Teaser Tell All




That’s right – it’s TELL ALL time!

Well what a fun Teaser that was don’t you think?   Wanna see the photo again before I give you the scoop???????   This was a GUEST TEASER from my Mom’s niece Miss Barbara!   Thank you Miss Barbara – this was one of the most FUN Teaser photos I’ve EVER had on my blog!



Where did Miss Barbara have her photo taken (other than hanging off a cliff of course!!!!!) – this was snapped at Dead Horse Point State Park in Moab, Utah!    Wanna know who guessed it right first?  OK – but  let me tell you who our FIRST COMMENTER was………OR should I say FIRST COMMENTERS?!   This little gem of an award goes to Miss Pix, Oliver and Calvin  AND Flynn!


It was so close – Oliver and Calvin’s “hello” wasn’t given to me until a minute after two other commenters – Miss Pix and Flynn had tied but WP said O&C’s guess was shortly before Flynn an Miss Pix’s…………confused?  So was I so I decided to give it to all three of them!   YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!  Hope you like your NEWLY designed badge you three!

Who was my FIRST RIGHT GUESSER??????????  It was Miss Caren and Cody from CAT CHAT and let me tell you they were VERY happy to get their badge – the first newly designed FIRST RIGHT GUESSER badge and they’re blogging about it today!


Did anyone else guess correctly?   I did have some VERY CLOSE guesses and at least one other Utah one just a different park but if you DID guess correctly, you know what you get!


Then of course there’s that category that seems to be EVER SO POPULAR!   That’s right – it’s the “I don’t know, I haven’t the slightest idea, don’t ask me, DUH” category of guessers who don’t guess right or just plain do NOT know………….you get a brand new GREENIE!


I love all of you whether you were wrong or right because you’re here EVERY TUESDAY and you have fun with me and my wacky sometimes impossible photos.   I SO look forward to Tuesdays.  I hope you do too!


Hugs, The Teaser Guy


63 responses »

  1. Congrats Miss Pix, Oliver and Calvin AND Flynn!!! ANd congrats Caren, Dakota&Cody. I take my greenie today, greenie’s are tasty :o) And it was the funniest teaser photo ever that’s for sure! Many thanks to your niece Sammy, that was very brave to pose that way for a tuesday teaser :o)


  2. Concats to Caren and Cody for being the right guesser! I am super happy to get your new badge for first commenter and it is going right on my awards page. Concats to Miss Pix, Oliver and Calvin too. I hope Miss Barbara has been rescued by now. 😮


  3. Congratulations to Caren and Cody for guessing right! Congratulations to Flynn and Oliver and Calvin and thank you Sammy for my new badge. As soon as I figure out getting it on the blog it will be there with my other badges from Teaser Tuesday! Funny photo for the Teaser and it was a fun Teaser!


    • It was really a cool photo wasn’t it? Everybody loved it….Barbara is a hoot. Caren and Cody were so excited they blogged about it today. If you upload your badge to your media files then use that “designation” WP assigns it to enter the link in your “IMAGE” box that you’ll put on your sidebar or awards page with the IMAGE widget, you’ll be dandy! I always have to adjust the size of something that I put on my sidebar so it’s not TOOOOOO big!

      Sending you hugs and concatulations!
      Love, Sammy


  4. Congratulations to all the winners, we LOVE the Teaser Tuesday and we love to tuna in on Wednesday mornings to see what badge we’re getting, its usually the big greenie, but maybe one day, we’ll get it right 🙂


  5. Goodness me Sammy what a classic picture…crikey 🙂 popped in to say howdy and that we will be up and running again and blogging very soon..so back with a chance of the greenie 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


  6. Mes so furry happy to gets a greenie! Mes should post them all!!!
    And Sammy, that picture is fabulishious! Mes thinks it is the bestest.


      • Purrfect Sammy? Meeoww yous wevver lady must not like hers job. There’s no way a wevver purrson her wuld ever say dat. Just as sure as they did we wuld have stowrms like nopawdy’s ever seen afur. MOL It’s turned hot near da 100’s so weez lazin’ wound and twyin’ to stay cool in da house wiff da a/c. MOL Enjoy yous Purrfect day.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi


          • Oh meow Sammy dat’s pawsum. Weez so glad yous havin’ purrfect wevver. It’s nice and hot here, but weez got da a/c and fans runnin’ full blast so weez stayin’ cool. Have a pawsum day.

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi


  7. Concats to Oliver and Calvin, Flynn and Miss Pix for being first commentators. Mom and I were sound asleep because it was 4am when you Easterners guessed. Also a big round of applause for Cody and Miss Caren for the right answer. We did guess Utah so we were sorta right….MOL



    • Glad you are excited to win again! Who knows – maybe this is the beginning of a “RUN” on First Right Guesser badges for you! Especially if Easy is gonna sleep in! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. conga ratz everee one….N miss Barbara…thatz one awesum fotoz….. thanx for sharin …hope ya hada grate time at de park ~~~{ sammy we bet ewe make that face when ya lern therz no bacon in de houz huh !!! } ♥♥♥


    • That’s VERY CLOSE to the pouty/eeeeeek face I make when bacon is not nice and cozy in the refrigerator waiting for ME! Fortunately Mom keeps that item on the grocery list from week to week so I’ve never had a SHORTAGE!……….YET!

      Hugs and cod filets,


  9. Moab? Been there but didn’t do that. Kyla and Kenzie got to go on a car trip to Montana. On the way back, they stopped in Moab for the night. This was in 2010. The hotel was full of French tourists. About 4AM, the fire alarm went off and they had to take the stairs like all the French. Once outside, there was nobody to talk to. When dawn broke, they decided to go sightseeing but it wasn’t the best-they were sleepy. That’s why we missed this.


    • WOW…..I guess unless the peeps could speak French you’d just have to stand around and wait for the all clear! Also, sightseeing when you’re tired can make for a VERY LONG DAY when you don’t get to see as many things as you might otherwise. Looks like an interesting place though!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. We guessed somewhere near Moab, Utah…does that count? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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