo teaser is a GUEST TEASER…….that’s right – someone has sent this photo in for us to take a peek at and see if we recognize anything enough to make an intelligent (or even semi-intelligent) guess as to WHERE it was snapped.

Before we get started, let me remind you that all guesses must be TOTALLY RIGHT to be counted for “First Right Guesser”…..in other words, I have to know just where the photo was taken – what city/town/location/state/country – Can’t say “On a Mountain” or “In A Tree” or “On Top Of Old Smokey”………..OK?    I gotta know how much YOU know about this photo.

If you are the FIRST to just plain COMMENT on this blog this morning – you will win this!

I was First Commenter on Sammy's Teaser of 6/28/16

I was First Commenter on Sammy’s Teaser of 6/28/16

So comment then come back here and see if you know what the scoop on today’s photo might be!!!!

Now, most of you know that our Teaser Cheerleader, SuzieQ, has had some – well – let’s be honest about it – PROBLEMS with her cheers for a while now.   She can’t seem to manage a cheer without an insult about ME or YOU or any number of things – she just had to get a jab or two into her cheer or she wasn’t happy.   So, at great expense we sent SuzieQ off to “Cheerleader Rehab” where we hoped that this little “cheerleader gone bad” could learn the error of her ways and come back to us with a cheery attitude and LOVE in her little heart for the universe, thereby rendering nasty cheer impossible for her to construct.   This is the first time we’ll have a chance to hear the results of the rehab…………….I thought you might like to see some of the other staff at the Rehab center – and here they are…..starting with the Counselor who worked directly with SuzieQ every single day:


Counselor Grizelda

Counselor Grizelda

Then there were her Assistant Counselors:

Counselor Sweetiepie

Counselor Sweetiepie

Counselor Cutiepie

Counselor Cutiepie

The Rehab facility just OOOOOOZES “sweet” so we know it HAD to have an effect on Suzie.    So without further ado……….let’s bring SuzieQ in for her first “post-rehab” cheer!!!

Two bits, four bits Six bits, a dollar If you guys ever send me to that horrid place again I'll haunt you for the rest of my days and let all the air out of your tires and poison the water in the drinking fountain and blackmail you all with photos I took in the school shower of you and tell your Mommies about all the swear words you use in class......and.....

Two bits, four bits
Six bits, a dollar
If you guys ever send me to that horrid place again I’ll haunt you for the rest of my days and let all the air out of your tires and poison the water in the drinking fountain and blackmail you all with photos I took in the school shower of you and tell your Mommies about all the swear words you use in class……and…..

WHOA!!!!  YIKES!!!!

Suzie, you’re WORSE than ever!   You may be excused from class and I’ll give Counselor Grizelda a piece of my mind phone call after class regarding her SO-CALLED rehab counseling!

Let’s quickly move on to Mr. Silver Briefcase who will show you today’s photo while I – er – um – pull myself together!

Here's today's CHALLENGE!

Here’s today’s CHALLENGE!


Get those guesses in…………..you know you wanna win a badge!   Here’s what’s for grabs!


I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam's Teaser on 6/28/16

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam’s Teaser on 6/28/16

RIGHT GUESSER (but not first)

I wasn't FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 6/28/16

I wasn’t FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 6/28/16


I didn't get the Teaser right on 6/28/16 BUT I tried!

I didn’t get the Teaser right on 6/28/16 BUT I tried!

So get to work…………….search your maps, brochures, old travel photos, WHATEVER and see if you can guess where this photo was taken………………….GOOD LUCK CLASS (speaking of luck, Suzie will need all the luck she can get to be in our classroom next week!!!!!!).

See you tomorrow for the handing out of badges – GOOD LUCK!

I'll be at my desk here in the front of the class tomorrow - I hope to see you there!!

I’ll be at my desk here in the front of the class tomorrow – I hope to see you there!!

Professor Sammy


142 responses »

    • Oh wow……that is a beautiful spot on the planet BUT is it the Teaser spot? We’ll find out tomorrow – there’s no prize for “first person to make a guess” but you are the first today so EXTRA Yay for you! Tomorrow we’ll see how you did with your guess.

      Love, Sammy


      • We’ve had mom studying maps, an atlas, a globe and of course Google. We told her we had to start making some better guesses. We sure do love the Tuesday Teaser, so educational and what can we say about Suzie, we’re not sure she should be able to keep that rehab grad button, MOL!!


  1. I think you need a refund on that counseling- yikes! I must admit, I love Suzie just the way she is, kind of like how my Lucy was, mean, but adorable. I am guessing Greece, but no idea where in Greece.


