Perfect Thursday!



It’s a perfectly perfect day……. !

The weather lady has been teasing us since last week that we’d have two perfect days this week…… and tomorrow.   So far so good with her prediction (although she’s often wrong!)……this is going to be a beautiful day and I think Mom and I will have some good “outside/frontporch/yard” time together.  Dad is going flying – he likes flying on PERFECT days.

Dad putting the plane away in the hangar after flying

I’m hoping for a PERFECT report from my vet on the blood work he did Tuesday too.   I had my 4 months checkup for my hyperthyroidism.  Mom’s hoping that my pills are doing the trick.  Since I’m so DIFFICULT about taking my pill, if I’m still in good range then it’s OK if I’m a pain in the tushie sometimes about taking it!

Sam enjoying the front porch on a pretty fall day

How could she call such a PRECIOUS ginger kitty a “pain in the tushie” ??

My PERFECT Thursday is even starting out PERFECTLY.    Mom promised me bacon this morning – WHAT??????   Bacon on a Thursday?   Sure!  Why not!  I deserve a special treat once in a while…..after all I’m Mom’s PERFECT little darling!

Hugs and hope you have a PERFECT day too!

Love, Sammy the PURRRFECT!

Will the REAL purrrfect ginger kitty please raise your paw!

Will the REAL purrrfect ginger kitty please raise your paw!

77 responses »

  1. I hope for good news from the vet, Sammy and I hope after you got the results there is another big piece of bacon for you. I will watch the sky now, maybe I can wave at your dad… can he wave with a wing when he is over my back yard? we currently have a lot of flying machines on the sky, maybe today we have a worldwide fly day?


    • Dad does wave with his wings when he’s over our house and if we know ABOUT when we might see him, we try to be in the yard to wave back! Is the weather perfect there? Might be why you have a lot of planes over your house – in perfect weather we have a lot here too. There are two small airports nearby.

      Hugs and Love, Sammy


      • we have two small and two bigger airports around and today are a lot planes on the sky, they bring a lot of sailplanes because the thermal uplift thingy is good today. and even the airforce decided to bug us today with breaking the sonic barrier … uhoh!


  2. Good luck on your tests. I wish I was flying with your dad. My dad owned a plane with a friend when I was young but his friend crashed it (he was ok but the plane was not so good after that).


  3. Those fake Sammys are almost as cute as you. I am glad you got some bacon and our paws are crossed that your thyroid levels are good. XO


    • Well doc says my thyroid level is slightly high – he’s not concerned though because I looked good when he examined me, even my heart murmer is the same and no worse…….so for now, Mom is to keep trying to get me to take my pill EVERY DAY, and we re-check in 4 months again!

      Thanks for the crossed paws!
      Love, Sammy


  4. Hi Sammy,
    I hope your tests come all out positive. But it might still be the medication after all, mightn’t it? I hope you’ll find some way to more easily take it.
    Thanks for your concern and good wishes for our little Chiquita. Gladly she seems to be fine again. Her medication [she takes it easily with KITTY! pill pockets or grilled chicken] seems to have helped. She’s eating regularly again, though she has developed a liking for barbequed chicken! That gourmet doggie! 😉 Well, so far we’ve indulged her, as she is recovering still. We’ll see how it’ll go, though, with some different kind of food.
    Have a great day, and hopefully more gorgeous weather,


    • Hi Mr. Pit. Well, my doc called to say my thyroid level is slightly high but he said he wasn’t worried for now. He said my heart murmer wasn’t any worse but if I’d shown any signs of stress he would have suggested we try transdermal meds. He just wants Mom to continue finding things that I’ll take my pill in REGULARLY. I won’t eat pill pockets or pill paste but I do love baby food so Mom has tried several kinds and I’ve been BETTER about taking my pill. We’ll just keep on “keepin’ on” ! I’m glad Chiquita is better – maybe both of us can keep taking our pills and hang in there for a long time to come – someone needs to keep an eye on you humans!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Sammy,
        Glad to hear you’re doing (fairly) well. So you’re into baby food where Chiquita is into barbecued chicken. Exquisite taste you two have! 😉 But if it helps to get the medicine down, it’s fine.
        I sure hope that both you and Chiquita will be around for a long time to come to have an eye on us. Who else would be keeping us humans out of mischief?! 😉
        Take best of care,


        • Yes Mr. Pit – believe me, Chiquita and I both want to be here as long as possible to make sure our humans are behaving themselves! As long as Chiquita gets that BBQd chicken and I eat my baby food all should be well!!

