Teaser Day TWO & Shopping

Where In The World Are We Going Tomorrow?

Where In The World Is the Teaser Photo from??????

Hello!  It’s ME and today is your SECOND day to see the photo and have a guess before the Tell All on Thursday.    I’m sure a bunch of you have already thrown your hat into the ring with a guess but you can always guess AGAIN if you aren’t sure!

Here’s the photo again:



Tomorrow we’ll pass out the kudos and badges and hand out hankies for those of you who will break down at the thought of getting yet ANOTHER Greenie!


But today is also Bacon’s “Shopping Around The World” blog hop!   So without further delay, here’s Mom’s Five Ingredient Dinner!

This is one Mom has used as an old “stand-by” for YEARS……it’s not ground-breaking, or inventive – it’s just good!


sloppy joes

1 20 oz. package ground meat (chicken, turkey or beef)     (At Harris Teeter Grocery $4.99)

1 15 oz. can Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce  (At Harris Teeter Grocery $1.49)

1 16 oz. can (8 count) Jumbo buttermilk biscuits  (At Harris Teeter Grocery $2.15)

1-1/2 cups shredded mozzarella  (At Harris Teeter Grocery $2.65)

Preheat oven to 400………….grease cookie sheet………….flatten biscuits on cookie sheet to about 5 inch diameter each.   Cook ground meat, add sauce, when done add sauce to top of each biscuit and top with cheese.

Cook about 10-12 minutes or until biscuit is slightly browned and cheese has melted!   YUM!

Ta Ta For Now!  

See you for the Tell All tomorrow!

I'll unlock this in the MORNING!!!!!

I’ll unlock this in the MORNING!!!!!



51 responses »

    • Salzburg!!!! Hmm…..maybe so?!?! Nice to have a whole second day to guess isn’t it? Next week we’ll resume our regular schedule of ONE DAY ONLY! HAHAHA Tune in tomorrow to find out if Salzburg is right!

      Love, Sam


  1. … a second guess? well let’s say it could be garmisch germany… and now I get one of that tasty pizzas instead of a greenie, right? thanks… they are delicious… and they are good for our ego, because to eat a mini pizza isn’t the same like to eat a pizza, right? so the Suzie Quattro Memorial Pants will survive :o)


    • The Suzie Quattro Memorial Pants would have a MUCH better chance with sloppy joe pizzas than “REAL” pizzas – trust me on that one! Thanks for taking another guess…..my Mom knows she visited Garmisch when she lived in Weisbaden 87 bazillion years ago but who knows if this photo was taken there???!! We’ll find that out tomorrow……….in the meantime – did Mr. Fireplace Repair call you?????? He better!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  2. This oinker has *got* to get out more and travel – snorts. I would say Italy but didn’t you just do Italy? Shakes piggy head. I have no clue but I do know about food and that food looks awesome! XOXO – Bacon


    • Basel is somewhere my parents have been so they could have taken the photo there – – – – BUT – – – did they??????? Ah ha!!!!! Alas we have to wait until Thursday to find out! Thanks for guessing……tune in tomorrow to see how you did!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Hmmmmm As you know weez luv da pizza, but this be a completely new spin on fings. Sounds innewestin’. Weez never had sloppy joes afur. Hope yous duin’ good and havin’ fun.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  4. Me and mum have had another look or ten. We have enlarged it, looked sideways at it, practically stood on our heads and wiggled our toes, but we still can’t read the sign writing!


  5. Great Teaser Sammy…I don’t have a clue. And the sloppy joe pizzas….I could go for one of those right now. Staying with my sister has meant that I don’t get to eat fun stuff like that.
    NM (Nellie’s Mom)


    • UHOH……that’s no fun – no pizzas???? Well, maybe your sister will decide you are in need of COMFORT FOOD (which Mom and I think you most definitely ARE in need of!!!!)……….how’s the job and house hunting going? We think about you all the time……… 😉

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


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