Thoroughly Poetic Thursday



AH HA!   A new blogging day event for me………….from now on until Mom and I run out of words (hahahaha) I will have a poem every single Thursday.   Whatcha think about that?    If you wanna play along, you can leave a short poem in comments titled with the letter of the week  – we’ll SHARE……..we love to share right? (unless it’s nip then there’s no “share-sies”!).    To make it more FUN, I’ll go through the alphabet with the title of my poem starting with (can you guess??) – the letter “A”!


(no that’s not my poem – that’s me clearing my throat!)


Daily pills I must take

They taste so bad a face I make

I try so hard to just pretend

I’ve swallowed the thing so the agony will end.

But often I hide it inside my cheek

Mom ruins my fun and takes a peek

My pill sits quietly stuck to skin

She finds it and crams it in again!


Noooooo! Not again!

Respectfully Submitted,

Sammy, The Poetic Pussycat

80 responses »

  1. MOL! My human says that her pilling experience with Binga is similar to your poem! That’s why she tries to get any meds for her in syringe form – that is much easier to do with her!


  2. Oh, Sammy, I love it! What a neat idea to post an original poem each week. I’m afraid we’ll just be commenting, as we aren’t imaginative enough to be poetic!
    Love, Sundae


  3. OH Sammy, that reminds me of Admiral when she was taking pills the last three years she was with me. It was an “adventure” each day twice a day. xoxox and she sure did not cooperate.


  4. BRAVO! Apaws Apaws… that’s exactly what happens… I wish we had such a big storage bag like that pee-licanes… then the mama can search between rotten fish and berd poop for that pill, ha!


  5. Oh Sammy..a great poem..filled with angst and suffering..for Mom trying to HELP you hahaha …i love this poem idea…mmmm let me see..the letter A.. goes..*some poems may actually appear worse than they are*
    Apple tree:
    In our yard in the cold are our Apple trees
    Leaves have all gone in the big freeze
    They look so sad and forlorn
    Like the sheep when first they are shorn
    Come Spring they will blossom and thrive
    A sure sign they are still much alive
    But for now they just shiver and shake
    I wish i had apples to bake..
    See Sammy..this poem was worse than any pill you have to swallow Hahaha..Loves Fozziemum xxx


  6. Apaws! Apaws! Bravo!
    Yous has described the experience purrfectly! Except yous left out the claws and scratches aND kitty teeth sunk into soft human flesh! And the outpouring of blood onto clean clothes and carpets – which happens here when pills are administered to moi.
    Kisses dear furrend


    • HAHAHA….Well Nellie I have to admit that the first time Mom tried pilling me NOT using the crushed pill/baby food combo (which I no longer like!) I bit her – right through her fingernail and boy did she yell! There are various other bites on her “putting pill in mouth” hand but they’ve all healed up. I’m kinda used to the routine now. I’m trying to behave but sometimes I can’t resist trying to hide the pill in my mouth until Mom walks away…..then I spit it out! HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  7. That is a great poem Sammy! You could have written it for me except that I froth on the second attempt and make the pill stick to my mum’s fingers.


  8. I love this poem- it is so good. I am excited about your new poem day. We will try to write one, but we have never had the talent you and your Mom have for that. I think a lot of kitties can relate to this one- I know my Millie can.


  9. Good morning,, Sammy,
    You seem to be like our Sally [who so sadly left us nearly 2 years aho now]. She never took her pills [luckily once a month only] easily. She managed to spit them out ever so often, again and again. But I was reluctant to cram them down too far in her mouth. I didn’t want to hurt her. And mixing with food didn’t work, either. Well, after some struggling I always managed to get her swallow these pills.
    Our cats are (somewhat) better. And, luckily, they don’t need pills on a regular basis. Mr. Pickwick now needs special food, though. Something good for his urinary tract. He had stones in his bladder lately that completely prevented him from urinating. Poor chap! He had to stay at the vet’s for a few days, with a catheter and intravenous fluid. But now he’s fine again. Needs to get used to his new type of food, though. Just now we mix dry and tinned food, and he seems to like it pretty much. The other four get the new food, too [mixed with their usual stuff fo a while, to get them used to the new taste]. Even if their bladders are ok, it can’t be bad for them, especially for the 3 fixed males, to have urinary-healthy food.
    Well, after that long discourse I keep my fingers crossed for you that you’ll be able somehow to swallow the “bitter pill”, and that it helps!
    Good luck, and enjoy the day,


