Run Bunnies, Run!



 Yep – that’s what Mom said so today is the day!


You know I complain a whole lot about monster day but really I appreciate that Mom and Dad keep the house so nice and neat and clean all week.  With just the three of us living here and rarely having company, the place stays pretty nice and straight though.  The bunnies are few and far between………..Dad changes the filters in the A/C system regularly……when Mom dusts every Friday we don’t have so much dust you can write in it !!     Just a sprinkle here and there…….still, with two monster machines going on two different floors it can be a bit noisy around here for a while.   Today I get a bit of a break……..they won’t be simultaneously  monsterizing because Dad isn’t here!  He’s flying (again) as today is a carbon copy of yesterday with beautiful weather.  Mom will be doing the whole house BUT one floor at a time!   YAY!

So enough about housecleaning……………. how about I tell you about my vet’s phone call to Mom this afternoon.   Turns out my thyroid level is slightly high.  That isn’t a big surprise to my Mom because she’s the one who tries everything to get me to take my pill every day…..and I’m the one who digs his ginger heels in on some days and simply WILL NOT COOPERATE.   Yeah – I take the fall on this one.  Not Mom.   We’ve tried every flavor of yogurt (which worked for a long time), almost every flavor of baby food (which mostly works but not every single time) and you know we tried pill paste, pill pockets and sneaking it in people food including bacon and NOTHING works as well as the baby food.   SO, Mom is going to really work harder to get me to EAT my pill.     As it is, she gives me a little in my first taste of baby food in the morning……then if I’m really eating it well she’ll give me a bit more or sometimes all of it at that time.  If I don’t cooperate, she’ll give me a little then wait until afternoon to try again – AND AGAIN – AND AGAIN  so Mom is trying.   She will continue to try and I promise I will try harder too!    Doc says transdermal is the next step but he really thinks that because my level is only slightly elevated, if Mom can get me to eat more of the pills, I’ll be fine.   THE END.    I go back in 4 months for another checkup.

My Catsultant......hahahaha

My Catsultant……hahahaha

All you ever wanted to know about my health but were afraid to ask (hahahahaha)……………I tell you all everything anyway even if you don’t wanna hear it!

That’s about it for the Friday Report from Casa Kimmell.   I hope all of you are fine, furry and fluffy this morning (or at least FINE!!!!!)……………have a super Friday……………….

Hugs, Sammy


66 responses »

  1. I guess you will just have to learn to take your medicine, Sammy! As if that is going to happen, MOL! Seriously, I hope you and your human come to some sort of agreement.


  2. we have a great bunnie-hunt here too… my grampy is on the way with the elephant skate and therefore my momma wants to present (or to pretend?) a clinically clean crib :o) Sammy I wish I would have an idea for the pill-battle… I bet you still tried to dissolve the pills in a little water to mix it between baby food or yogurt…and that idea can backfire, in worst case you have to throw away the pill and the food when the cat/dog says No, thanks …


    • Hi Easy! I’m so glad that your Grampy is on the way back with the Skate! You need that as I’m sure your Mom is anxious to go to the store to buy you more toys – right? RIGHT????? Maybe Grampy will not only have a hedge trimmer in the car but some more toys for you to terrorize? I hope so! Yes, sometimes Mom “wastes” a pill because she’ll mix the powder up in the baby food and give it to me and I look at her like “ARE YOU KIDDING ME???” and walk away. Not often though – usually I eat a little bit first. Mom just crushes up another pill and tries again later. Happily my pills aren’t expensive or Mom would make me get a job to support my pill habit! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


        • Well dear friend as I recall, your Dad didn’t do so well with his “on the street” collection did he? My Mom is hoping to avoid having to go door to door selling magazines or flowers or pencils…..we’re glad my pills are reasonably priced (because everything else in the world is NOT reasonable!!!!!).

          Hugs, Sammy


  3. Has your mom tried cream cheese, S? I LOVE cream cheese and it’s sticky enough to hang onto the medicine. When I was new here, Mom had to give me worm and parasite medicine and cream cheese did the trick. That was before she knew that I would just eat the pills like candy because I eat anything. Eat first ask questions later – that’s my motto.

