Just Another Rainy Friday


Rain Makes Things Green

No this is NOT my yard.....IF ONLY!!!!!

No this is NOT my yard…..IF ONLY!!!!!

It has rained from first thing this morning until now and will continue into the night but man oh man has it made Spring POP around here.   The cooler temps came with the rain but that sure didn’t stop Spring from springing.   The pollen is flying around so the rain has put THAT under control, and the only BAD thing is I haven’t been able to go out and munch on the grass because – well – I don’t like to get too wet!!!!    Yes I’m a wienie – so what?    Not many cats enjoy WET………..well maybe some do:

CATINRAINCOATAt least this guy is prepared!

BATH2This guy is just plain nuts!

No I’m more the “keep me nice and dry pretty please” kind of guy and if I was getting too wet I’d definitely be like this guy:



Anyway, Mom planted a bunch of stuff earlier this week and if we could just get a bit of time without rain, I’d share some photos of everything……….so maybe by this weekend some time we’ll get Mr. Flashy Box out there and take some photos.

There was some cleaning activity around here today though so we did have the MONSTER MASH……we did have Mr. Vacuumator come out of his closet house and trip the light fantastic all over the house – Mr. and Mrs. Broomhilda did the dusting and heavy work and Mom and Dad snoopervised.

Mrs. Broomhilda

Mrs. Broomhilda

Mr. Broomhilda

Mr. Broomhilda

Mom says they scare the dirt and dust away.   HAHAHA…..actually I have to tell you that when my Mom was growing up her family had an English Bulldog for a family pet.  His name was Sir Reginald but they called him Reggie.   He was white with a brown “saddle” on his back and he was 80 lbs. of muscle.   My Mom used to TRY and take him for a walk but it was more like he took her for a walk.   She was no match for him and he knew it.   Anyway, he was one of the SWEETEST dogs they ever had so I’m sure if I could get close enough to have a conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Broomhilda (eeeek) I’d love them too but frankly……I’m just a TEEEEEENY WEEEEEEENY bit afraid of them!

So, that’s my Friday report.   Slightly boring but nonetheless it’s from ME so I know you’ve loved every word of it…………………..Right?   RIGHT?  RIGHT?


Happy Friday!!!!  Sammy


84 responses »

  1. hahahah I’m probably the twin of Sir Reginald (that’s a super name for a bulldog!!!) We have no rain, but it is cold… maybe when may-vember moves in we will get warmer temperatures? Or snow?


    • Easy I’m amazed at the snow that’s popped up here and there across the pond……fortunately so far here we’ve had COLD but no snow. I’m hoping that it stays that way although I would like Mr. Warm to come back! He teased us for a few days and now he’s let Mr. Rain hang out for a while. Are we ever really HAPPY with weather? May-vember better be better than April!!

      Love, Sammy


  2. I had a bulldog (along with a German shepherd) run through my backyard while I was cutting the grass today. They were both pretty big, and I get a bit skittish of big dogs running around loose because when I was growing up, one of our neighbors had a doberman that constantly got loose and wreaked terror on everyone. But they merely wanted to mark my yard as their territory and move along… perhaps persuaded by the fact that I was operating an implement of destruction!


    • We’re lucky here in that nobody lets their dogs run free in our neighborhood. We know there are a lot of dogs around because we hear them barking a lot BUTTTT they are either fenced in or out on leash. You would remember an event from your youth for sure and keep an eye open for strays. Good thing you have a mower with you when you’re out there now – PROTECTION!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. We always love hearing from you, Sammy! Hope your weathers clears soon, so you can enjoy some outside time AND your mom can share some pictures of what she’s planted!
    Love, Sundae


  4. That first yard looks like the Emerald City! Soon your yard will look like that, S. Rain helps, even though it’s scary sometimes. Plus your mom has a green thumb. Whenever my mom hangs a plant outside, she says, “Poor thing.” Then we watch it die a miserable death.

    Love and licks,


    • Isn’t that first photo fab? Mom would LOVE to have a yard like that (with a landscaper and gardener to take care of it of course!). Some people have green thumbs and some brown…………..mine are GINGER! HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  5. Always a pleasure to hear from you Sammy! We have been having rain rain rain too and pretty soon we won’t be able to see the Puffs in the yard MOL! Hoping for some dry so Mom can mow, she already has twice this year which is way early for here!


  6. For once, we AREN’T having rain rain rain! WE have had normal rain. I haven’t seen that in going on four years! We thought Tennessee had moved to Seattle!


