Cold Enough For Snow


Brrrrrrr…………………it’s TOTALLY been cold enough for snow here but so far we haven’t had any.   Day before yesterday the weather people said “snow flurries/showers” for Tuesday but that never happened.   At least not HERE.   Some places had a dusting.    But talking about it got me to thinking about how many snowy photos I had in my photo stash…….so I thought I’d PLAY MAKE BELIEVE and show some of them just to prove that I, Samuel Kimmell, CAN have FUN in the snow!

This is actually ME in the snow several years ago…….when I was younger I absolutely LOVED the snow.   I’d follow Mom’s foot prints in the snow no matter how deep they were………

Sam looking mighty small in the snow


Sammy Following Mom's Path in The Snow

I musta been nuts back then…..

Now the REST of these are photoshopped ME in the snow………………but I am having fun – and if we actually DO get some snow this winter (which I’m sure we will) I’ll try to have fun in it again I promise.   Unless I decide to just sleep right through it all until Spring!

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As wacky as the weather has been over this past year or so, we’ll probably have a “WHITE SPRING” instead of a “WHITE CHRISTMAS”………wouldn’t surprise me one bit!

Happy Thursday! 

Snoozy Sam

Me, this afternoon while Mom worked on this blog for me!


69 responses »

  1. Sammy you look so cool in the snow! We are also waiting for snow although we never get much here in Holland. Girl-woman says it’s coming on Monday and that we can play on the balcony in it! 🙂


    • We’re not anxious to see the snow of course but just more curious where the heck it is?! Mid-January and no snow? Very unusual – Mom says she “smells a rat” (so to speak) and that any day now we’ll get that “snowmageddon” everyone talks about. EEEEEEK! I haven’t been out walking in the snow in many years – that photo was back when I was a young crazy ginger boy who would follow my Mom wherever she went including out in the snow!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  2. they furst said it’s not cold enough for snow and now they say it’s TOO COLD for snow… that’s confusing. My mother ignored all that stuff, said FU! and clapped the spurs to the elephant skater…. she entered the street thwartwise because someone smeared invisible ice on the pavement…. hope the white stuff stays away from me and you and the ice and the cold too…. maybe Bev can send some sun via mail attachment?


    • She could send some sun AND some heat – I’d take both……imagine lying in the nice green grass with sunglasses and a speedo on in the backyard catching the rays. Sigh. Oh well, that’s for this summer I guess – we’ll just have to be PATIENT until then. Keep an eye on your Mom – she’s not allowed to go out on an icy day – we don’t want her to BREAK anything!!!!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. SAMMY you were a very brave man traipsing about in the snow. I have never done that. For sure horrible crazy weather. It has been sunny and seasonal temps here this week. Which is good ’cause mom is walking Kasi this week.
    Hugs madi your bfff


  4. Oh my. The last kitty who was a member of the family that was allowed to go in and put was Robin in 1997. She was a bitty 6 pound mostly black Tortie and she would go out in the snow for a little while and come right back in.


    • I really did enjoy following Mom’s footsteps around the yard…….she would sometimes make “mazes” for me with her boots…….wrong turns, dead ends, then the “bonanza” of following the right trail which would take me back to the basement door and WARMTH! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. In the famous words of my 2 year old niece back in the day, “Snow is cold – shivers”. We are having cold and then hot days. Nothing near cold snow yet. I’m sure it’s coming though. One year when mom was a small tadpole, they had snow here at the end of March/beginning of April. Snowmageddon could happen… 🙂 XOXO – Bacon


  6. Hi Sammy,
    Here we had a spring-like day, with up to 65 degrees and bright sunshine, just like the day before yesterday, when I went on a great bike ride.
    Stay warm,


    • Yes, that’s true – and believe me, in the days of my snow adventures, the first thing we’d do when I came back inside was Mom wrapped me up like a taco in a blankie and I got warm and dry!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. dood….waz ewe runnin !!! it kinda looks like it …….tho frank lee if we hurd dad yellin…BACONZ reddy….we wood run two !!! we haz snow… and yesterdayz it waz zee roe…..two dayz itz 39… up de grill. spring timez a heer !!! ♥♥♥ 🙂


    • Thirty nine is a heat wave alright – I say GRILL THOSE FISHIES! I’m ready! We managed to sneak up to 55 today can you believe it? AND we had sun…..a double gift. However, snow flurries are back in the forecast next week. Mom Nature sure is having a tough time this year!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. We had about an inch Tuesday into Wednesday- just enough to be pretty. That photo of you on the snow saucer is one of my favorites- right up there with the wagon one. XO Of course, any photo of you is wonderful.


