Bacon Reward

Oh yaaaaah!

Oh yaaaaah!

Today is – as you know if you know me – BACON day.   Mom and Dad will make something yummy that humans love to have for breakfast but PART of it will include bacon so that YOURS TRULY will be able to have some.  That’s right – they know I count on that if I don’t count on anything else during the week……Saturday is MY day.

So what’s Mom making this morning:

Dump on some syrup and you're READY!

Dump on some syrup and you’re READY!

Remember these?   Oh yeah………….they had them once and they were so yum that they’re having them this morning.   I’m not interested in the pancake stuff – just the bacon of course!


After breakfast is finished what will I get up to?  Not much.   We have RAIN this morning……………that means I’ll be inside OR if I do go out it will be just on the front porch.   Mom says humans enjoy the smell of rain – well guess what – so do kitties!   Yep – at least THIS ONE does.

Rain or shine....this porch is MINE!

Rain or shine….this porch is MINE!

This evening my Mom and Dad are going next door to the neighbors for dinner…………When they come home, what usually happens is that Dad goes up to bed and Mom stays with me (she says she feels guilty for leaving me alone for a few hours so she’ll stay up and be with me….awwww,….geee…….).   So I’ll pop up on her lap and get a good brushing then I’ll hop down and lie down on my favorite spot on the rug and THEN she’ll go upstairs to bed.

Sambrush1 Sam Enjoying Being Brushed

So it will be a very UNEXCITING day for us in my house but know what?   I love that………..we don’t need to have a long list of things to do every day at my house – the three of us just enjoy being together…..even if we’re just “hangin’ out” and not doing a cotton pickin’ thing.   That doesn’t mean we’re lazy – it means we’re happy to be with each other!   YA!

Love and Happy Saturday!  


62 responses »

  1. I love that days too … butt they are rare LOL. Butt at least we planned such a day for today… just 2 peeps a pup, treats and a cup of tea… I’m curious if that plan will work :o) Have a tasty bacon caturday!


  2. So your Mom and Dad really liked the pancakes and bacon prepared that way… we may have to give it a try. Glad you get your bacon today, Sammy. We had a kitty visit last night and that hasn’t happened in a long time. She is darling, a petite little thing, a brown tabby with 4 white feeties. She was very thin but comfortable in the house when we let her in to have a can of cat food. I am smitten with her. I think she was dumped because she knew about being inside. We let her back out after she ate and took a little snooze. CH and I really don’t want another cat but it was cold here last night, in the 30’s and it breaks my heart she is out there. We have a road not far from the house and people drive very fast on it. We will see what happens. We left the garage door open a bit last night with one of Z’s old beds for her. If it doesn’t look like someone around here owns her, we will take her to the shelter. She would get snatched up quickly!
    Good Morning!


  3. Well, bummer – we are at a hotel today (I’m off to a cat show in a few minutes), but my human went downstairs… and no bacon! Just sausage, which she say is too spicy for me.


    • Summer she’s right…..Mom let me try sausage once and I shook my head and backed away real quick. It’s just not a taste for US whereas bacon is heavenly. Your human is going to have to start bringing her own bacon to the shows (hahahahaha). GOOD LUCK SUMMER!!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sounds like a purrfect kind of day to us, Sammy. It is raining here as well. Yesterday it was 82 degrees. We broke the previous record high by 3 degrees. Can you believe it? Hope that bacon was super nommy and that you get lots of lap time. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Weather is VERY different from yesterday isn’t it? We didn’t get as warm as you did – just up to 80, but right now it’s 58 and raining…….YUCK! Stay curled up somewhere nice and enjoy your weekend!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Bacon sounds exciting to me. I hardly ever get it. Mum told me that when they were on the cruise, if they were going out for the day they had a big breakfast with lots of bacon. She is back eating melon and nuts for breakfast again.


  6. Sammy I think I got a whiff of your bacon this morning. OMCs it is still raining here we’ve had .7″ since yesterday!
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • I’m glad you had a treat at the hotel Miss Layla…..bacon is amazing – from the smell of it cooking to the crunch in the mouth to the way it makes your tummy all nice and warm all day long!!!!!! Hope you had fun in NYC.

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


  7. Mee-you Unccle Sammy that sounds like a purrfect day to mee! An you know what??? Mee wantss to grow up an bee a cat-tented kittyboy JUST LIKE YOU!!!
    You are a true Buudha kitty an mee **play bowsss** to you with reesepct!
    Have a wonderful weekend… have a bit o’ bacon fur mee ok??? 😉
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • My Mom said the same thing when we heard that stuff on the news…….Mom says life without bacon is just not life. 😉 Besides, she ALSO said that a good rule is “everything in moderation” because she thinks (and I do too) that just about EVERYTHING isn’t really “GOOD” for us – but we need to enjoy what we do have…..right?

      Love, Sammy


  8. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, that sounds delish with syrup and bacon together! I gotta ask my peeps about that. BOL/MOL You had a great time there and I bet the brushing felt wonderful. Nice day.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


    • It is one of life’s little pleasures that we simply should NOT be denied! Once a week the bacon train comes by my house and I’m sad when it leaves! I hope your Mom “brings home the bacon” more frequently for you and Kali!

      Love, Sam


  9. Sammy, I have to tell you, we have NOT had bacon since we cane to see Mommy. Mommy has been on a diet and does NOT have bacon…until today. Mommy left really early to go shpping and took Cinnamon to a Fast Food place and ordered Bagn and scrambled eggs for Cinnamon. She brought me (and Kozmo) home a piece to share! And we lived every little bit of it! We even licked Mommy’s fingers…but she still did not buy us any when she went shopping, but she DID buy smoked salmon! (We agree we like that more!)
    Have a great brushing dear furrend!
    Nellie, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Mommy


    • Hi Nellie, Koz, Cinni and Mommy!!!!! Nellie I hope you’re feeling better……and the rest of you I hope you enjoyed that little TREAT of a bit of bacon courtesy of Mom’s breakfast with Cinni at the fast food place! Fabulous. A little bacon goes a long way to keeping us HAPPY doesn’t it? Smoked salmon – I’ve never had that but I do like Fancy Feast Salmon and Shrimp kitty food – I guess that’s kinda close but not QUITE – right?

      Sending everyone a lot of hugs…………….and love
      Mom and Me!


  10. We are so happy that you got bacon today, Sammy, and we so wish we did too. Maybe next week.

    Our Mom is like yours, she always feels badly when she goes out at night with Dad and we are home alone. She tries her darndest not to be gone too long, and then we get extra treats when they get home. We are all so lucky to have such loving Moms.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


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