  2. GOOD MORNING and I did the same “trick” as Speedy and searched BEFORE I saw Speedy’s answer it IS The Catalina Island Conservancywhich is a nonprofit organization established to protect and restore Santa Catalina Island, California. No, I didn’t jump on Speedy’s answer, I searched before and then looked to see if anyone said the same thing….so there my dear furiend! Love you!!! xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well you certainly do your own research dear Cody – and it may be that it’s Catalina but we do have to wait until tomorrow to find that out I’m afraid………tune in if you can………meanwhile HAPPY TUESDAY!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Mee you wee ARE ackshully here inn thee morning Unccle Sammy!! LadyMum iss still not well butt shee iss here so here wee go with her answer or iss that answerss!??
    Shee sayss it iss a port inn Spain or Portugal or Crete. Her thott iss ‘it looks like sumwhere Bailey BoatKat wood sail to…”
    Mew mew mew thee Aunty-bye-otickss must bee werkin on her…..
    An YIKESS about Suzie Q; shee iss terryfiyin!!!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


  4. Mes does NOT has a clue about where!!! BUT mes was thinking…is that where yous sent Suzie Q for Rehab? Maybe it is ALCATRAZ!?!? And Suzie, yous is my kind of cheerleader! Purrhaps yous should come to Cat From Hell school. Here yous would gets high marks!
    PS Sammy, extra kisses to yous and your Mommy – yous guys deserves it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Nellie! Suzie is a “hot mess” isn’t she? Ya gotta respect someone who speaks her mind – and YES that would make her a candidate for the Cat From Hell club for sure……….looking at her Counselor I have a feeling maybe Grizelda might qualify too! HAHAHAHAHAHA

      Sending you tons of hugs!
      Love, Sammy


  5. Here I am late. I was here earlier but mom got busy and now I am just getting back. This looks like a lovely place and know mom would love it here. It is Catalina in California?????


  6. Yikes….Suzie! I guess that is why they say rehab is useless unless you’re ready to admit you have a problem. We don’t think Suzie is ready yet. LOL
    No guess on the teaser, but what a pretty place!


    • Suzie doesn’t admit to anything does she….other than I’m old and my Mom is fat – those are her two favorite insults I think. Suzie is definitely not ready to commit to rehab……she IS, however, ready to be COMMITTED!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. I think that it is Birdalina Island on the Mediterranean coast of Scotland.
    Are you certain that you sent Suzie to cheerleader rehab? It appears to be more like Juvenile Delinquent Training.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzie obviously is “un-rehabbable” – as for Birdalina Island – wow……on the Mediterranean Coast of Scotland huh? I suppose one can get there by closing their eyes and clicking their ruby slippers together three times and saying “SQUAWWWWWWWWWWWWWKKKKKKK!!!!!” ?????


  8. When I first saw the picture the country of Georgia came to mind,,,then I thought Bolivia…then I thought…I really have no idea. lol The scene does seem familiar to me for some reason so it makes me wonder if I have seen the area at some point in my life. Hugs and nose kisses


  9. Dat’s a lot of boats and water Sammy. And those mountains…not sure we would wanna live there. We’d be ‘fraid da mountain might come down on us. Or da trees. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  10. sammy….dood….. 🙂 de bulldawg iz total lee kewl !!! de food servizz gurlz familee haz all ways had a bulldog… kleer bak ta her gram pawz time { til they started costin az much aza houz } R cuzin jacob…him waza bulldog…..him waz de last one any one had…80’s may bee ??? ♥♥♥♥


    • My Mom loves bulldogs – her family had an English Bulldog named Sir Reginald (or Reggie for short) and he was a sweetie…..he was BIG though and Mom was probably 8 or 9 and had to take him for a walk sometimes….she said it was definitely HIM walking HER though as he was STRONG! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Gang! Well, it isn’t a Greek isle but it’s a “California isle” – Catalina specifically. HOWEVER, lots of people guessed like you did. We were just at your blog and saw all those toesies for teasing! We had NO IDEA whose were whose though!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  11. Well, here I am late as usual and I even have a guess for the first time ever. As soon as mom saw the green building she said, that sure looks like Catalina. Looks like some other folks think the same thing.


  12. What a lovely looking village! At first I would have set a town in seaside Italy until I saw the cabin cruisers….now that’s money Sammy. I am going to say Santa Catalina Island, specifically Avalon.



  13. Well Sammy we arrived late..at 11pm last night all i got was the circle of doom…ugh..but it also looks a bit like Airley Beach..here in FNQ which looks like Positano..so there you have my guess 🙂 plus Suzi Q..therapy girl therapy :0 Loves Fozziemum xx


        • Call me an idiot (not really) but what blue circle are you seeing??? When you go to my bloggy you get a blue circle???? THat’s weird…….never heard about that before…..Maybe it’s just picking on YOU??????? SuzieQ needs more than to have the razz a matazz taken out of her drinks – she needs MEDICATION!

          Hugs, Sammy 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • Bwahaha..you know it happens when something won’t load..was my end that had issues..it went to load them just hung on that silly circle that keeps spinning..must be that magician Windows the mesmo 😉 xx


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