Teaser Tell All





What a grand Teaser we had this week right?  Right?  I think so too!   Before we get to it, I want to thank my fabulous GUEST TEASER, Miss Jackie and my pal Flynn from TwoDevonCats Blog for sending in the amazing photo which Flynn’s Mom took on a cruise!   This photo was actually taken with a long lens from the cruise ship…….BUT FIRST – here’s the photo one more time:

TEASERAUGUST31-2015-2 - Copy

Oh what fun we had with the guesses……”golf ball factory”, “ping pong ball factory” and “egg in a bird nest” were my three faves!  Tee Hee   Where was it actually taken?   North Cape (Nordkapp), Norway at the visitor center – it’s the observation deck there on the island.   Here are two photos Miss Jackie sent me to show you for the Tell All:

A great photo of the Visitor Center

A great photo of the Visitor Center

Flynn's Dad posing at the Nordkapp sign.

Flynn’s Dad posing at the Nordkapp sign.

Miss Jackie and Flynn, thanks for all the fun – this is for you!

Thanks Miss Jackie and Flynn!

Thanks Miss Jackie and Flynn!

Now for how the rest of you did…………………….the very first commenter was actually TWO “very firsts” – came in at the same minute so I’m awarding both Miss Annie of Animal Couriers AND Miss Kolytyi a FIRST COMMENTER badge!


WHO was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?   One person guessed NORWAY……..not Nordkapp but at least the country was right….who was that??????  My friend Shoko from Canadian Cats blog!  This is for you Shoko!


Nobody else guessed it right – at least as long as I was online last night checking anyway – but if anyone else DID guess right, this is for you!


AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST……………..MY FANS OF THE “WEARING OF THE GREEN”!!!!!!  Those of you who didn’t know the Teaser or guessed wrong!!!!


Wasn’t that FUN?  I think so too!!!!  Can’t wait to see what we pull out of the hat next week!




69 responses »

  1. Well, CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners! And a special congrats to the guest Teasers because they sure fooled me! I thought for sure Mr. Austin had it and then I googled and the picture of the Air Force Base sure had me going! This is one of the best Teasers! Norway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I googled that Air Force Base after you and Austin jumped on board with that answer and they do in fact have a similar “GOLF BALL” there – this was a toughie indeed………….Loved this Teaser – thanks to Flynn and his Mum Miss Jackie!!!!!

      Love and consolation cheeseburgers,

      Liked by 1 person

    • It really is an unusual building but seeing it from the front makes it look more “normal” doesn’t it? Pretty interesting spot though……..love that golf ball hat it’s wearing!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Oh my, oh my! I should have known! A friend of mine has just bicyled to the North Cape, all the way up from Germany. But he never showed the buildings from this angle, of course, as he was on the land all the time.
    Have a wonderful day,


  3. **LadyMum slaps her paw to her forehead**
    Mew mew mew Unccle Sammy you got LadyMum good!!!
    Shee wood have said Norway butt she thott it was too far away…
    Another ‘Greenie’ for us 😉
    Fankss fur a grate Teezer Unccle!
    ~~~head rubss~~~ neffkitty Dharth Henry ~~~


  4. Aw, we missed a funny one yesterday! Love those guesses! I thought Easy must be behind one of those guesses but had to look back and see that he said snowball factory….we like that one too!


  5. You and Flynn’s humans stumped us again. Boo-hoo! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi Tabbies!!! What’s shakin’ my friends? That was really a very tough Teaser wasn’t it? Flynn’s parents take amazing trips………I love it when I have a TOUGH TOUGH Teaser though – wonder if I can do that again next week?! Meanwhile, enjoy some fresh fish for me will ya?

      Love, Sammy


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