    • Oh gosh thanks for the compliments! So you had snow? We’re still waiting but not waiting IMPATIENTLY if you get my drift. If we get snow, we’ll “deal” with it but if we don’t – most everyone will be happy!

      Love, Sammy


    • You found a treasure in the snow? A soggy chip? WOW! That must have been exciting but I bet your Mom didn’t let you have it did she?!?!?! I know you don’t like snow touching your tummy – – – I don’t either, that’s why when I’m in the snow, I’m walking in Mom’s footsteps… tummy snow there!

      Love, Sammy


  9. Sammy, we are really missing our snow, so it made us very happy to see you out in your snow. We are hoping Mr. Winter brings us some soon. We had a bit over the holidays but just a little bitty bit.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Mom has certainly put me in some ridiculous “clothes” over the years…..that was one of the wackiest – between that and the one of me in the kiddie pool I think I’ve been embarrassed enough, don’t you?

      Love, Sam


  10. We still have a little bit of our snow left from last Saturday. Yesterday was almost 60 degrees. It has been a wacky weather time. Today 45 with colder coming for the weekend. You just want a little skiff of snow that is pretty and then goes away, right? I still love you on the blue “dish” sled!


    • Still have snow hanging around huh? Well you would think with a day up in the 60s it would GO AWAY. You’re right – it’s been a nutso winter weather-wise…..not that I’m complaining of course since we’ve avoided snow so far but sooner or later snow WILL arrive! I love that photo of me on the “dish” too – that was a fun Cat Scouts trip.

      Love, Sammy


  11. Mee-you Unccle wee hav had all most 4 feet of snow here inn as many dayss!! It iss a hole 37 eegreess today an thee ice iss meltin butt not thee snow….thee piled up snow across thee road iss 15 feet high!!! it looks like a mountain!!!!
    LadyMum ‘offered’ fur mee to go out inn thee snow an mee refused….holdin on to thee door frame fur deer life……
    You were inn-trepid Unccle Sammy!
    Wee luvss yur fotoshopped fotoss an our fave iss thee Unccle Sammy Snow Globe!
    ***paw patsss*** yur Northern neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • WOW Siddhartha – that is a WHOLE LOT of snow!!!! I’m so glad you’re nice and warm and toasty. Back in the days when I loved snow, I was only going out there to follow my Mom – I would follow her anywhere, even in the snow as you can see! We love our Moms don’t we Nephew?!

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yubraver than mee Unccle!! LadyMum said mee could follow her out inn thee snow this week an mee looked at her like shee was NUTSS!!! Shee laffed an said “If it were Summer time you wood have run rite past mee Siddhartha!” Shee has a point there!! Mew mew mew…..
        **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx
        Pee S.: Mee LUVSS mee LadyMum a lot butt not goin inn the snow….no no no…..


          • Yur rite Unccle Sammy! Mee prefurss thee warmth an coziness of inside!!!
            Tomorrow (Fursday) wee have Fire Alarm Test so mee will bee goin out inn Condo on patio…it iss a bit ‘warmer’ out so mee will not mind it an LadyMum will bee with mee 😉
            **nose kissesss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  12. Oh Sammy weez sorry it’s so cold there. It’s actually been a bit warmer here this week. And weez been enjoyin’ dat’s fur sure. Fankfully we didn’t get any snow at Christmas really, and altho’ we hope it dusn’t snow next month or da month after, but dat’s usually when we get ours. Stay warm and have a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  13. oh Sammy, you’re so cute in the snow. My previous kitty, Paco, used to tippy toe thru the snow to the dog house and hang out in there all afternoon. We called it the office. I’d go to the door and say, “There you go baby, have a good day” Its. really cold here tonight, -18 C Happy Weekend dearest!


    • Oh I love that story about Paco and his office! That’s cute…..he liked the fresh air but needed an office to stay in while he was out there!

      STAY WARM……’s a cozy (cough cough) 39 here this morning!!

      Love, Sammy


  14. Sammy, we have had a few flurries and some frost but no real snow here either. None of us like going in the snow. You are a brave Cat Scout!. Stay warm and snuggly in the house. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • So far so good with snow right? Well, we might have some flurries today but I’ll be INSIDE thank you very much – I still see that photo of me in the snow from years ago and SHIVER!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


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