The Joy of Bacon


Ah yes……maybe I should

write a book?  “The Joy of Bacon”

by Sammy Bacon Boy Kimmell


Mom didn’t let me down this morning either…..bacon we had AND waffles too!   Not that I ate the waffle part – that was for Mom and Dad – but the bacon I was totally on board with.   Once my sniffer got WIND (haha) of it, I was all over the kitchen following Mom!



I was dressed and ready to go – bacon socks and hat and my chair pulled right up to the table like a BIG GUY!



WAIT – did I say “BIG BOY”??   Sitting in a high chair??? I don’t THINK so!!

Anyway, I got my bacon and now I’m set for the day.  

I'm one "fully baconized" boy now!!!!

I’m one “fully baconized” boy now!!!!

Before I go, I must tell you this WEIRD but true fact.   We’ve had nice weather for a couple of weeks – – – like Spring stuff………….but tomorrow – THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING (!!!) we are going to have SNOW………..that’s right………from 1-3 inches of the stuff.   Is that fair?   NO IT IS NOT!    Will I whine about it?  You betcha!   Oh well, what can I do about it – nothing except hope it doesn’t happen!   Maybe a SAMMY WHAMMY would help?


I hope snow is NOT in your forecast for the first day of Spring……………………!!!  

Hugs, Sammy

The Wizard of Bacon

60 responses »

  1. Good morning, Sammy! Happy Bacon Day to you.
    I sure hope the weather forecast changes, so you won’t have snow on the first day of spring. Something about that is just not right!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Happy Caturday Bacon Day! And snow??!! That’s crazy! Well hopefully you have enough yummy bacon in your tummy so that you can just hibernate through it all… 😉

    Hugs and licks! -phoebe and samantha ❤


  3. I think such a book would be a bestseller! a lot of people eat while they read and whats better than to eat bacon while reading a bacon-book? Happy Caturday to you, hope the snow will buzz off soon… after some mild days today we got frost and low temperatures too… and it looks grey everywhere… that was my mother with hanging the laundry outside… that’s always the start of bad weather lol


    • It’s true – when our Moms put the laundry out on the line it RAINS or SNOWS……..when they forget their umbrella when they go out it will RAIN or SNOW…….if they don’t wear their boots when there’s a chance of bad weather then it will RAIN or SNOW. It’s the LAW OF NATURE!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. You look so cute in the high chair- my cats would love one of those 🙂 Glad you got your bacon. We are expecting that snow too and my hubby already too the plow off. I hope it melts fast. XO


    • I think you actually are supposed to get more snow than we are – ours has been somewhat “downgraded” from one-three inches to less than in inch. THAT I think I can live with!!!!! I hope your snow disappears quickly too!

      Love, Sammy


  5. I am glad you enjoyed your bacon Sammy. That is not good to have snow forecast! We have had nearly 2 weeks of good weather, but it has turned cold again.
    I am being nurse to my mum and dad. Mum has been feeling ill for a few days and now dad is the same. I think I have my work cut out. At least mum got out of bed at a good time to feed me. I was hoping she would forget my pill, but she didn’t.


    • Oh Flynn, I’m sorry your Mom and Dad are sick – there are some bad bugs making the rounds for sure. I know you’re taking good care of them. Sorry to hear your Mom REMEMBERED your pill but you know my friend, we need to take our pills so we can feel as good as we can feel (although I’m not sure things work out that way!!!!!). Hang in there – I’m sure they appreciate having such a GRAND nurse!

      Love, Sammy


  6. We are going to wage a big protest here – there wasn’t a crumb of bacon or even a sniff of it anywhere to be found here today:(

    We are glad you were so much luckier than we were.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Time to take action my Woo buddies…….make some signs and march around the house with them “WE WANT BACON AND WE WANT IT NOW!!”………..maybe you just have to be FIRM about it?!?!?!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Good Morning Sammy et Pammy, I’m glad you have Bacon to soften the blow of that white snow on the way. Our temps are very seasonal this week which is surprising too as we’ve been above seasonal for so long. The morning weather man actually used the ‘S’ word here too, but for next Thursday when we will see temps around 0C (32F) with precipitation in the forecast. I’m ok with it since it seems really dry and dusty. Happy Weekend my Virginia friends! xo B


    • Hi Boomdee………..we DID get snow yesterday – imagine that. I think it’s not fair to tease us here in Virginia with beautiful temps in the upper 70s for a whole week then SLAM US WITH snow! What’s with that? Mother Nature is just a bit wacky. Oh well……..I hope all of us have a beautiful first day of Spring!