    • WOW……well, there’s been a whole lot of rain reported from North Carolina in blogs this morning so I think there’s just a swath of wet stuff through some parts of our big wonderful world! Stay cozy!

      Love, Sammy


  7. I really did love every word of it :\

    We’re in North Carolina and last night it just started HAILING!!! Out of nowhere!

    Thankfully our little Gabby is super brave, and the first thing she did was get really big and puffy and ran to make sure that under the bed was nice and safe for Mommy and Daddy, in case we needed to hide, you know.

    I would love to see pictures of the stuff that got planted once it stops raining! We’re in the process of attempting to garden some fresh veggies, but Gabbers keeps eating all the sprouts before they can grow.


    • HAHAHA…..I love the “picture” of Gabby raiding the veggie crops while they’re nice and new and tender. Well, it’s what we do right? Mom and Dad no longer have a veg garden although they DO grow stuff in pots on the deck so the deer won’t eat them. The wildlife here eats EVERYTHING so we have to garden on the deck and front porch. Anyway, Mom will take photos of our flowers as soon as this crummy rain stops. I did hear from another blogger in NC about the hail and bad storms. EEEEK! No hail here – just WET stuff.

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Yay! Happy rainy Friday! I hope you have a lovely, relaxing day…staying warm and dry and snuggled in your bed….thinking about all the yummy bacon tomorrow! Big hugs from me and samantha! 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • I’m already excited about bacon tomorrow……of course I’m excited about bacon all the time but I know it’s coming my way tomorrow for sure. We’re enjoying our rainy day – I’m snoozing up a storm today while it’s storming out there!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Getting wet in the rain is highly overrated – we are not fans here at the Hotel Thompson. I’m so glad it’s Friday – stay dry cousin and enjoy your weekend. XOXO – Bacon


  10. Rain can be wonderful and welcome (sometimes), can’t it, Sam?! 🙂 I really liked the wonderful fresh smell we had in our garden lately, after the showers. And, of course, the greening of everything. Plus the gurgling of that little creek at the end of our property. [http://tinyurl.com/h8ffhz3 and http://tinyurl.com/hpsrwbh%5D
    Have a great weekend,


  11. Reggie sounds like a nice dog- does your Mom have a photo she could show us? Please send Mr. and Mrs. Broomhilda my way- I need help with my Spring cleaning. Have a great weekend- tomorrow is bacon day. XO


    • Mom knows there are some photos in HER Mom’s old box of stuff so she’ll see if she can find the ones with Reggie in there. I remember there was a puppy one and one of Reggie on Grandmom’s lap which was pretty silly considering his size as he grew up! Our cleaning is DONE but not the BIG SPRING clean – that will happen whenever my Mom is in the mood which could be………………(wait for it)………………NEVER!

      Love, Sammy


  12. Loved… every… dang… word! Enjoy your Friday, Sammy. Gloomy with a chance of rain here too. I have to go food shopping… noooooooooooooooooooooo. BUT I am going to buy bacon and “Petridge Farm” white bread and we are going to hoover some BLT’s! CH got so excited about having white bread in the house I thought he was going to pass out.


    • HAHAHAHA……I hope CH enjoys his Petridge Farm bread AND that both of you enjoy your big fat BLTs!!! Mom suggested we have them for dinner tonight but Dad’s a party pooper and said he wanted some of that curried chicken salad (which Mom has no problem lovin’ too!)…………..so I guess you’ll be BLT-ing and we’ll be CHICKEN-ing! Have a super Friday!

      Love, Sammy


        • We love sammmmich kind of weekends here too! Let Mom and me know if you like the curry in your chicken salad – you may need to experiment with it to get the right amount in there – Mom is “heavy handed” but that’s because she and Dad are MAJOR curry fans. YUMMMERS!

          Love, Sammy


  13. Morning handsome Sammy my friend. Boy did we have some thunder boomers last night too. And some parts of our county had horrible winds and hail. April showers are sure gonna bring some May flowers and hopefully wash all the nasty Evil yellow dust of the devil down the storm drain.
    Kissy kissy from Madi your bfff


    • We had a couple of boomers but mostly just some fairly steady rain all night…….HAIL??? Oh no! Don’t like hail – it smashes flowers and stuff!!! I do hope that this rain will away some of the pollen because people are sneezing up a storm!!

