Rainy Day Snooze


Yesterday was a GRAY day…………..various shades of gray too – it ALMOST seemed as if the sun might break through because it got LIGHT GRAY……….then five minutes later it was DARK GRAY and raining cats and dogs……….well not literally – imagine what a mess that would be!



It was a little bit freaky because the first forcast said SEVERE weather but we didn’t get anything SEVERE – just WET.    I was happy about that…………….it didn’t disturb my napping patterns at all.   I hardly noticed in fact.   Except when I whined to go outside and was LET out on the front porch only to see RAIN………I am not a fan of rain.   Neither is this guy.



So I stayed inside for the most part, doing what I do best…………………and we ALL know what THAT is right?

As if you haven’t seen enough snoozer photos of me to fill 87 albums!!!   Some of these are newer and some are older…………….the older ones I was a chub – now I’m slim and trim and downright bony but that’s OK…..as long as I’m putting one foot in front of the other Mom says I’m just FINE!

To top off a WET day, we actually had tornado warnings last evening just about dinner time………..we waited and watched but thankfully they didn’t hit our town – in fact, while there were some pockets of possible tornadic wind activity, not sure there was one that touched the ground anywhere near us.  But we were “EYES TO THE SKY” and listening to the weather radio, you can bet on it!

Anyway, we are hoping that tomorrow we’ll get a bit of a break from rain……….our ground is now saturated between the heavy snows we had which are melted now and the rain and people are afraid if we get wind, the BIG TREES will come down.   We hope not – we have a lot of big trees around our house.   I do NOT want to be like this guy!


So I’ll just keep on snoozing and hoping Chicken Little is WRONG………..I like my sky right where it is thank you very much!


Sammy Snoozeman

64 responses »

  1. It was rainy around here, too, S. I had to wear my raincoat. Mom is noticing how dingy and worn out it is, so we may go to buy a new one at Petco today. That’s fine with me. I will walk up and down the rawhide/bone aisle and sniff every bin 800 times.

    Love and licks,


    • Oh I hope you’ll post a photo of you in your new rain gear Cupcake! I loved your old coat but we can’t have the fashionista of the internet in shabby clothing!!!!! I bet you have a blast at Petco exploring the treat and food aisles! HAPPY SHOPPING!

      Love, Sam


    • Oh Raz we were watching the TV very closely as the severe storms got closer and closer……we had tornado warnings and watches from late afternoon until 9PM but they moved through very quickly and luckily we didn’t have any tornados…………SO happy you didn’t get them either!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Glad you didn’t have any severe weather, Sammy. There was a tornado not too terribly far from us, and tragically, three people were killed. It happened about a half mile from where one of our friends works, so we were relieved that she wasn’t hurt. We have sun today: YAY!
    Love, Sundae


    • We heard about the deaths in Waverly – so happy your friend was alright……those storms are just so unpredictable – so I’m glad ALL of us are OK!!!!

      Love, Sammy
      p.s. we have no sun but at least there’s no rain!


  3. Well Sammy, that picture of the kitty with the yellow rain slicker made both of us here smile this morning and so did pictures of you doing what you do best, sweet boy.


    • Isn’t that rain slicker way cool? Mom wishes I’d wear something like that because I sometimes INSIST on going outside when it’s raining – she tries to hold an umbrella over me but I’m not very good about staying close to her!!! HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy




    • Madi it was SKEEEEERY! We’re fine and dandy though – I’m glad you like my SNOOZY COLLAGE. I am the ultimate snooze-a-holic for sure. I’m glad you all were safe from the tornados too – maybe that’s the last of the totally UNWELCOME and weird weather? YA THINK???

      Love, Sammy


    • Yes I’m very happy that those nasty storms did NOT visit me!!!! SNOW?? YUCK!!!! I’m so tired of winter – I didn’t used to mind it so much but now it’s just a BOTHER! WHAAAAAA (I get to whine more though!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Sammy , you need a raincoat like that. You would look so cute. I love the snoozing collage, I can see you are an expert snoozer. Hope you have a sunny day. I wish we had our rain gauge out because I would love to know how much we had. I am guessing over 2 inches- but it is better than snow 🙂 XO


  6. Samny, I Skyler have the proverbial little yellow slicker…with hood. BLEAH. But it does keep my body dry. We had a tree on our street come down in the rain & wind yesterday and lost power for about 9 hours. Mama read your Mama’s book by the light of her Kindle app. She sez thanx to your Mom!


    • Skyler – you have one of those slickers? How cool is that! EEEK on the tree coming down – good thing it didn’t land on your house……power out that long is BAD when it’s winter time – hope things are back to normal now! Happy that your Mom read my Mom’s book – did she enjoy it????

