That Time Again!



AND SO DOES SATURDAY!!!  Roll them up together and I’m double happy!

Guess what we tried yesterday for breakfast?   Remember those pancake strips where you put bacon in the middle and more pancake on top and cook them?  It works!   Mom and Dad had those and they were delish.

Dump on some syrup and you're READY!

Dump on some syrup and you’re READY!

I’m not allowed to have syrup – too sugary – but I DID get the bacon and some cooked pancake… that’s a good combo – no wonder humans like it!

It’s super duper cold out this morning…….Mom and I bundled up and went out as usual (well Mom bundled and I was BRAVE)…….I made a couple of deposits in the yard to mark my territory and we popped back inside where I immediately did something I haven’t done in literally YEARS………I ran around in circles like a crazy cat!   Mom says the cold weather is perking me up – she might be right.   I usually start out that way when the weather changes but in deep dark winter I don’t move much at all…….I can’t go outside but just for a few minutes at a time, and my arthritis acts up more.   I’m a mess.  But right now – I’m loving it!

I got a couple more entries for my Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest.  Don’t wait until the last minute – you have to have your entry in to me by the 28th and today is the 17th!  GET CRACKING FRIENDS!   You know you want to win the prize package right?   We’re gonna have a ball at the party too.   Remember that YOU will be voting for the “BEST COSTUME” yourselves on my poll and whoever gets the most votes will find out they WIN at my party on the 31st!   Wanna see what I’m wearing to the party?   Since I can’t be in my own contest, I’ll show you now what I’m wearing!


Cool huh?  Scary?  Good!   After all, it’s SAM-O-WEEN!!!

Send your costume entries in to me at junekimm(at)aol(dot)com


I thought you might enjoy a “flash from the past” too – here are some of you in costumes you wore to my previous SAM-O-WEEN parties!   Maybe these will inspire you!!

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60 responses »

  1. That’s a scary costume Sammy Scissorpaws. Those bacon pancakes look delicious, I’ll have to try them next time I make pancakes.


  2. There’s nothing wrong with bacon and pancakes and syrup. Mom had it for breakfast yesterday, too, but not at home…, at a restaurant. Nope. No leftovers.

    Love and licks,


  3. I love it!!! and you look much better than that Johnny .o) it’s cold here too and totaly foggy… so we spend this day with the tv (5 episodes Shopping Queen, my dad howled 87 silent arrroooos to the sky)


  4. Ohhhh it is brisk here too Sammy. We turned the heat on for the first time hi morn…the peeps teeth were chattering when they woke up…but like you I was not a bit cold.
    Sammy I loves your meow-o-ween costume…and you have extra toes so that makes you super scary. I am excited about your contest…I am trying several looks new one to appear Monday (😉😉)
    Madi your pffff


  5. I LOVE your costume Sammy!! Your Mom is so creative. Good thing you can’t enter because you would win. 🙂 I am planning to work on our costumes this weekend. That bacon wrapped pancake sounds good. XO


  6. I like your costume, Sammy!! It’s getting cold here in VA Beach too. Very nice pictures of your trees turning. Have a good weekend.


  7. MeOW Sammy sounds like yous had a gweat bwekky. Those baconcakes do sound delishus. Everypawdy looks so cute. Yous purretty scary alwight. Weez not celebwate this holiday but we can’t wait to see everypawdy all dwessed up.

    Weez get more active when it coools off a bit too. But like you in da deep winter colds, weez not do much at all. Have a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  8. OMC! Those are some pawsome costumes. I hope mom gets her stuff together soon and dresses me up (on Photoshop, of course). She’s already got my dress for the Somewhere in Time party and for Dezi’s birthday party. Now, she just needs to do Halloween!


    • Oh I’m glad you’re coming along on my SOMEWHERE IN TIME trip – should be tons of fun………..I’m going to be at Dezi’s too – see you there! Hope you get into my SAM-O-WEEN costume contest as well……’s a busy time of the year!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow those bacon pancakes sound really good. Mom is not much of a breakfast person but sometimes they eat breakfast for dinner. They will have to try them! We are looking forward to your annual Sam O Ween Pawty. Mom sent your our pictures.


  10. Dad is out of town for the weekend, so we missed out on our bacon fix:( So next weekend we say we get double!!!

    Happy weekend.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  11. Sammy, those bacon cakes look wonderful. Mom says she and Dad are going to have to try those. Your Sammy Scissorhands is the bestest costume ever! We don’t think anyone can beat it. We loved seeing all the costumes from the past, especially the ones with us. Mom’s picked out some costumes for us for this Meyowl-o-ween, but hasn’t decided who will wear which costume. None of them are winners, but we don’t care. It’s just fun to get dressed up! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I agree about Sam-O-Ween and costumes……’s just the fun of finding the RIGHT thing for our purrrrsonality – not that I’m about to whack everyone up with my scissors (!!!!) but I have to let out the inner “BAD BOY” once in a while!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  12. Mee-yow that iss SUM costume Unccle!! ladyMum told mee who Edward Scissorhands an paws iss an showed mee a foto…you look JUST like him!!!
    An conkatss on thee bacon an pancake. Mee not aloud any bacon untl further notice… *sighss* So mee beequeethss mee xtara bacon to oyu mee Unccle…OK Lady Pam???? Mew mew mew…
    ***paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


    • Glad you like my costume Siddhartha! Mom thought I’d make a good scissorspaws guy! HAHAHA As for no bacon – until your body gets adjusted to NORMAL, you need to be careful what you eat and Ladymum knows the BEST about that!

      Get well soon!
      Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yue thee coolest Sammy Scissorpawss!!! Can mee vote fur you inn thee contest???
        Mew mew mew….
        An yur rite mee has to eat carefullee until thee bowelss are normal again. At leest mee can still have Greenie Dental Treetss!! 😉
        **paw patsss**neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  13. Sammy Scissorpaws!! That’s a riot! All your kitty friends had great outfits too. The glasses you were wearing as Harry Potter were super cute too. Mom’s a hoot. I will try and get it together before your pawty xoxo Hugs B


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