Teaser Tuesday



It’s that time again class! 

Ready for your geography lesson?

Today’s Teaser is in fact a Guest Teaser………..Not only that but I PROMISE YOU, this is a toughie.  Even I, the King of Tease, would not have guessed the answer on this one in 87 million years.   If someone gets this I may have to create a special award for them.   HAHAHA

I’ve really built in up haven’t I?    Well, I suppose I should quit teasing you and let you see the photo………remember you must tell me what town/city and what country/state this photo was taken in OK?   PART OF AN ANSWER WON’T WORK!   Here you go:

TEASERSEP22-2015-8 - Copy

Good one yes?

OK – now’s your chance…………first of all my FIRST COMMENTER on today’s blog gets this:


Then whoever is the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER will get this (or maybe a special award if I have time to do one!):


Every other RIGHT GUESSER other than FIRST will get this:


Everyone who like me would not have the slightest idea OR guesses wrong gets this:


Tomorrow I’ll unlock the SILVER BRIEFCASE and tell you where this little gem was snapped AND who my Guest Teaser is!

I can’t wait – can you??????

The mystery will be solved TOMORROW!!

The mystery will be solved TOMORROW!!

Good Luck Teaser Fans!  

Sammy the Tease



90 responses »

    • Now Miss Annie, you’re off your mark this morning….you know “somewhere in France” just isn’t gonna make it right??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Give it a thought or two and come back with details and we’ll talk. HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  1. Good morning Sammy and Teaser fans – our mom missed the email because she was working. We thought we had her trained that on Tuesday mornings her focus MUST be on waiting for the Teaser Tuesday email. Looks like we’re going to have to put out our “How to train your human” book AGAIN! We hope to have a guess a little later on 🙂


    • Concatulations to your Mom for her dedication to her job……however it may be time for a lecture on PRIORITIES. HAHAHA Actually if she was caught peeking at the Teaser while at work it could be a little STICKY for her so cut her some slack. Give her a SMALL lecture but let it slide this time!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Sammy, she works from home, we’re her snoopervisors, but you’re right, we’ll let it slide, for this week. Next week, she better be on top of things!


        • Snoopervising is tough……believe me I know! I’m glad you’ll be cutting her some slack this time around – next week though if she lets you down you just MIGHT have to punish her!!!!!

          Love, Sammy


  2. hhmm I have no clue. Looks like a lot of water though. Darn that Travel Channel of mine – it’s just no help at all! But don’t tell daddy that okay. He may take my television/cable out of my bedroom – snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


  3. Darn, I got preoccupied doing other stuff and totally missed out on getting here early again!
    That is a cool photo, but we have no idea where it is. It sounds like it’s an interesting one though, and can’t wait to see if anyone gets it!


    • HAHAHAHAHA…..you’re so danged funny….but yeah – seems Tuesday mornings the world STOPS long enough for Teaser fanatics to make their way here and see who’s first and who’s got an excuse and most of all WHAT THE GUESSES ARE! Here you are with a guess and we’ll just have to wait ANYWAY for tomorrow to see how well you did!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Hi, Sammy! I’m late and clueless, as almost always. My mom is in the howl-spit-tall, at the intensive care. Visit is allowed from 12 to 1 and from 19 to 20, but today the door was opened only at 14.15, because they had to take care of a freshly operated patient first.


    • Oh I’m so sorry about your Mom – we hope she will be alright. Intensive Care means “serious” but we’ll send our good wishes and lot of hugs all around……….hope she’s home soon and I know you will be too!

      Sending love, Sammy and Mom Pam


  5. Sure looks like Venice, Italy, to Mom, but we guess that is too easy. But we’re sticking with it ’cause she says she doesn’t want her head to hurt today. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  6. We’re going to go with Venice… even though that is what we guessed last week AND it probably isn’t right, as that would be too obvious. But that’s all we got! We will be awaiting tomorrow’s answer!!!


  7. It can’t be Venice. I don’t see any gondolas and I can’t smell any marinara sauce. I’m going with Lichtenstein. Don’t ask for the city because the country probably only has one. I’ll kill myself if the answer is in Scotland-the dogs hate when I swing and miss on a Scottish question.


  8. sammy…dood…we due knot noe wear thiz is….. but we due noe thoze peepul… sew we will say…. we dunno either …… peepulz ore place…..coz we dont wanna give any thing…. a way ….eggs cept ta say thatz a stroll down Canale Nicesolo coz google said sew !!! 🙂 ♥♥♥♥♥


  9. As ususal we are berry late an LadyMum iss takin a wild guess…
    Shee says sumwhere in thee netherlandss…
    Not a grate guess…poor LadyMum shee iss havin a ruff week 😉
    **nose bumpss** Unccle Sammy frum neffkitty Siddhartha Henry


    • Know what? She’s making a guess and that’s the important thing – not whether she wins or loses…….it’s that she TRIED! That’s an important thing for all of us to learn little one!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


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