      Love, Sammy


    • HAHAHA…..I’m savin’ those bacon photos for Saturday……meanwhile that chicken was squawking around the place thinking the sky was gonna fall on top of us just because there was a LITTLE BIT OF 60mph wind gusts! Talk about being CHICKEN!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Well, we’ve got that wind today after yesterday’s non-stop, heavy rains. Mom had to go to the dentist, and she couldn’t even get out of the car as the wind kept slamming the door of the car closed. She HATES wind. It makes her grumpy and angry. We had snow flurries this morning. We say enough is enough…we want spring! Mom says that one good thing about the dentist visit is that she met some really nice cat people that she talked to for a really long time. Stay warm and dry with unruffled furs, Sammy, and snooze away! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi Gang! I’m so sorry your Mom had all that trouble yesterday with the wind – it was really awful wasn’t it? We didn’t get any further rain and no snow thank heavens but that wind did blow a lot of dead stuff out of the trees…..My Dad will have his hands (and lawn cart!) full when he gets around to some Spring clean up (assuming Spring really does get here EVENTUALLY!). I’m glad your Mom met some cat folks at the dentist – new friends are FUN!

      Love, Sammy


  8. We heard that those storms were very bad for some, so we are thrilled that you were all kept safe from the worst. Hope you have some sunshine today and for the future too:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  9. Hey Sammy. We had rain all day yesterday and thunder boomers last night. We were a bit nervous but Dad called us and we all went in on the bed to make sure he was not skeered.
    Buddy Budd is doing as well as can be expected. He is eating his dry fancy feast (so jealous) and sleeping with Dad on the bed purring away. Thank you so much for the purrs and prayers we really appreciate them my friend
    Timmy Dad and Family


    • Hi Timmy! I am so happy to hear that Buddy Budd is eating well and getting in some good cuddles with Dad….he’s a brave boy and all of you are so wonderful to be taking such GREAT care of him. Kinda scary, but you and Einstein are brave CAT SCOUTS and can lead the rest right? Right! I’m sending POTP every single day my friend.

      Love, Sammy


  10. I hope your rain goes away Sammy. We have had 3 dry days in a row! Mum is hoping it stays dry tomorrow too because the garden may be dry enough for her to do some weeding and preparation for spring. I am glad the tornado kept away from you.


  11. Rainy days are meant for napping, right? We’re glad the nasty weather missed you. We had some very hard rain and wind last night but luckily nothing more than that (we did hear thunder in the night though – very weird to hear that in February!). This morning was warm and sunny – it was so nice! But then the wind picked up, more rain came, and now the temperatures are going to drop again. 😦 Crazy weather!!


    • Everybody is saying it – this past year has been full of WEIRD WEATHER……totally!!!! I have to wonder what this weirdo winter means for the upcoming Spring and Summer?!?!?! EEEEEEEK!

      Hugs, sammy


    • That’s entirely possible…..we are surrounded by oak trees…..in the Fall when Sam goes out in the yard he should be wearing a helmet because those acorns falling from 100 feet HURT! I oughtta know since I’m out there raking leaves getting acorn-bombed!



  12. Meee-you Unccle Sammy mee an LadyMum were watchin thee Weather Channelle an hopin all of yuss’ were safe there. Thee storms tht went thru thee Statess an came up to us brott us rain an ice butt wee not mind…Tornadoess are way werser aren’t they???
    Rain iss not mee favorite either Unccle…..
    When will Spring reetern???
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


    • Siddhartha I think Spring will be here soon – but we must be patient – something you and I are both pretty bad about doing! I want to be able to go out in my yard for a nibble of grass…..a scent of fresh mowed lawns…..but right now all I smell is DEAD LEAVES……Let’s just hang in there a while longer and Miss Spring will arrive – honestly!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you mee sure hopess so…Spring will bee welcome here fur sure!! Beein payshunt iss still a challenge….butt mee has been tryin hard! MMMMM fresh grass wood bee luvley….
        mee onlee smell dead Mole…..poor Joel died on our patio under thee snow. LadyMum found him when thee snow sorta melted….so hee iss rapped up an inn a safe place outside till LadyMum can bury him……Mee iss sad mee furend died…..hee was so much fun……
        Mee hopes a new Mole moves inn this Spring!
        **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • I am sure that you will get to see more moles this Spring……they will be using old tunnels and making new ones……..and more snow for you too? We will have “snow showers” Thursday – sounds like just something that won’t amount to anything but I bet YOUR snow will be BIGGER!!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


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