Teaser Tell All Time!



Class is in Session……

Today we find out who is the Geography “Whiz of the Week” !!

We think this was one of the more interesting Teaser photos we’ve had in Geography class and we’re anxious to tell you all about it so make yourselves comfy in your desk chairs, sit up straight, both feet on the floor, no slouching, chewing gum or snoring PULLLEEEZE!

First of all, let me tell you WHO our Guest Teaser was………..it was my pal and friend Raz from FRIENDS FUREVER !    Thanks Raz – it was a PIP of a photo indeed.   This is for you my friend:

Thank you Raz for the Teaser Photo of 6/7/16!

Thank you Raz for the Teaser Photo of 6/7/16!

AND, while I hesitate to do so, I’m afraid Mr. Silver Briefcase is in the cafeteria scarfing down a bacon cheeseburger so I have to let (gulp) SuzieQ introduce the photo from yesterday…….take it away Suzie!

Here's yesterday's Tease We aim to please It was quite a wheeze Give your nose a squeeze We had a first guess winner Too bad Sam's Mom isn't thinner WICKY WACKY TICKY TACKY SIS BOOM BAH!

Here’s yesterday’s Tease
We aim to please
It was quite a wheeze
Give your nose a squeeze
We had a first guess winner
Too bad Sam’s Mom isn’t thinner

Suzie I didn’t think you could get WORSE than yesterday’s cheer but you did it – you beat your record of insults.   My MOM???   Isn’t it bad enough you call me a GEEZER but now you’re telling my Mom she’s – well – “heavy”???   I may have to find a replacement for you if you can’t clean up your act!   ****SIGH****

Sadly Suzie has as many fans as I have now so I guess she’s not going anywhere!

Now, let’s get back to business………here’s the fab photo that Raz sent in:


A beautiful photo of GALAPAGOS ISLAND!!!

If you CLICK HERE you can see what Wikipedia has to say about this amazing place on our planet!

WHO was the first to comment yesterday on the blog?    Who gets FIRST COMMENTER????   Why it was our pals and buddies at The Cat On My Head, the Kitties Blue!   WOO HOO FOR YOU!  This is yours:

We were First Commenters on Sammy's Teaser of 6/7/16

We were First Commenters on Sammy’s Teaser of 6/7/16

WHO was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on this toughie?   My newest friend, Miss Kristiina and her kitty Kosmo from Finland at PHOTOFINLAND.   Miss Kristiina is a wonderful photographer.  We love her blog.   Congratulations!   This badge is for YOU and Kosmo!

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam's Teaser on 6/7/16

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam’s Teaser on 6/7/16

Believe it or not, we did have at least one additional RIGHT GUESSER yesterday and before the day is over there may be more but all of you who guessed Galapagos get this!

I wasn't FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 6/7/16

I wasn’t FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 6/7/16

Last but never EVER least, is the GREENIE CLUB…………..those of you who seem to not know where the photo was taken OR go out on a limb and guess only to find out your wrong.  You are STILL rewarded with one of these:

I didn't get the Teaser right on 6/7/16 BUT I tried!

I didn’t get the Teaser right on 6/7/16 BUT I tried!

Wasn’t that a goodie??   Thanks again Raz………………you made TEASING fun on Tuesday.    Next Tuesday’s Geography class will feature another fabulous photo so keep studying everybody.   It will pay off eventually………..and you get to learn about some pretty amazing places on our planet that someone ELSE has visited that you might want to see in purrrrrson one day!


I'll be at my desk here in the front of the class next Tuesday waiting for you to arrive!

I’ll be at my desk here in the front of the class next Tuesday waiting for you to arrive!

Professor Sammy

63 responses »

  1. Concats to Kristina and Kozmo! That is somewhere that my mum has never been. We have lost our internet so may not be around much. Mum is using her phone but data is expensive.


    • Oh Flynn I’m sorry you lost your internet again…….storm or “just happened” ??? Hopefully not a bad storm – we’ve seen that Europe is getting a LOT of horrid weather……….

