The Bacon Has Landed!

My prayers were answered.....Dad came thru!

My prayers were answered…..Dad came thru!

Dad - you're a PAL!

Dad – you’re a PAL!

Morning Everybody!   Good Old Dad hasn’t let me down………….even though Mom isn’t here to  keep an eye on him (or me tee hee), he made bacon for me this morning like the Trooper that he is!   YAY DAD!



Don’t tell Dad but Mom actually counted the strips of bacon in the refrigerator so she’d know if he made bacon this morning – she’ll be home later today and you an bet she’ll be checking in the refrigerator to MAKE SURE Dad cooked it – two strips gone means I didn’t get mine – three strips gone means WOO HOO and Dad had his and I got mine too!


I suppose some of you sneaky cats out there think that I should tell Mom when she gets home later that Dad did NOT cook bacon for me – that he was a piggy and cooked THREE STRIPS OF BACON for himself!!!!  (then I’d of course look desperately pitiful and squeeze some kitty tears out of my eyes as I looked at Mom)………..maybe she’d make more bacon????????

No I won’t take advantage………..I’ll just be happy Mom is back.  That’s the MAIN THING………………


Don’t be afraid to proclaim yourself a member of the tastiest club on the planet!!!!

Love, The Baconator

65 responses »

  1. OMP! Your daddy cooked? WOW – Are you sure that’s your daddy? My daddy calls for room service… that is he asks mommy to cook for us. He never goes into the kitchen unless it’s to taste food. Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


    • My Dad is a good cook but Mom won’t let him cook because no matter WHAT he cooks, it takes him 87 bazillion more hours to make it than it does Mom. AND he uses every dish/pan/pot/bowl and utencil in the kitchen to do it! Bacon is easy peasy though even for him. Pop in the microwave and VOILA!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Sammy, Bacon is the stuff of LIFE! Mes just had to comes by and comment because it is your Mommy’s Birthday!
    Mes shall sings the song!
    *•.¸¸♪♫•Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•¸¸.•*
    ¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear Sammy’s Mommy!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    Special Kisses
    Nellie (and Mommy)


    • Oh Nellie!!!!!! My Mommy will be so very excited that you stopped by to sing the song…….a day without Nellie’s song is like a day without sunshine and we need sunshine because we miss you so! Thank you – my Mom got leaky eyed because she could “hear” your sweet voice singing that for her! You’re so wonderful….thanks to you and your Mommy…….

      Love forever, Sammy (and Mom!)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Cupcake… need to sneak a doggy bag into your Mom’s purse next time you know he’s going to a restaurant….then when she opens up her purse she’ll see the bag and remember to bring you SOMETHING!!!!!!!

      Love, Sam


  3. YAY for your Dad – but next time he should cook those two strips and give BOTH to you:) Mom will never know.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  4. Lisbeth got her first taste of bacon as well as some eggy a couple days ago. We think she was impressed. So happy Daddy David took good care of you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  5. Mew mew mew Unccle Sammy mee knowss you wood not tell a lie!
    An you will have bacon on Katurday comin up….
    Mee had a bit a few weekss back. Mee must put it on the groceree list 😉
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx
    Pee S: It iss now Tuesday; LadyMum has had New-moan-ee-a since Fursday so wee behind on bloggiess again!) 😦


    • Dearest Siddhartha…..I have been very worried about your Ladymum and her pneumonia but I know you’re the BEST PURRAMEDIC around………but I’m also worried about YOU……..I know that your Mom is finding out why you’re such a wild boy and it may not just be the fact you’re a youngster but other things as well……….you just try and stay as calm as your little self can…..I know you can’t help it but I’m purring for you dear nephew!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Deeret Unccle yur so kind to care so-o much fur thiss humbull kittyboy!
        Mee iss just going thru commintss an found thiss one! Sorry mee not reply befur.
        LadyMum iss about 65 %purr cent % better an still has sum restin an healin to do. thee Pneumonia knocked her flat on her back mee can tell you!
        An know that shee understandss what all thee meddycayshunss given when mee was so sick as a wee kitt an then thee vacciness have dun to mee shee iss gla there iss a way to help mee get bettur also.
        Mee iss a bit sleepy today (Fursday) frum Remedy 1 butt it iss werkin an that iss impawtent!
        ***nose bumpsss*** yur neffkitty Purr-amedic Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


        • I’m glad you two are better………that’s all we’re all praying for believe me. I know the information she’s found out about why you are the way you are has changed things a bit but the remedies will work – I just KNOW they will. Keep being a good boy and take your treatments…..I’m proud of you!

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Mee too Lady Pam an Unccle Sammy!!! LadyMum iss about 70 %purr cent% now. Shee iss goin to Anty Judith an Unccle Leon’ss fur sup-purr an a short visit an ten home…mee told her to NOT over due fingss.
    Havin thee info has changed fingss ALOT Lady Pam. Now LadyMum understandss what makes mee thiss way an shee iss leernin to reed me better. Shee also distracts mee an plays toys with mee t make mee less ‘crazypantss’….
    Fankss Unccle Sammy fur beein proud of mee! It meenss ALOT ❤
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • I’m glad that Ladymum understands why you are how you are now – it will make the two of you CLOSER than ever before. I’m sure of it. I am proud of you because you take good care of Ladymum and I believe you are as good as gold and as good as you CAN be.

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. It has taken her a long time to figure fingss out butt NOW shee understands an wee ARE closer! Mee feelss more like getting kissesss an strokes an Ladymum an mee can ‘meow’ instead of ‘hollerin’ at one another!!!
    Fankss fur beein proud of mee Unccle; thiss iss sum journey mee can tell you!!!
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Starting out in life is not easy….when you’re young you have so much to learn and everyone usually wants you to “know it all” from the start…but it takes time and if you have some health issues it takes even longer! You’re doing a grand job……you’re full of life and love and that’s coming out more and more now that you and your Ladymum really KNOW each other!!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Yur rite Unccle Sammy! Getting sick at a month old an leevinn mee Mumma Tori an goin with strangers was hard. Onlee had Tyerrone an Tangerine an they were as scared as mee, tho’ not as sick.
    Mee got to know Ladiess Nikki an Elke butt mee nevurr had a home….then mee an Tyerrone went back to Lady Mary-Ellen’ss butt mee furgot who shee was. An Mumma Tori wanted nuffin to do with mee. It was all so strange an then mee was at sum store with a bunch of 3 month old kittss an no one even looked at mee butt LadyMum….mee had to get her attenshun! Which mee did an thee rest iss history butt there was so-o much fur her to leern an mee an it has been diffycult fur both of us.
    LadyMum sayss shee knowss mee needs time an LUV an treetmint an mee knowss shee iss werkin at peecin mee hole story together an doin her best fur mee.
    LadyMum an mee are a teem fur sure!
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


    • You and Ladymum have EVEYRTHING going for you but the biggest thing is that you have LOVE for each other………I know this is going to work out for the two of you………’re well on your way to a CALM and happy future full of everything life should be!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


      • Yess Unccle wee DO have LUV fur each other! Even when mee frustratess LadyMum with ‘crazypantss’ behavior see tells mee shee LUVSS so-o much!
        Tonite (Monday) mee will start 2nd remedy; paws crossed it werkss well.
        Here’ss hopin!
        ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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