Happy Halloween!!


Welcome To The Sam-O-Ween Party!

I hope you aren’t squeamish…….I tried to make sure this wonderful old house I rented for the party was all cleaned up nice and neat but it’s so BIG, some of the spaces might not be as NICELY DECORATED as you might like…………..but don’t let that stop you!  COME ON IN!


They say this old house is haunted that we’re having the party in…….I don’t believe it……do you???


You might want to stay close behind me……you know….just in case….


Like I told you……the cleaning people didn’t do a very good job!


They claim there was red paint spilled on the walls by the last tenant…but I’m not so sure!


Whatever you do, don’t open doors unless you KNOW what’s on the other side!




If you’re hungry, there are plenty of yummy refreshments! 

Mummy anyone????

Mummy anyone????

A little BRAIN food perhaps?

A little BRAIN food perhaps?

YUM....FINGER sandwiches!

YUM….FINGER sandwiches!

Spidery DEVILED eggs?

Spidery DEVILED eggs?

Don’t forget to have a drink or two…..or three…..

BLOODtini anyone??

BLOODtini anyone??

Worm punch....yum!

Worm punch….yum!

Don't put your hands in the punch...oops....looks like somebody already did!

Don’t put your hands in the punch…oops….looks like somebody already did!

How about a little ENTERTAINMENT to go with the delicious (eeek) food?


(Courtesy of my buddy Raz at FriendsFurever!)

While we’re all here together having some INTERESTING snacks, I bet you’re wondering WHO the TOP TWO “BEST COSTUME” winners were??   Before I tell you, here’s a little slideshow of everyone who entered!

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Thanks Everybody!!

The Two Best Costumes With the Most Votes ARE:






You both win a super surprise package from ME ME ME so please email my Mom your snail mail address and your goodies will be on your way!

WAIT……I see you’re edging your way to the front door……….Gosh I hope you’ve had fun here!!!!  Do you HAVE to go???


As a token of my appreciation for you coming to my SAM-O-WEEN party, please take this badge – you can post it on your blog!



I'll be WATCHING !!!!

I’ll be WATCHING !!!!

82 responses »

    • Hi Summer! Thanks for coming to the party – AND thanks for being such a good friend…..I hope you didn’t get TOO scared in the haunted house? I think everyone in the contest had FABULOUS costumes this year.

      Love and Halloween Hugs, Sammy


  1. Concats Peanut and Ernie!!!! I’m with you we can ignore that blood from the attic as long as we celebrate downstairs :o) btw: we made that witch fingers…. butt they look so scary, my momma is not sure if she can eat it. the first thing what ended not in an epic fail… and she will not like it… humans… sigh… HAPYY SAM-O-WEEN!


    • Hi Easy! Be careful when you walk by the plate of fingers – one of them might GRAB you! They sure do look spooky……Thanks for being in my contest – don’t forget to take your badge to remind you of Halloween 2015!

      Love, sammy


  2. Sammy what a great party I love the ‘finger food’ Mol Mol Mol.
    Thanks for hosting the great contest and congrats to Peanut and Ernie…any kitty who actually wears clothes is to be appreciated
    Madi your bfff


  3. Wow! What a fun party, Sammy! And I’m not scared…much! 😉 I’m SO excited that I was one of the costume contest winners! I guess letting the mom put that pumpkin hat on my head paid off. Thanks everybuddy that voted for me. ~Ernie


    • You looked SPOOKTACULAR in your pumpkin hat Ernie and yes – I guess sometimes it’s worth the pain of wearing clothes if we win a surprise package! Make sure your Mom sends my Mom your address so we can get your goodies to you!!!!!!



  4. Sammy, terrific party; because I’m so tiny I brought my big friend, Mack, but told him he had to mind his manners and not eat all the food. He though the mummy stuff was really good and the finger sandwiches were crunchy but not as good as the mummy stuff. I did have a problem getting him away from the Bloodtinis and I had to lead him home since he didn’t know where he was going and kept falling over. Thanks for inviting us. Little W


  5. Conkatss to Peanut an Ernie on winnin thee costume contest! Wee all sure looked fuabuluss didn’t wee??? Phoeb an mee are goin to dance an have sum snackss Unccle…thiss house sure ISS B-I-G!!!!
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxx


  6. Wowee, Sammy, what a spooktacular party! You had so many great costume contestants I’m almost glad I didn’t make it by to vote. I don’t know how I would have picked. Congrats to the winners! Happy Halloween


  7. Concats to Peanut and Ernie! Great party Sammy, and very scary. I think I will pass on the finger sandwiches. I will be back commenting regularly on Monday and will have my mum ready for your teaser on Tuesday.


  8. You always have the best Sam O Ween pawty. We sure are enjoying ourselves even though everything is really scary. Concats to Peanut and Ernie!!!


  9. Sammy, best Sam-o-ween Party ever! Concats to the winners. Ernie was absolutely one of our favorites. We know that the kitties who wear real costumes always win, but we just refuse to dress up. The food is so scary. We like those mummy dogs a bunch. Mau’s looking forward to the Scout Party as well. Happy Meyowl-o-ween. Hope you get lots of treats today, but stay safe. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Crew! Glad you came to my pawty AND glad you enjoyed the costume contest. I’m afraid I’m with you on the “real” costume thing – NO WAY BABY…..but we have fun anyway don’t we?! Mom and I thought your entries were superb and very creative and cute…………it was a TOUGH contest! See you later today at the birthday/gotcha haunted house! EEEK!

      Love, Sammy


  10. What a spooktacular party, Sammy!!! We settled on some of those spidery deviled eggs, some of those other items were just a wee bit too scary for us:)

    Happy Howl-a-ween!!!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  11. What a great pawty! Mes always loves your pawties! Yous the host with the mist! And Sammy, can mes gets a little kiss under the Candy Corn?


  12. Congratulations to Peanut and Ernie… well done! I am so sorry I didn’t make it here yesterday morning or the whole dang day BUT things got crazy around here with family and Halloween and blah blah blah! We had a busy HAPPY day… SORRY please forgive me Sammy! Are any spidery deviled eggs left? The brain food is pretty spooky, creepy… 😀


  13. Pingback: Easy E’s Selfie Sunday » The Island Cats...Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

  14. Sammy, sniff, sniff *blows nose – Honk* sniff… How could I have missed Sam O Ween? Meow my furend we better get our kitty organizer working better *Glares at Dad*. Ah well so glad fur the winners! Well done
    Timmy and Furmily (Dad is banished to the basement)


    • Don’t be too hard on your Dad..after all, the blogosphere is HUGE and there are a bazillion blogs to visit – I’m just glad you came by – AND next year you guys can enter the contest OK???

      Hugs, Sammy


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