    • Hi Mr. Pit! From what I know, most cats aren’t too crazy about pilling – some seem to have no problem with that plastic tube thing being stuck in their mouths but I sure did – I was a WILD MAN when Mom tried to use it – now she just pops it in and that’s that. I hope your kitties all do well with the special food….I’m told those special diets really do work and I hope that’s the case for your crew!!!!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, mostly I’ve been lucky using that plastic tube thingy, but I’m always afraid I might hurt the kitties. Thanks for the good wishes for ours and their (new) food.
        Enjoy “bacon Saturday” and a quiet snoozy weekend,


          • Thanks, Sammy! But … I’m not a father. I don’t have children. During my years as a teacher I always said I have children enough in my classroom. 😉
            Enjoy your Sunday,


          • My Mom and Dad don’t have kids either – their cats and dogs have been their “children” so we celebrate Father’s Day. Caretakers of animals are – essentially – Moms and Dads – giving love, shelter, food, and medical care…..just as parents of human kids do……….so I say HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to you for all you do for your furry family members!!!!! 😉

            Love, Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

    • If I could get my poems printed on toilet paper I think they might be a hit……..otherwise – not so sure……..HAHAHAHAHA Thanks for the compliment though – this is a fun thing to do and I hope people will join in with me!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Wow! You are a regular Shakespeare, Sammy! I have missed you two SOOO much! Life took over and I disappeared. So here is a flood of hugs to make up for my absence…. HUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUG!! 😀

    Samantha and Puppydoc 🙂


    • Oh gosh that was quite a HUG-O-RAMA! Thanks for all of those and you’ve more than made up for deserting us for so long……we really did hope that you were OK but you’re right – sometimes life does pull us away from things we might prefer doing OR sometimes we just CHOOSE to take the road less traveled! Whatever it was for you – we’re glad to see you again!

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Mee-you Unccle Sammy yur toe-tally poe-etick!!!! See mee NEW wee were related!!! Xcellent poe-em about takin yur meddycayshun!
    Mee rote a poe-em about mee ‘angest’…what do you fink of it Unccle???

    Mee waitss fur LadyMum
    Shee iss so late…
    mee wunderss an fretss…
    what iss her fate??
    Did shee get hert?
    or get nabbed away?
    An then she arrivess
    to save mee day!

    ~~head rubsss~~ Poe-etick neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


  12. Standing ovation to the Poetic PussyCat and his able bodied assistant.
    Been there done that on the pill thing. Dad was surprised at how much strength an 11 lb cat had.
    hugs madi your bfff


    • A lot of us have to take medication for one reason or another…….just like our humans do……….at least I don’t have to take as MANY pills as my humans (so far!).

      Love, Sammy


  13. Very cool post,
    We love it the most.
    Ciara takes pills,
    Not much thrills,
    But Mom uses HAM,
    And the pills are gone like BAM!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • WELL DONE WOOS!!!!! I love your poem and it’s about our dear Ciara and how well her meds are working to keep the Evil “S” away – we hope that’s working AND that she’s feeling better on the meds too! Sending you big hugs for the weekend.

      Love, Sammy


    • I think poetic Thursdays will be fun……………..and I really am getting better with the pill taking…….I rarely give Mom a hard time but I do like keeping her on her toes! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. Sammy, Fiona uses that trick and then the humans find a pill stuck to the side of her face. Who says an old guy can’t bamboozle his humans and then write a terrific poem about it. Way to go! We like this idea for Thursdays. Since we know you are going alphabetically, we can think of a B poem for next week. Since Mom will be at BlogPaws next week, we suspect we know what she’ll write about. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh yes – Blogpaws…..My Mom hopes that your Mom will have fun and take lots of photos… Flat Mau going along? I’m glad you think it might be fun to pawtipate on my poetic Thursdays – I thought it would be a hoot!

      Love, Sammy


  15. hahaha…MOL MOL Kali related so well to your poem Sammy. Me? I loved the white cat that looks so shocked. Mom could relate to your mom trying to put the pill down the throat. We all could relate Sammy. Thanks for that. We are discussing it now. MOL



    • I’m getting better with the pill thing……….since I gave up baby food, the “pill shoved in the mouth” way is the quickest and easiest. I still am pretty good at making her think I’ve swallowed it when I really haven’t but don’t tell her OK?

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. LOL! That is a very funny poem… you did good, Sammy! I am sorry you have to take those pills but writing a funny poem about it maybe helps the pill go down easier. Or not! Good Morning!


    • Hi Miss Pix! I actually am pretty good about taking my dingy-dangy pills. Once in a while I’ll spit it right back out but Mom’s right there and just jams it right back in. She’s getting good at it!

      Hugs, Sammy


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