Tuesday Teaser


Welcome to Tuesday – the day we all look forward to every week (well at least I hope you look forward to it and don’t DREAD it!).    Today we have a fabulous Guest Teaser photograph for you and while I’m not sure it’s what you would call EASY, I think it might be EASIER than last week’s.

Mr. Silver Briefcase, would you please bring the photo in for display to all our Teaser-a-holics?????

Reporting for Duty!

Reporting for Duty!

Now let’s have a little CHEER from Suzi Q our Teaser Cheerleader – she likes to shake her pom poms for all of you and spur you on to GREATNESS as you study the Teaser photo!



Here’s today’s photo………..remember, I must know what CITY and what COUNTRY/STATE this scene was snapped – got it?     Here’s today’s goodie!


Now if you are the FIRST to COMMENT on today’s blog (even if you aren’t guessing) you get one of my NEW 2016 badges – this one to be exact!

First Commenter!

First Commenter!

If you are the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER for today’s Teaser, you get this:

First Right Guesser!

First Right Guesser!

If you guess RIGHT but are not the FIRST one to do so, you get this:

Right Guesser but not FIRST!

Right Guesser but not FIRST!

If you are NOWHERE NEAR right……..or close but “no cigar”, you get a new 2016 version of the GREENIE!

The new 2016 GREENIE!

The new 2016 GREENIE!

So – what are you waiting for – GO FOR IT!    Good luck!!   Tomorrow I’ll tell everyone the scoop and let you know who wins what!

Hugs, Sammy the Teaser

Hee Hee......it's ME in here!

Hee Hee……it’s ME in here!


On a SAD note……….it breaks my heart that I’ve lost another good friend.   Yesterday my super good buddy and fellow Scout and Ginger boy, Sammy Pilch lost his sister Stinky to the Bridge.   She had not been eating well, had a problem with her eye, and then developed breathing problems so she left for the Rainbow Bridge where she is at peace – she’s also joining there her sister Lucy who left for the Bridge not that long ago……we know Stinky’s family is broken-hearted.   Please stop by and leave a message for Sammy’s Mom and their family HERE.



96 responses »

    • Good morning Flynn and Mum! You guys were on the ball but two minutes short of being FIRST for your message to arrive that you were HERE! Now take a peekie at the photo and see if you know this one!

      Hugs, Sam


  1. Oh and i am going to say Austria..go figure..we also have sent Miss Ellen our heartfelt sympathy at Stinky leaving for the bridge..so very sad and what an awful time they have had with loss…we know that Lucy will be giving a guided tour of all the beauty at the Rainbow Bridge Sammy..loves Fozziemum xx


  2. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, interesteing pix this week fur sure! I don’t know why, but I’m going to say Toronto, Canada.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  3. Tower of a church in Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal. First Commenter – Fozziemum. First Right Guesser – Easy. Photography by Leo (the perspective, the perspective!!!). Special Badge for First Right Guesser of the Photographer – kolytyi! Hmmmm, Sammy?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wee iss heartbroken here all so Unccle…deer Stinky had to go to Pure Land butt wee KNOW hard it will be fur Lady Ellen an Mistur David an thee rest of thee Sis an Brofurss…….mee poor sweet buttercup Phoebe ❤
    Wee went over last nite befur bed to meow with them all. LadyMum says Stinky an Lucy are with David Bowie an building up his Heavenlee 'On-tour-age'….
    As fir thee Teezer, here goes nuffin:
    Majorca, Spain…
    Wish LadyMum 'luck' Unccle Sammy 😉
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


    • GOOD LUCK ON THE TEASER!!! I know the Pilch family is desperately sad…..losing Lucy then Stinky – and we all know how much loss hurts. We’ll just be there for them if they need us…….and all the other kitties will try to keep them busy and not so sad. It’s all we can do.

      Love and hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. So nice of you to honor Stinky. We are so brokenhearted for Mom Ellen and all the other Pilch kitties. Do you have that frame ready for our Greenie. Mom thinks that could be just about anywhere. We don’t have time now to see what others think. Your the King of stumping us, Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  6. Okay, we’re back with our (wrong) guess. We think that looks like a scene out of the Sound of Music, so we’re going to guess (wrong) Vienna Austria 🙂


    • Hi Timmy! THanks for guessing on my Teaser today – that’s a good guess too – sounds like you did a little investigating before you took a stab at it…….well, all I can tell you is that tomorrow I’ll have the TEASER TELL ALL posted and you and everyone will find out how they did! Thanks for visiting SammyP’s family too.

      Love, Sammy


  7. I take back my guess of Scotland. They’re driving on the right side of the road. It also can’t be Arizona where we drive on the left side of the road on that longest of streets, “WRONG WAY”.


  8. Here I am better late than never I guess. Lovely photo and looks like a nice place to visit! I will say it is somewhere in this world, and that is probably as close as I can get on any of these.
    So sorry to hear that Stinky left for the bridge. My heart is heavy.


    • Hi Gracie! YES you’re right – it is somewhere in the world! YAY!!!!! I know that Stinky’s Mom, Dad and all her siblings miss her but I also know her sister Angel Lucy is happy to welcome her to the Bridge.

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. I’m back again! It is not exactly the same as the photo mum was thinking of in Malta but she is still sure she has been there. Might have been on the Baltics cruise she went on in 2014. She said it also looks a lot like one of the squares they went to in Gran Canaria last year. What she really means is she doesn’t know!


  10. Ok It is Portugal probably the Algarve but I do know it’s not the clock tower in Albufeira as I have seen that one for myself.these style church and clock/Bell towers are very common in the Algarve and other portuguese speaking countries but I can’t pinpoint it more than that ,xx Rachel


  11. dood….it bee ten minitz afturr 11; in de day… knot like at nite…..N we seerched N seerched sum mor, than we runned across a place that hada clock towerz that ree minded uz oh de race trax ….sew we went inn side N played de poneez…… N lost cash monee….N we R still cloo lezz ~~ ♥♥ 🙂


    • Uhoh…..sounds like you all really went on a hunt to find out where this photo was taken and wound up losing some of your hard earned allowance on the ponies! Oh well…..there’s always NEXT Tuesday right?

      Hugs and Salmon, Sammy


  12. Hi Sammy! Not the FIRST but hopefully not the LAST commenter either! 🙂 Guessing Spain but for no other reason than it reminds me of the bright, sunny photos the grandparents took on their recent trip. Once again, NO CLUE! 🙂


  13. Thank you for the beautiful graphic you made of Stinky on The Bridge and for all your kind words. I am lucky to have such wonderful friends. XO and love to you both. PS: I don’t have a clue to the Teaser, as usual.


    • You’re welcome for the Stinky graphic – so many of us know the agony of that kind of loss…..but broken hearts take time to mend! Everyone feels for you and we all will miss Stinky. Meanwhile, the Teaser was another WHOPPER this week. Lots of Greenies going out today!

      Hugs, Sam


  14. We are putting our fuzzy heads together hard and we guess…..Perugula! In Mexico! No…..we think Peru! Yup – that’s our final answer. HEY! Do we win something for LAST guess or commenter?


    • You know I get asked about the “LAST GUESSER” and the “LAST COMMENTER” a lot…..I ought to think about doing a badge for that!!! THanks for coming by and taking a WHACK at the Teaser! We put ourselves through this agony every week – see you next week? Check out the TELL ALL today to find out where the photo was taken!

      Love, Sammy


  15. Hooray for the aussie contingent fozziemum!! Also I don’t know this one but it looks like a very interesting Town Hall someplace. Unusual architecture.


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