      Love, Sammy


    • Raz, if it would snow bacon I would NOT EVER complain BUT yesterday’s snow was definitely NOT bacon – it was white and cold and got icy at one point – it was NOT NICE!!! This morning it’s all gone though so I’m happy again……unless we get more of that stuff – which would be MEAN for the first day of Spring!

      Love, Sammy


  8. Oh Sammy you look so cute in your bacon socks. MOL And of course me luvs da gettin’ ready to nap foto. Ya’ know, waffles are purretty good too. You might wanna ask fur a small bite da next time yous mommy fixes them. With a little syrup too. Yummmmmmmm maple. Hmmmmm me shuld ask mommy fur sum waffles meself. MOL Sorry yous gettin’ snow. We’s had nuffin’ but cold, wet dreary wintry days all week. Me sure hopes dat spring is on it’s way and gets here soon.

    Luv ya’



    • Hi Dezi! I’ve had some of that yummy maple syrup before… is VERY tasty indeed. Mom has offered me a bit of waffle AND a bit of pancake before but I just lap up some syrup and that’s that. My “focus” is always that crispy delight called BACON! We had snow yesterday but this morning it’s all gone thank heavens – who wants snow on the ground on the first day of Spring!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Sammy you just don’t know what yous missin’. MOL Then again, since we don’t get bacon very offen me totally gets it. Me wuld go fur da bacon too, ifin me had da choice.

        Luv ya’



    • I hope you can convince your Mom to give you a little bit of bacon to try. It’s crunchy like a treat, and you only need a tiny bit to satisfy that craving……it’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tasty!

      Love, Sammy


    • Aren’t those socks crazy? Raz sent them to me…….amazing what you find when you google “BACON”….hahaha. Ham is good – I like it too but there’s something about that bacon that I simply can’t resist!

      Love, Sammy


    • I hope you all get your bacon today – it’s the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!! Spring deserves some “welcome” bacon right? I’m welcoming Spring today with some bacon and pancakes myself!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Same here Unccle Sammy!! Fankss furthee Shazammy whammy Unccle!!! Wee need all thee help wee can getss!!!! Snow on the ferst day of Spring?? Sumfing wrong there!
    An fankss fur havin sum bacon fur mee all so. Me ehas been nursing LadyMum all day….shee was whimpurrin inn her sleep…it was so sad…
    Mee got her to eat sum fish an chips an take sum Codeine an shee iss at leest sittin up an helpin mee reed a few bloggiess befur shee goess back to bed….
    Wishin you a good weekend…
    ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


    • Oh Nellie – just take the chance to catch up on naps while Mom’s at work. At least she’s not home coughing and disturbing your beauty sleep! By the way, we commented on your blog this morning and FORGOT to tell you that we think your Mommy’s new painting is GORGEOUS – she’s so talented and I just know you’re super proud of her!!!!! Happy First Day of Spring!

      Love, Sammy


    • Yes – it was awful yesterday afternoon Summer – snow showers – all over the place…..then it turned to ice for a bit and back to snow. Thank heavens this morning it’s melted…..I’m hoping THAT’S the last gasp of winter. I’m SOOO ready for Spring!!!!! Happy First Day of Spring to you!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Nooooooooooooooo… no snow! We had some flurries yesterday and freeze warning for this morning. All of our Bradford Pears have popped and I am so hoping the freeze doesn’t get the Redbuds or the Dogwoods! I know it’s hard to believe but CH made an over easy egg and slapped it on top of a no longer frozen waffle yesterday morning! Glad you had your bacon, Sammy!


    • Mom, Dad and I were very upset when the snow started coming down yesterday – BUT it only stuck to the deck furniture, deck, and various “low spots” in the lawn front and back…………….AND this morning it was all gone so we dodged a snow bullet! Whew! So CH made breakfast but NO BACON yesterday? I hope you are treated better this morning!!!!!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • This morning… french toast and scrambled eggs! I gave them a pass and ate a bowl of bran… what WAS I thinking? I am HAPPY your flurry of snow is ALL GONE! Have a great NO SNOW Sunday, Sammy!


        • What were you thinking? Bran? Bran? Miss Pix I’m disappointed in you!!! Even a bran MUFFIN would have been better than a bowl of bran. Sigh. I thought I had you trained better than that!

          Hugs, Sammy


  11. We love your new title, the Wizard of Bacon. Maybe you can make it appear whenever you want it. Our humans had bacon yesterday, but one of us even came around. You know, high chairs for cats is a darn good idea. MOL. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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