Teaser Tell All


Tell It Like It Is Professor Sam!

Attention class! No more spitballs or paper airplanes - it's time to get serious!

Attention class! No more spitballs or paper airplanes – it’s time to get serious!

It’s time for the Tell All………………


Well yesterday’s geography class was an interesting one.   We got to see an interesting fountain in a nameless place and your job last night for homework was to figure out WHERE that fountain was…………..how did you do on the assignment????????????   Well, before we talk about that, let’s look at that photo again OK???


This fabulous photo was sent to us for a Teaser by our buddies and pals, Flynn and his Mom Miss Jackie from Two Devon Cats (Eric and Flynn) and wow was it a doozy!    Thank you Flynn for giving everyone a headache yesterday as they tried like heck to figure this one out!   This is for you and your Mum!

Thanks Flynn and Mum Jackie for the Teaser photo of 4/26/16

Thanks Flynn and Mum Jackie for the Teaser photo of 4/26/16

Wanna know where this is????   Well it’s in the Lost Gardens of Heligan in St. Austell, Cornwall, UK.    It’s a most interesting place and I have two links for you to follow to read about it.   But the point is – it was NOT AN EASY TEASER!     Here are two links for you:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Gardens_of_Heligan    (look on the right side of the page and you’ll see this fountain in The Italian Garden!)


We also had a TIE for FIRST COMMENTER!   Fast on the trigger finger (or keyboard I should say) were Easy of Easy Weimaraner and Annie of Animal Couriers.   You BOTH get this!

First Commenter on Sammy's Teaser of 4/26/16

First Commenter on Sammy’s Teaser of 4/26/16

Now, before we get to the Right Guessing part of today’s class, let’s bring in SuzieQ to fire everyone up appropriately!   Suzie?   Let’s keep it simple OK?????

Whadda ya know Now I can crow We have us a winner So on with the show! My cheer is for YOU Our dear Kitties Blue BOOO HOOOOOO For the REST OF YOU!

Whadda ya know
Now I can crow
We have us a winner
So on with the show!
My cheer is for YOU
Our dear Kitties Blue
For the REST OF YOU!

Gosh Suzie – that actually makes sense AND you also gave away the winner for the Teaser (which is NOT your job young lady – it’s MINE!!)    But you’re right we did have a FIRST RIGHT GUESSER and it was Kitties Blue!    Here’s your badge gang and concatulations!

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam's Teaser on 2/26/16

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam’s Teaser on 2/26/16

At the time Mom and I did this post nobody else guessed right BUT it’s possible that there were MORE of you who knew OR who jumped on Kitties Blue bandwagon and guessed the same thing after googling to find out!     If so, then you get this badge for your VERY OWN!

I wasn't FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 4/26/16

I wasn’t FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 4/26/16

That means the rest of you get a GREENIE this week……………..aren’t you excited?   Hey – Suzie – what are you doing back again????   Wait……..wait………we didn’t say you could cheer again!

Greenie Greenie Don't be a Weenie You all failed You should be jailed Your brains they must be TEENY!

Greenie Greenie
Don’t be a Weenie
You all failed
You should be jailed
Your brains they must be TEENY!

Now that’s more like the SuzieQ we all are used to – mean as a snake!   Well, you certainly insulted everyone today Suzie…………….I think you need a time out……….

So, here’s your GREENIE everyone:

I didn't have a CLUE on Sam's Teaser of 4/26/16!

I didn’t have a CLUE on Sam’s Teaser of 4/26/16!

My apologies for SuzieQ but those of you who know her…….well……..you know what I mean!    Please come back NEXT week for another Teaser………maybe it will be easier – maybe it will be another doozy.   It remains to be seen (because Mom hasn’t picked a photo out for next week yet!).


Your Geography Teacher

Professor Sammy

55 responses »

  1. That really was a doozy – well done Flynn and Jackie but even more impressive were the Kitties Blue for getting it right 😀 Looks like our only chance of winning anything here is by being awake at the right moment 😉


    • OR……….figuring out how to google stuff to find what you’re looking for!!!! HAHAHAHA…….Flynn and Jackie did great with the photo and the Kitties Blue were magnificent “Google searchers” – made for a challenging Teaser!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

    • Suzie is OUT OF CONTROL……..she’s got a mind of her own……sadly she has fans now in the blogosphere so she thinks that means she can get away with anything in her cheers. HARUMPH!

      Love, Sammy


  2. concats kittie blue! and congrats miss anniee and easy… how about a tug of war to share that badge? I wonder if that is the statue from london who wandered to cornwall… it will stay probably as a cold case, right?


  3. Concats to the Kitties Blue! That was a hard teaser and I thought we would beat everyone Sammy. It looks like WordPress is going to let me comment today so here goes!


  4. Wow, wrong again. DANG! I surely have piled up the greenies. I need a smarter assistant. BOL/MOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  5. Yeah…we were first and only…Mom went back and checked. Nobody checking in after us guessed right! In honor of you, Sammy, and Suzie we are writing a poem for tomorrow to announce our win. May we use Suzie as well. She cracks us up, and we think it would be fun to have her in the post. Mom continues to plan to send you some Teaser photos, but she just doesn’t seem to get the time to go through them. Have a great day. Mom is heading to e-mail to reply to Mom Pam’s from earlier. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  6. Wow, other side of the pond, LOL I was way way off, but then again, I was possessed by a cheerleader, tee-hee. Gah, I’m always surprised when someone actually guesses the right place when there’s so little hints in the photo. I guess they must have been there. Congrat’s to the weeners, let’s hug it out ❤


    • YES…..and I’m proud of you for knowing that much…..one of these days, when I post one from Scotland…..if you don’t get it right, you realize there will be “H – E – DOUBLEHOCKEYSTICKS” to pay right???????????

      Tee Hee
      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Congkatss to Kittiess Blue fur knowin thee answer…apparentlee LadyMum new it was sumfing ‘Iitalee-an’ butt shee was toe-tally on thee wrong conntynent!! Mew mew mew….another furabuluss Greenie fur us Unccle 😉
    ***nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


  8. ConCatulations to the Kitties Blue! Allie says she’s sure it was her handsome and smart Mau that figured it out.

    Suzie’s cheers are always so “interesting” and we look forward to them as well as the Teaser.

    The Florida Furkids


    • It probably was Allie’s suave, debonair and smart boyfriend Mau who figured that Teaser out – he’s a man of the world……….they are such a cute couple too!!!!! Suzie is – well – SUZIE. Looks like she’s here to stay too. She may have to start her own blog – all about cheering. HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  9. Sammy that was for sure a brain teaser and Twister. WTG miss Jackie!
    Congrats to everyone do tried and got it right and to those who just tried!
    Madi your bfff


  10. Congrats to all the winners! Sorry I wasn’t here yesterday but we got hit with a bad storm and lightning hit the house. Blew out the modem and the TV. We didn’t get internet until late in the afternoon yesterday! Don’t miss the TV but I was going crazy without the internet! That is a very nice cheer Suzie… 😀


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