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake I did try cream cheese once and thought it was pretty tasty stuff – then the next day Mom tried it again and I looked at her like “ARE YOU KIDDING????!!!!” – so she tried sour cream and THAT worked for a few days. I love your motto – I may give that a try…..I do know that I need to be more COOPERATIVE with the whole pill thing. Mom worries too much!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Oh, Sammy, I do think you’re the one who’s a bit “trying”…!!! Trying your poor Mom’s patience!! Just kidding, but hopefully, you’ll be in the mood to take your meds a bit more regularly.
    You know we just want you to be the healthiest that you can be!!
    Glad for the good report from your vet.
    Love, Sundae


    • I need to do a better job so Mom will not be worried about me all the time. I know she wants to help me feel the best that I can – I promised her this morning that I would try to be better about taking it. In fact I had MOST of it this morning already!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sammy my furrend….please….. please co-operate more with mom. We need you at your best. Your many talents are important to all us Scouts. We still have so much to learn from you.
    Scout Charles


    • Oh Charles what a SWEET and kind thing to say. I have promised my Mom that I will do better about taking my pill – sometimes I’m just a real stinker about it but it makes her unhappy so I will try HARDER to take it. Thank you for being concerned about “this OLD Scout” – I have so much fun in Scouts and with my blog that I want to be around for a long time…..that alone should make me TAKE MY MEDS! HAHA

      Love and Salutes, Sammy


  6. Sammy I sure wish we had more ideas to help your poor Mama. Maybe Mom should just give it to you all at once? I think your Mom tried wrapping it in a tiny piece of cheese too, right? My Mom is stretching her brain to try and think of more things (but you know how empty my Mom’s brain is!!) C’mon pal, take that pill, it’s not so bad! Love, Cody


    • I was very good this morning and had almost ALL of it in some beef with beef gravy baby food. There’s just a bit left for Mom to give me later………I’m going to try harder to cooperate – really I am. Mom has tried EVERYTHING except forcing me to take it. That truly is at the bottom of her list though (thankfully!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Sammy- you need to take your medicine. I can’t believe you won’t take it with bacon. You are lucky your Mom doesn’t toss it down your throat and blow on your nose like I do to Millie. My other 2 boys take it in food, but he won’t so he leaves me no choice.


    • HA! My Mom threatens me with the pill pushing DEVICE, and forcing my mouth open to take it, etc. but she just can’t bring herself to do that SOOOOOOOOOOO she smashes the pill into smithereens and puts it in something delish like baby food……..usually it works but sometimes I’m just not IN THE MOOD for the pill….she thinks I can’t taste it in there but of course I can. Even my doc says it tastes disgusting! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Mom and Dad are waiting to hear back from our vet to find out if I am hyperthyroid. They hope not, because the pilling thing will be awful with me – I am so finicky about food, I bet I would even reject baby food. Glad you are doing pretty well.


    • I hope you won’t have to take pills Simba because I am VERY VERY picky about food too BUT Mom did find (even though she told everyone it WOULD NOT WORK) that I will take it if it’s smashed up and “hidden” in either ham, beef, or chicken BABY FOOD! Good old Gerber Baby Food! Can you believe it? Mom was sure I wouldn’t eat it but it’s too yummy to resist!

      Good luck SImba……..
      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Oh cousin. I hate to say it but you might want to give in just a little bit more on those pills. You don’t want things getting worse. We all have to show our streaks of being pig headed at times… trust me on that. I can be bad at being pig headed – snorts. Have a great day and weekend! XOXO – Bacon


  10. Those dust bunnies are here all the time because it seems like we shed just once, but it lasts all year long:) We don’t mind the noisy vacula as long as it stays away from our tails:)

    Glad the report is showing just a little elevation. Hope Mom can find more ways to trick you, we mean, give you your meds:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  11. We know this one sneaks us medicines too. How bout crushing it to bits and mixing it with your favorite foods
    Lily & Edward


  12. Mom says since they were gone for 2 days she won’t get the sucky monster out until maybe tomorrow. Too much else to do this afternoon. I’d rather her suck the dust bunnies than take me in for my annual check up!!
    Sammy darlin’ speaking of sucking things…you need to step up and be more cooperative with the pill deal. Sounds like your mom is spending the day getting you to ‘suck it up’!!
    Hugs madi and mom


    • Oh Madi I know I need to be better about my pill – I really do – but I’m just so PICKY when it comes to food. I’ve always been like that but now I’m even WORE! I promise to try though – really and truly!

