Routine Maintenance


Morning All!

Every once in a while a guy needs to take care of business right?   You know – keep himself in shape, tone it up and clean it up………………..toning it up isn’t tough, you just need a good exercise regime.


But it’s also important to keep yourself properly bathed and manicured and – well – you know – CLEAN in all areas if you get my drift…………………….

Today Mom was working on the computer and heard me doing a major “lickety-lickety-lick-lick-lickety” sound and when she turned around, she could plainly see that I was “down for routine maintenance” – kinda like an elevator sign in a high rise.   HAHAHA


As you can see, I perform this task in front of my new best friend……………Mom’s space heater in her office.   I don’t care what the temperature is, it can’t be too warm for me these days and oh boy does it feel great on my achy breaky joints!    I’ve got my feet tucked under my fleece blankie which of course will be my reward (a nap that is) when I’ve finished with my maintenance duties.

Mom thought that was such a swell shot of me she used the zoom and got a closer shot of me working on my chesticles:


Then, after all was right with my furs in those areas, I moved on to something more – well – important……………….you don’t want anything to ruin the effect of all the handsomeness if you should neglect to clean up all those little HIDDEN spots now would you???


Mom!  Did you have to zoom in on that one and blow it up so BIG?????   Can’t a guy get any privacy around here?    I guess I know the answer to that one!

I suppose this isn’t as bad as it COULD have been………..but still………….Honestly!

Hugs, Mr. Clean

90 responses »

    • Oh the humans in the bathroom would be scary…..they do things in there that I don’t even WANT to know about!!!!!!! We cats have our own washcloths available at all times – our tongues make great “cleaner uppers” and do a nice job of combing our furs so we look furrrrabulous always! Somehow I don’t think our humans could do as good a job do you?

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Hahaha!! “Down for routine maintenance”! Sammy you ARE funny!! I agree with Easy. How would THEY like it!! Mind you the “routine maintenance” The Staff has to undertake goes on for ever! A chap usually has to take a nap!! xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Sammy how adorable those hidden tootsies under blankie are 🙂 and i laughed my butt off as i call the pups chests chestickes too! I always ask Forrest if he wants a scratch on his chesticles 🙂 HAHAHA ..i bet that heater is great..getting older you feel the cold..even when it’s not so cold 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, Sammy! These are so cute! (Chesticles… is STILL chuckling over that one…!) And I love those toesies all stretched out in that last shot. Mom likes it when I stretch my toes and clean between them: she says I’m getting all the toe boogies. (I know, humans……)
    Love, Sundae


  4. Sammy, I love that “down for routine maintenance”. Yup. When we take a FULL bath…not just a few out of place furs or a small little crumb or two…we take our time, we do it right! I am really admiring that you can take a full bath..complete bath, with no help. You are strong and happy. AND bacon powered.


    • Hi Katie! Yep – I’m still keeping “the bod” in good shape – just because I’m a senior citizen doesn’t mean I’ll let myself go! HAHA Bacon is the elixir of youth!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Sammy this is so funny and cute and well you are just adorable taking care of routine business.
    There is NO PRIVACY here either you think there is something we can do about it?
    Hugs madi your bfff

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve been insisting on a private bathroom for my litterbox and space heater (since I’m in love with it now), and fleece blankie collection – a place where I can clean up in private – BUT Mom says that’s silly. They just don’t get it do they Madi?!?!?!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. We have no privacy here either!! Mom thinks it’s okay to take pictures of anything….can you believe she actually took a picture of on of us in the litter box once? Shameful!!!
    It’s impawtent to keep a “clean machine” but we’re glad she took the picture from that direction so she didn’t embarrass you tooooo much!

    The Florida Furkids


    • Yeah if she’d come around to the other side I would have immediately given her the stink eye and stopped maintenance!!!!!! Humans don’t get the privacy thing – they want it but don’t seem to think WE need it!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Well all I can say is if you or I snuck into the bathroom when THEY were doing their “thing” they’d have a big old FIT – but they feel free to embarrass us??? HUH??? What’s with that?!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Hi Sammers! I think Samantha probably feels the same way…there’s just something about bathing the private areas that makes a human want to whip out her camera and snap away. 😉

    Great pics btw! You should tell mom that she did a very nice job capturing the moment! 😀

    Hugs and licks! -puppydoc


    • Thanks! Mom was shaking so hard from giggling at me she barely was able to take the photos BUT as you can see, she managed somehow. She particularly thought that last one was hilarious. Oh boy if I had a camera I could REALLY embarrass her!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Good to see you can still reach all your places despite your arthritis. That is a great place to bathe, you will dry extra fast. Sorry your Mom invaded your privacy, but you do look adorable. XO


  9. That’s what we call a complete wash and brush up. Your furs look meowvolous. Are you a super loud washer? Lisbeth is. It isn’t lickety, lickety but rather slurpety, slurpety. It drives our Mom crazy, especially when she starts up when Mom is trying to go to sleep. We think staying in front of that heater sounds great. It’s turned cold again. Pffft! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • This weather stinks…….I am SO over winter and they have snow in our forecast for Saturday. EXCUSE ME???? SNOW???? Anyway, to answer your question I’m a quiet washer…..Sometimes I growl a little as I’m doing toesies but just a little “don’t bother me I’m concentrating” kind of growl to show I’m working hard! Let’s hope that soon I’m not spending as much time in front of my space heater as I have been……!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Well… at least you’re the only one giving you baths, Sammy! I get shampoos and grooming every couple of weeks. They’re not my favorite thing in the world, but I don’t freak out like a lot of other cats might!


    • Oh Summer, it’s very important for a professional model to look absolutely spotless and gorgeous all the time so you have to have special shampoos and stuff. I have to say that you look absolutely fabulous ALL THE TIME though – soft and shiny…’s good you don’t mind getting a bath.

      Love, Sammy


  11. Sammy, we are so glad you are keeping up with your routine maintenance! Our elderly cat Conrad got too lazy to do that, which meant I had to help him, and that was not easy. So keep up the good work!


    • Mom says one of these days I will probably lose interest in keeping myself well maintained (!) but for now, she’s glad I do because I can be a bit grumpy sometimes and we’re talking about “the bitey” if I’m not happy with things so she’d have to wear armor to give me a bath!

      Hugs, sammy


  12. You are getting spic and span Sammy. I prefer to say…”I’m out of service due to an infestation of cleanliness!’ Same idea though. Mom tries hard not to get a picture of me when I’m out of service but mom’s are all different. MOL



  13. Mew mew mew Unccle Sammy yur Mumma iss funny takin maintenance fotoss’. Hu’manss fink wee look ‘cute’ while groomin! When mee iss ‘cleenin mee busyness partss’ LadyMum ‘ohhhss an ahhhss’ which iss funny! Shee nevurr takes fotss’….
    mee hope shee NOT see THIS blog; don’t want to give her ideass……mew mew mew….
    Yur lookin fine tho’ Unccle….
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


  14. lookin good dood & we heer ya on de hole pri vacee thing…..hope yur afturr noonz a grate one & yur caturdayz FILLED with bacon ~~~~~~ we iz out til monday…sew heerz two a Baikal oilfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


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