          Love, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dear Lily and Edward……my doc called to say that my thyroid is slightly over the limit but he’s not worried for now. I got another break ! Re-check in 4 months! YAY!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. A pain in the tushie and a purrfect little darling all in one post…soinds like Lily Olivia. MOL! Keeping our paws crossed that your blood work comes back showing you are in good shape. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Well blood work showed my thyroid level to be a bit high but my doc says that’s probably because I’m so stubborn about taking the pill every day. He told Mom to try harder (as if she could try any harder than she does) to get me to take it. He said that I looked “great” when he’d seen me and if I’d looked sick he would be concerned but he isn’t for now. Recheck in 4 months and Mom has to try to get me to take the pill more than I do now. Mom really tries her BEST – but maybe I should be a little more COOPERATIVE!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Enjoy your day, your flowers are gorgeous. Sweet Sammy surely your mom never says you are a pain in the tushie….you could never be that. That picture of you on the porch and all those lovely flowers is a winner. It should be framed and hung for all to see. Love, hugs and nose kisses all around from all of us.


    • Thank you! It’s actually an old photo – from the Fall when mums are everywhere – AND I was a bit heavier then than I am now but I’m still happy to sit in the sunshine surrounded by Mom’s flower pots on a sunny day!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh Meow Sammy what a wunnewful day yous all havin’. And bacon too. Way to go. Weez purrayin’ yous blood tests awe alll good. Have fun and stay cool.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  8. We have to agree that bacon would make any day a perfect one!!! We hope your report comes back with good results. Happy flying to your Dad!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  9. dood…heerz two a purrfect day for your dad…heerz two a purrfect day for ewe N yur mom chillaxin on de porch eatin bacon samiches….heerz two a total lee grate ree port frum yur vet; with blessings frum R pal frank az all ways, N tell yur mom if yur pillz knot two big ta try a wee bit o bread coated with butter…her can make a butter ball …..SAMICH…KNOT TURKEE !!! 🙂

    heerz two an arctic char kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • Mom said she might try that butterball sammich idea….I LOVE butter and maybe she could sneak a bit of my pill in there!!!! Great idea dooods!

      Here’s to a totally tuna-ish Friday!
      Love, Sammy


  10. I see your tests came back a little high — perhaps because you are such a pain in the tushie? Glad your vet is not worried about it. Take your meds and paws crossed for a perfect report in four months!


  11. I am late to this post Sammy but reading that your levels were a bit high but no worries. So you just have to take your pills when your Mom slips them in some treats. Sounds like your Dad had a good fly day!


  12. Unccle Sammy yur pawtastick!!!!! Did you reelly get bacon on Fursday?? mee gotted sum chick-hen thee other day frum LadyMum! Shee has been so nice to mee…well shee allwayss ISS nice but nicer 😉
    Our wether has been grate all week till today. It has been rainin on an off all day so mee iss just havin many back-to-back ‘happy nappyss’
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


    • So you like chicken do you? I used to when I was your age but now I like chicken BABY FOOD but not pieces of actual chicken. Siddhartha don’t get picky and persnickety when you get older – it’s no fun!!!

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  13. MMMMMMM chick-hen iss taste Unccle Sammy…
    Mee iss a bit picky now…..mee not want to eat any food that been sittin out any loner than half hour! LadyMum says mee iss beecomin like Aunt Nylablue an you 😉
    That baby food sounds yummy…..maybe mee should ask fur sum???
    **nose kissesss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  14. Mee mite just put that on LadyMum’ss groceree list…what brand iss you eatin??? Gerburr or Heinzz?
    Ham…..mmmmmmmm….. 😉
    Fankss fur thee idea Unccle Sammy…
    **paw patsss** neffkittySiddhartha Henry xXx


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