      Love, Sammy


  13. Sammy, you need to be a good Cat Scout and ALWAYS take your pill. It is very important for you to stay healthy. When my Mom was growing up, she had lots of chores. One of those was to dust he furniture EVERDAY! Can you even imagine. Hope you have a great weekend and the weather stays purrfect. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Every single day? My goodness….well, I bet your Mom is the BEST duster ever thanks to having to dust every day when she was a young lady. My Mom didn’t have housework but she sure had to keep her bedroom clean OR ELSE! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


        • Oh Kali… MUST go potty! My vet told my Mom that if I ever get “backed up” (!) to give me a little bit of Metamucil (people stuff for that problem) – just a little bit. But let’s hope you “DO IT” on your own!!!!

          Love, Sammy


  14. Sounds like your mom is really nice… I assume you are aware that some peeps use the pill on the finger down the throat routine. If I were you I would take the pill however it comes; especially once she reads this and starts considering this method seriously.


    • Oh Mom says she would never be able to do the finger/throat thing. No way…….I’ve told her that I will TRY to be more cooperative – I’ll do anything if it means no finger/throat or that evil “piller” tube!

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. At leest yur tryin to take thee meddycayshun Unccle Sammy!
    It iss not easy to take medss iss it??
    LadyMum tried usin thee Optixcare Ointmint thee Vet said shee should bee usin on mee ‘ouchie’ eye. Well it stung ALOT an mee flinched an pulled away. LadyMum did 5 treetmintss an then switched back to mee other ointment an no flinchin or stingin or anyfing! LadyMum called thee Vet an shee did not know why it was hertin mee eye….
    LadyMum iss not happy with her again (or iss that still?)
    Lady Nikki bott thee tube fur half price an mee iss back on mee nice ointment!
    Wee keepss our Mumma’ss on their toess rite Unccle???
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


    • Oh I’m so glad that you still are using ointment for your eye little one……it’s important – we need to be able to see really good so we can never miss a treat, never miss a squirrel to watch, and ALWAYS keep both eyes on our Moms so we can take care of them!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee has Aunty-bye-otick oinmint fur thee ‘ouchie’ eye an thee Lacralubefur mee good eye! There iss not ALOT of Aunty-bye-otick inn thee ointment an Doc Dave said it was ok fur LadyMum to use it long term (back when wee went to him!).
        It has nevurr stinged mee!!
        There has to bee sumfin in thee Optixcare that hertss mee already ‘ouchie’ eye….
        An yur rite mee wants as much of mee eyesite as mee can get!! There iss a lot to see an even playin toyss mee wants to see well!!!!
        An to find thee treetss, mew mew mew…
        **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry xXx
        Pee S; try to take yur med Unccle; it will help you…..


          • 🙂 I know you will try hard Unccle Sammy! Pillss are not fun to take butt sumtimess they iss necessary fur our health…
            Mee did not like that Optixcare…it stinged! LadyMum finks t should not be used on katss with Corneal Scarrin like mee has. An mee agrees that mee not want anymore pain…mee suffered turribull when mee was a littul kitt (an mee almost died!)
            Mee appurrsheatess a painfree an happy life!!!! 😉
            ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


  16. Meowsy gweat dat yous be havin’ such nice wevver Sammy. It be hot, hot, HOT here so weez duin’ a lot of nappin’ and chillin’. Weez hate dat yous nummers was up, cuz mommy has da fyroid purrawllems and sez when yous off even a little yous body feels it. Weez sure hope you keep takin’ yous medicine fur yous mommy. Sissy sez ifin it’s just one or two pills she wuld rather have mommy use da pill push so it be over and dun wiff and then get a special tweat of sum kind afterwards. Hers antibiotic dat she be takin’ fur da UTI be a liquid, and she just opens up and lets mommy squirt it in so she can get on wiff da good stuffs. Weez sendin’ lots of purrayers.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  17. I am glad your thyroid level is only slightly elevated Sammy. You have to try harder for your mum though and get that pill down so your levels can be spot on.

    Liked by 1 person

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