      Love, Sammy


  2. Concats kitties for being as fast as a lightning!!! Galapagos Islands? that’s the place where that dinosaur guys live, right? how good that Raz pawrents escaped from that island in one piece :o)


    • It is a fabulous place isn’t it? BIG lizards and BIG tortoises and BIG rocks (it looks like). One of those destinations you just kind of don’t think about but what fun it would be to see it!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. The Galapagos Islands! I remember years ago watching a PBS special on the giant tortoises there! Great picture of a very interesting place. Congrats to all! Suzie you are too funny and cute! This is going to be your summer Suzie, you have us all smiling. Sammy, you are going to have to share The Teaser spotlight with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell your Mom I have been walking, cutting back on cheeseburgers and her BLTs, moving every 50 minutes when my Fitbit zaps me on my wrist AND I have gained two pounds… must be the wine. Happy Wednesday, Sammy and Mom!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHA……well, wine MIGHT have a few calories in it but my Mom says “It’s better to WINE than WHINE” ! Wasn’t it an interesting Teaser this week? I think everyone has thought about the Galapagos Islands as a vacation destination…….big lizards and tortoises and who knows what else…….! Suzie is a whole other matter. We’ve given up the idea that sending her to cheerleading school will improve her writing skills so I think we just have to LIVE with her like she is. Sigh. At least there’s only ONE of her (so far). Oh and my Mom says NEVER cut back on cheeseburgers and BLTS – they are the spice of life!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That was pretty low Suzie, I adore Sammy’s Mom. Congratulations to the very smart winners. Now Suzy, make you can make up an apology cheer- so you don’t lose any fans here.XO


    • Suzy’s not likely to apologize BUTTTT thanks for the support – Mom just ignores Suzy (which isn’t such a bad idea!)……and who knows – maybe one of these Tuesdays she’ll surprise us and be NICE (hmm…not likely though!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Mee-you knock us down with a feather!! Well dun Lady Christiine an Kosmo!!!
    LadyMum made a good guess butt shee was not quite rite….
    An yur Suzie Q needss to go back to cheerin skool….Lady Pam ISS NOT ‘heavy’! Shee iss a beeuteefull Hu’man. Ignore Suzie Q M’Lady! 😉
    Fankss fur a grate Teezer Unccle Sammy.
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • Hi Siddhartha! Suzy is such a silly cheerleader but we’ve learned to ignore her because obviously no matter how many cheerleading classes we send her to, she will continue to INSULT the Professor AND his Mom!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


  6. Message to Suzie

    You’re getting too big for your skirt
    and you’re starting to hurt
    You’re such a fickle flirt.
    We can only hope
    someone washes your mouth with soap.


    • Thanks for that Kismet……I’m personally delivering this message to her while she’s practicing her cheers for next Tuesday. Somehow I think the message will fall on deaf (and dumb) ears but we’ll see…thanks for trying anyway!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Concats to the winners, and gosh, Sammy, I just don’t know what we’re going to do with that little SuzieQ….. insulting you and now your Mom?? Hmmmm.

    Love, Sundae


    • I know – it was a mighty fine Teaser this week wasn’t it? I’m still trying to say “Galapagos” five times fast….not easy…..try it if you don’t believe me!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Tabbie Buds! Lots of Greenies handed out this week – you’re not alone……….besides, who knew what the Galapagos Island looked like anyway??? Wonder what kinda fishies are in their water?????

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. We love SuzieQ but dissing Mom Pam really isn’t cool. We were so tickled to be first commenter again this week. Mom really wants to go to the Galapagos. Not having been yet, we had no idea where this was. Thanks for another great teaser, Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  9. What! Galapagos Islands!?! That is on my Mommy’s Bucket list! Nut wes did not has a clue yesterday….
    PS Mommy is feeling a tad better today, she has graduated from feeling like something that yous scrapes off your shoe to something alive (But indescribable…) Purrsonally, mes sick and tired of her being sick and tired.


    • Poor Mommy……….we hope she will feel even better today. Colds are NO FUN but you are a good nurse so I’m sure you’ll have her feeling perky again in no time!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


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