      Love and Kisses, Sammy


  14. I hope the rain stops and you have a good weekend. Your story reminded me of our dog Bruno, who was a Saint Bernard. When I was Two or three, he would let my sister and I ride him like a horse. It was so sad when a station wagon pulled into our driveway and took Bruno away. Years later my mom said they feared he was too big and would hurt one of us but he was like a gentle giant.


  15. dood…tell yur mom ta go outside N cut sum grazz & bring it INN side for ewe….may bee her could bring in sum fishin wermz two while her at it, & ya can due sum fishin in de tub !! 🙂 heerz two an earthworm eel kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • My flowers are just little things now – but in a month or so they will really begin to pop I’m sure but I will show them in their “infancy” as soon as we can get outside with a camera between raindrops! Glad you had a pretty day……at least our rain let up and it’s just sprinkling now!

      Hugs, sammy


    • You guys have nice rain gear – I guess my Mom knows she’d have to wrestle me into a raincoat and it wouldn’t be “pretty” – with my hurty shoulders putting on a coat might not be much fun!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Nope – he didn’t help at all but he was a sweet boy………and Mom says they had a big fenced back yard and he loved to run around and have fun with my Mom and her brother.

      Love, Sammy


  16. In Virginia Beach we have had rain for the last two days, so I know how you feel. Looking forward to your pictures. Have a good weekend.


  17. The weather has been kind of sunny and kind of rainy this week. Right now it is GORGEOUS…but the wind is so strong…Mommy says that it could blow a person to Alberta!!! Mes furry happy that she is big enough (and heavy enough) that she made it home or mes would never would has gotted my supper.
    Mes LOVED the sleeping pictures of yous yesterday. Mommy has to catch mes when when she comes home from work! Mes always leaps up to greets her (and gets treats) then me YELLS at her until she sits down and then me sits on her and wants pets for about 10 minutes, then mes goes back to sleeps. And then mes yells in the middle of the night, because mes asleep in the living room in my beddie and she’s in her bedroom and she has to come and get me. Then about 3 in the morning, mes does the same…and then again around 5…
    Anyway, mes thinks yous looks marvelous darling!


    • Nellie you are so lucky to have a Mommy who totally understands you and what you need to be happy. I’m sure when she walks in the door you’re very happy to have her home…..and the fact she will get up when you yell for her is what our wonderful Moms do even though it might not be totally CONVENIENT for them to leave their warm bed to soothe us in the middle of the night. Sometimes I just need to SEE my Mom or get some pets, then I will go back to sleep…..You and I are very blessed aren’t we Nellie?????

      Love and kisses, Sammy


  18. There iss NUFFIN borin about yur Furiday report Unccle! Inn fact mee looks forward to reedin them. Wee iss a day late (an maybe a doller short?) as LadyMum has been inn such a blad flare-up of theat NASTY Hyperostosis! Mee has been tryin to bee good an not holler at her too much…….
    So wee playin catch-up again, mew mew mew….
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ neffkitty~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


      • Mee can holler loud Unccle an sumtimess it ISS too loud so mee has quiet time inn thee bathroom….with toyss an snackss.
        LadyMum iss havin such a ruff time. Shee iss inn so much pain it iss scary to see. Mee nevurr seen this befur. Mee wurriess about thee future…..


        • I worry about your future too Siddhartha……your Ladymum has a lot of medical issues and when she hurts I know she probably reaches her limit of dealing with you but I still believe that you are just confused when she’s in pain – you FEEL her pain and react to it without understanding so you seem to be acting out. I’m so sad for both of you AND worried about both of you but let’s hope she’s better soon and things can settle back down………….I’m sending hope and love.

          Hugs, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • LadyMum sayss shee agreess with you Unccle Sammy. That mee not understand. Mee sorta doess butt then mee wantss to play an ruffhouse an go out an come inn an round an round. An LadyMum getss uppyset with mee an sayss mee iss ‘dee-mandin’….*sighsss*
            Mee iss a paw full mee knowss! LadyMum givess mee Bach’ss inn mee earss an mee purrss an that helpss sum. Thee Feliway Diffuser iss not werkin that much. So wee back to thee start. Oh Unccle shee doess know when mee bowelss are hertin mee an iss so luvvin an calm. Befur shee did not understand mee! 😉
            So wee got sum commincayshun werked out…..
            Fankss fur thee kind werdss Unccle an Lady Pam. Mee iss hopin fur fingss to improve….
            ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


          • Siddhartha they will improve as long as both of you can be patient…….not always easy for a kitten and a human who often is not feeling well at all BUT one thing is certain – LOVE can get you through almost ANYTHING!

            Hugs, Uncle Sammy

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